Bummed over Prop 19 loss


Active Member
I know that people here are probably on both sides of this debate but for us folk inside the Iron Curtain, it was our best chance to put pressure on our State Leaders to come out of the Stone Ages. Being able to point to Cali and show that there were no scary monsters in the closet would have been a strong argument.

Sad day for us, we just saw our chances for legalized MMJ pretty much disappear. Where I’m at, we’ll need to see Cali and other States legalize MJ just for us to get legalized MMJ.

You guys in Cali should know that more than likely, the anti MMJ components of the State and Fed were emboldened by this also. Everybody just lost big time. Bummer S


Uses the Rollitup profile
You are absolutely right. The cannabis consumers who campaigned against Prop 19 won't even try to understand what was repeatedly said, that this loss may have set back prohibition reform for decades.

It's a sad day for many in California, too.


Well-Known Member
Screw being bummed. I'm pissed. We just got majorly fucked by what I call the third party of voters. There's people for legalization, people against it, and people that believe in it but have their own agenda so vote no. That third party can S a big fat D, in my opinion. If you aren't smart enough to know that morals > your own agenda, you're nothing but a bane to cannabis.

I hope all of you who voted no get some major bad karma, because you 100% deserve it for fucking a good opportunity at more freedom, and fucking lots of innocent people that are going to deal with bullshit penalties for a plant.


Well-Known Member
I thought more counties would vote yes than the ones that did. Oh well. It just shows that the bay area has the best counties in Cali. :)


Well-Known Member
Screw being bummed. I'm pissed. We just got majorly fucked by what I call the third party of voters. There's people for legalization, people against it, and people that believe in it but have their own agenda so vote no. That third party can S a big fat D, in my opinion. If you aren't smart enough to know that morals > your own agenda, you're nothing but a bane to cannabis.

I hope all of you who voted no get some major bad karma, because you 100% deserve it for fucking a good opportunity at more freedom, and fucking lots of innocent people that are going to deal with bullshit penalties for a plant.
well said!

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I do think the cause has been set back decades for this. I think the chance was missed and now that the house has been flipped, and Nobama probably not making a 2nd term...The one any only shot at this was lost.

I hope it doesn't make it worse for the medical marijuana camp. People can say crazy California said no to legalizing...If they said no to it, there must be something not safe in it...after all damn near everything I buy has a notice that something was found by California to cause cancer.


Well-Known Member
^ Aye. It's really not a good thing for California to basically say, "Hey, even we don't think it should be legal!" especially when the truth is that more than half of Californians really do believe it should be legal.

And people trying to act like they're waiting for a law to come along that gives us MORE than Prop 19 would have, are crazy. The government isn't going to keep coming back with more opportunities with looser guidelines after we turn down this. Best way for us to have gotten looser guidelines would be to have passed Prop 19 and get weed more understood, and then revisions could have been made.


Well-Known Member
I keep hearing that there this is setting things back, but I really do not think so. This was a loss, yes...but it can also be pointed out how close the vote was. I think if this Prop had been introduced in 2012, it would have been a hit. It relied too heavily on a liberal vote (though I am basically conservative and voted yes) which does not materialize in off cycle elections. The time to attempt this sort of thing is when the presidency is at stake. I also think that if the growers were not involved, it could have passed. They voted no, and frankly for good reason. I would vote against something that threatened my living as well.

As it is, it is doubtful that anything will be done regarding medical cannabis in this state. It would require another prop to repeal 215, and that will simply not happen.


Active Member
I'm just saying that it hurt the rest of us by not passing albeit because of the perception of defeat rather than defeat on its merit. The rest of the country is saying “Damm, if Cali doesn’t even want it legal it must be bad.

I think you guys just won the battle and lost the war, that’s all I’m saying. S


Active Member
The perception of anyone that doesn’t consume cannabis is this: MJ is a controlled substance just like liquor or worse. Some think it’s ok to legalize and some think it should be a capital offense for using or selling. That’s the cold hard fact. Right or wrong, that is how non consumers see MJ.

It will never be treated like aspirin due to minors. Anyone that thinks differently is kidding themselves.

MJ will need to be controlled just as liquor is controlled in order for it to ever be legalized. That will require taxes and laws like the one you all just voted down. It may not have been the perfect language but it was a start and could have been tweaked and modified.

This was a simple case of growers protecting their turf just like the Liquor and Prescription drug companies do.

All of you that voted no, voted to protect your wallets, by our hardship and loss. Shame on you.

You just set us all back decades. S

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
... I also think that if the growers were not involved, it could have passed. They voted no, and frankly for good reason. I would vote against something that threatened my living as well...
YOU THINK! I believe the growers, workers, and all associated with the ILLEGAL sales of MJ defeated the prop.
I understand your point, but growers are in the business of crime right now. MJ is illegal federally. I am sorry that I don't have a lot of sympathy for someone who makes their living illegally.
I work, I pay my taxes, I grow a little and enjoy my fruits but I don't sell. For a selfish criminal who doesn't want to get a legal job and keeps MJ illegal for high profit fuck you! Because of you, if my little percy grow is ever found, I GO TO JAIL! That's pretty damn selfish.
Also, when Nobama is gone, with all the republicans who 99% of the time side for law enforcement decide to enforce federal laws bat shit crazy...Your going to wish Prop 19 passed while your being dragged to prison and your crops destroyed.
Ya might not of been as rich with Prop 19, but without it, when the feds decide to act (and I think they will after this) your nothing but fresh meat for the criminal system and your only chance of legality is gone. Even with the size limits, the gorilla growers will always have a large patch somewhere anyways. LEO would be to busy watching the LEGAL shops.


Well-Known Member
Even though I don't live in CA,I was excited about prop19 passing.After finding it didn't pass,all im going to say is alot of mexican gangs & other gangs probly voted for the first time in their life.


Well-Known Member
Look on the bright side, Steve Cooley could still win the AG spot in California. He has promised to clean up what he calls fraud in 215. He seems to feel there are way to many cards being issued for allergies and stress and he intends to shut those down and define illness as aids, cancer, stroke, etc....

I hope he wins and makes 215 what it was intended for, compassionate use for the seriously ill. That was how it was sold to the voters in 1996 when it was approved. It would serve the no voters right.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Look on the bright side, Steve Cooley could still win the AG spot in California. He has promised to clean up what he calls fraud in 215. He seems to feel there are way to many cards being issued for allergies and stress and he intends to shut those down and define illness as aids, cancer, stroke, etc....

I hope he wins and makes 215 what it was intended for, compassionate use for the seriously ill. That was how it was sold to the voters in 1996 when it was approved. It would serve the no voters right.
... agreed, maybe penalise a few of the dodgy doctors who "prescribe" the medication.
If people want to make a living growing cannabis, let them take the risks that go with dealing prohibited substances.
I dont think 215 was ever intended to allow growers to smoke themselves stupid while making a very comfortable living supplying people with bogus claims to the "medication".


Active Member
Many had a chance to go legit and like idiots, they voted a self serving “no”. I'll feel no pity for them when the winds change and the feds start flexing their muscles. Sometimes you just have to laugh when people who think they’re smarter than anyone else, gets caught in their own trap.

I'll just ask them, how's that “greedy thingy” working out for ya now? S

California Buds

Well-Known Member
Try pointing in your own closet and showing that there are no scary monsters.
I love how people were on our dicks when prop 215 passed and especially when prop 19 was getting voted on.
But now that it's over everyone is pointing fingers at California even though we are still the pioneers of Marijuana even after the fact.

I do agree with klmmicro though. We should have waited until 2012.