prop 19 didnt pass. fuk yeah!

its all gud. they still give me 3600 a pound for the purp. I feel that fair

Yeah when i was offered 220 an O i was kinda shocked at first but i took it since i needed the cash for that months electricity, gave em 2 of my 6 Oz. lol.... I sometimes wonder if those guys literally line there walls wish cash each month.
oh good. last time i checked it was only 5%. i hope it passes. itll cause the politicians to reconsider the legality of pot, and make the social stigma that comes with it go away. pot should be LEGAL. all of you that want it to be illegal, are just as bad as the mexican drug cartels. you dont love the herb, you just want to get rich.
glad you fucked it up for the rest of the nation. so you can make some money and not have to work.

Nation? It was a state wide vote! If you can't get a MMJ card in Cali then you are a stupid ass! You can get one for anything! Fuck the lazy people go get your card and you can grow more!
Seriously, people if you live in cali just get your card and now all you get is a 100$ ticket no court or anything as of January 1st 2011 if you don't have one, so go cry more super liberals.
it is shitty it didnt pass, it really should have been. now al the cali growers can be happy cuz they will make theri money still. i wish it would have passed it would have been a huge step in getting legalized every where else
it is shitty it didnt pass, it really should have been. now al the cali growers can be happy cuz they will make theri money still. i wish it would have passed it would have been a huge step in getting legalized every where else

People dont look and the big picture they just see there dirty check book!!
i live in CO. and we will probably be next if cali legalizes it. our state is hurting and could use the taxes that would come from legalization. you shouldnt have to have a medical reason to use something that is safer than cigs and alcohol. and on the comment on more stoners in cali, i know many people, in the bible belt none the less, that say the would smoke if it were legal. most people are like that. they just dont want to do anything illegal, but want to smoke.
Let me edumacate you guys... Prop 19 will never pass the fact that marijuana is illegal was based on political hype by special interest with racial overtones. The law is very stupid and still is. However, we live in a world now where you get cited for talking on a cell phone or not wearing a safety belt. The establishment has to be responsible for allowing another impaired driver on the road through legalization, and believe me... if it is legalized you will see more DUIs from cannabis users. That is already happening in California as I know of a med user that got a DUI because the cop smelled it and said he didn't pass the roadside sobriety test. Ive had my doubts that California can pull this off. and if it passes in the end the Feds will likely sue California if it did pass. Too much at stake. Too many people in jail for it, too much risk of traffic fatalities, too many drug fighting jobs lost. Everyone from drug counselors to prison guards are against this law passing. It is an absolute empire at stake.
Its looking like its not going to pass. I'm glad, we dont need rich people coming and doing mass production of this shit, that would just mean the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, which is already happening drastically and will continue to happen unless a change occurs.
quit buying 60 dollar 8ths and get a grow light. that simple

I do grow i just wish i could do it LEGALLY and not have to worry about any CONSEQUENCES over a plant that was put on this earth for a reason ..Way to go guys only thinking about yourselves and making a quick buck ... and BTW 8ths are $35-$40 from my connect ...O well theres always next time