Are you talking about e.c ,ppm or p.h?I'm not too well versed with ec and ppm, but I've found my plants quite happy at 5.0
I mean EC, and i mean 5.0Are you talking about e.c ,ppm or p.h?
I guess if its e.c you mean 0.5 ? 5.0 is very strong bro . Theres a guide on here with all the ec&ppm s need ,soon as i find ill post alink..
I mean EC, and i mean 5.0the plants don't appear to outwardly suffer in anyway, although sure, i migh be slowing down the bud growth or something, but i seem to get by. The tank starts off at 1.5-2.0 and regardless what the starting strength, due to the plants drinkig a lot of the water, and a lot being evaporated off, the EC rises over teh week then get's reset come watering day. Ideally though i'd rather not have it this way but am pondering what medium and system etc before i spend more money trying to tweak what i have only to buy the new system anyway
Its roughly the same down here- £200 /£240 an oz , haze seems to the highest price right now..we pay £200 a Oz of blue cheese round these neck of the woods
One plants does look slighty yellow but the rest its the flash ,all nice and green for now..Probably just the flash or such but looks like a slight yellowing. That aside, damn, looks like a lovely bunch, i can imagine them gorwing out ust lovely!
Mmmmm, 8.2% genuine cider for £1.50 a pintday off tomorrow other than lunch with me mam, souhld be a right laugh
thats what we were getting up here, import for £260 but then all the dam merch stopped all of a sudden and now its just shitty english homegrown orange bud £180 or damp cheese £220 an ozlol £260-£280 per oz down my way £40 for 3.5g or even better £20 for 1.5g takes the piss dun it mind u its all imported shit from dam like amnesia haze, super silver haze, super lemon haze, and cheeses gettin bored of cheeses n hazes now need somethin new