Club 600


Well-Known Member
Might as well do it now, huh.
I can't remember what day it was that I put the seedlings that I wanted to use for a 12/12 experiment in the flower room. Didn't write it down where I keep track of the other plants and didn't post it in my thread either so I have to guess.

Was actually wondering what would happen if I was to put them in the veg room under cycle 20/4 for a few weeks now that they've been in under the 12/12 for a coupe weeks. Didn't know if that would stress them a lot and possibly cause them to hermie later or if they'd just go dormant for a few weeks and then return to veg growth or if they'd just keep right on growing since they haven't matured yet.

Not saying I'm going to do that, was just curious about it since I've only been doing this since the beginning of this year and am still learning a lot everyday. It would be kinda cool to veg them for 2-3 weeks though and then stick them under the 2nd 600 since I'm pretty sure I'd yield more from them that way. There's four of them and I have two more of the same strains vegging right now that are around the same size as the middle one of these.

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
if its 12-12 now, im pretty sure reverting back will stress the plant. weather or not its enough stress to hermie is up to the plant


Well-Known Member
kool man do you have a make or brand name for me?
hey don what up bro? look here those vacuum sealers are great, and the one heads up suggested is the shit for the price, just remember that if you are trying to get it pass some one in particular. just make sure you wash tthe hell out of the outside of the bag, because if you get the smell of weed on the outside of the bag sealing it is pointless. see what most people dont realize is that its not the smell coming through(air-tight duh), its whatever residue from your hands, fingers, or whatever that can get you busted. now dont get me wrong what heads up said is 100% true. you can seal that stuff up and not smell a thing "forever", but that only applies to humans, if there are going to be any dogs involved i would seal it, wash the fuck out of the outside of the bag, and then seal that bag in a clean bag that has not touched, rubbed, or been anywhere near any cannabis. thats how you vacuum seal weed. just my two cents.



Well-Known Member
got leaves curlin down for first time. other than that, looks great. any advise gets mad props as its a new issue..........not qute sure whats up, any ideas?



Well-Known Member
if its 12-12 now, im pretty sure reverting back will stress the plant. weather or not its enough stress to hermie is up to the plant
Pretty much what I figured. I'll just have to dig deep and find the patience to wait for the other 6 seedlings to be ready to flower before seeing my new flower room in all it's glory, LOL. That's been the plan all along but I'm always coming with different scenarios for the grow.

I intentionally built the room the way I did so I still have the option of doing a vertical grow too. May keep one light horizontal in one half of the room and build some sort of vertical in the other half. I'd probably just do a short vertical to try it out with one 600 and if it yields significantly higher than the other side of the room, raise the ceiling height on one half and do one that's taller with both lights. It's really a matter of having a vertical design I'm happy with since it seems that access to the center is an issue of you go 360 degrees around the light with plants.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hey Zen, whats up fella! im good just been thinking that for the last few weeks everywhere i go i can smell pot and of course what your saying is the cause! the oils n terpines just dont come off clothes unles you wash them fingers etc is an all day thing haha im thinking when i crop im going to seal up the O's. wearing some vynl gloves. i looked at smell proof baggies but i know from experience those double seals dont last forever.

i dont think i would trust myself to have wasshd the bagdown right hah knowing me id fumble and end up filling the bag with water

stay up man!

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
Pretty much what I figured. I'll just have to dig deep and find the patience to wait for the other 6 seedlings to be ready to flower before seeing my new flower room in all it's glory, LOL. That's been the plan all along but I'm always coming with different scenarios for the grow.

I intentionally built the room the way I did so I still have the option of doing a vertical grow too. May keep one light horizontal in one half of the room and build some sort of vertical in the other half. I'd probably just do a short vertical to try it out with one 600 and if it yields significantly higher than the other side of the room, raise the ceiling height on one half and do one that's taller with both lights. It's really a matter of having a vertical design I'm happy with since it seems that access to the center is an issue of you go 360 degrees around the light with plants.
theres just so many options its incredible. i cannot wait till the day when we can all grow legally.


Well-Known Member
theres just so many options its incredible. i cannot wait till the day when we can all grow legally.
I'm legal now and I think that's made it harder for me to decide which way I'll vote tomorrow. I think the vertical will have a place in many homes if 19 passes tomorrow since people will be able to use the 25 square feet more effectively by not having a height restriction. I think some people will be getting very creative with their 25 square feet.

Consider if you set up your space in a room with a vaulted ceiling....your possibilities would multiplied ten fold.


Well-Known Member
4 or 5' diameter vertical setup that's 10-12' high would certainly yield a lot of smoke while staying within the 25 square feet ;-)


Well-Known Member
Exactly, it has no stipulation for height. That means they can't tell you if it can be 2" tall or to the ceiling of whatever space you decide to grow in. It only specifies square footage and not cubic footage


Well-Known Member
This is why I think people will be checking into vertical growing more if it passes. People will be wanting to make the best use of space which is scrog and/or vertical IMO


Well-Known Member
Are you here in CA too?

I know there a lot of people all over the US that are hoping for it to pass because it could be infuential to their local governments.


Well-Known Member
Everyone i know pretty much is following/has heard about prop19 in cali. numerous newspaper articles lately have mentioned it. It would directly affect us up here in BC and hopefully we would take a page or two from it. im rootin for you guys get out there and vote!