Autoflower Breeding


When breeding autoflowers, how long should I wait before the seeds are fully developed? When should I pollinate the branches of the female? Also, when should I get the pollen from the pollen sacs? (at how many days in?)


Active Member
Youll harvest the plant and dry/cure normally. but Im subscribing because I too would like to know when is best to collect pollen and pollenate on autos.. Good luck with your grow man.


Well-Known Member
When breeding autoflowers, how long should I wait before the seeds are fully developed? When should I pollinate the branches of the female? Also, when should I get the pollen from the pollen sacs? (at how many days in?)
I've never done autos but I'm sure there's no difference from regular weed for the times.
It takes ROUGHLY 4 weeks from the time you polinated till the seeds are ripe so you want to get that pollen on asap to make sure they're done before harvest.
You can gather pollen as soon as it's available. The healthier the male the more viable it will be. I've heard it also makes for stronger offspring, but that's just hear-say


Active Member
Yes you just gather the pollen when it falls. i use a white peice of paper cut a slit in it, to slide itunder the base of the plant between it and the pot. When lots start to open i'll tap it on the paper when i am harvesting it. You'll know it's time when you see it happening.

4 weeks is the min for a seed to mature, if you pollenate a lower branch early by the time the top buds finish the seeds will be NICE and ripe. Fairly fail safe really.