I do grow i just wish i could do it LEGALLY and not have to worry about any CONSEQUENCES over a plant that was put on this earth for a reason ..Way to go guys only thinking about yourselves and making a quick buck ... and BTW 8ths are $35-$40 from my connect ...O well theres always next time
i live in CO. and we will probably be next if cali legalizes it. our state is hurting and could use the taxes that would come from legalization. you shouldnt have to have a medical reason to use something that is safer than cigs and alcohol. and on the comment on more stoners in cali, i know many people, in the bible belt none the less, that say the would smoke if it were legal. most people are like that. they just dont want to do anything illegal, but want to smoke.
People dont look and the big picture they just see there dirty check book!!
I do grow i just wish i could do it LEGALLY and not have to worry about any CONSEQUENCES over a plant that was put on this earth for a reason ..Way to go guys only thinking about yourselves and making a quick buck ... and BTW 8ths are $35-$40 from my connect ...O well theres always next time
I do grow i just wish i could do it LEGALLY and not have to worry about any CONSEQUENCES over a plant that was put on this earth for a reason ..Way to go guys only thinking about yourselves and making a quick buck ... and BTW 8ths are $35-$40 from my connect ...O well theres always next time
guess ill just have to fake an illness and get a card like some of u did
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yeah i didnt see that you were from nor cal. yeah I sell 8ths for 35 buck. 220 a ounce. thats fair right?
What? I don't what your talking about, most people who want to smoke already do regardless if it is legal or not. Besides California doesnt need marijuana revenue lol.... we need to get these all illegals out of here. They've literally infested the construction industry, cant compete when Julio works for 7 bucks an hour.
View attachment 1247306View attachment 1247307
yeah i didnt see that you were from nor cal. yeah I sell 8ths for 35 buck. 220 a ounce. thats fair right?
and thats the double truth ruth
prop 19 would have brought 1000s of new business ideas to the state . good job retards who voted no.
all I got to say is hell motha fucken yeah. everyone that seen thru this bullshit prop smoke a blunt everyone else I told you so
Man i wish i could make a donation to you when I'm outa meds haha.... Its hard to find clinics with ultra danks for 50$ 8th.
Fkc i am a medical grower, but i wanted this to pass for all my other cannabis lovers. We all share the love for weed why prevent others from it !!!!! Maybe in 2012 !!! WELL SEE !!!!
View attachment 1247306View attachment 1247307
yeah i didnt see that you were from nor cal. yeah I sell 8ths for 35 buck. 220 a ounce. thats fair right?