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Marijuana Measure Loses Favor in California, Latest Field Poll Indicates

Big P

Well-Known Member
Marijuana Measure Loses Favor in California, Latest Field Poll Indicates

By Alison Vekshin - Oct 31, 2010 9:00 AM ET

A California ballot measure to legalize marijuana for recreational use has lost popularity in the past month, according to the final statewide survey by the Field Poll before the Nov. 2 election.

Support for Proposition 19 has fallen to 42 percent of likely voters, with 49 percent against, according to the results of a Field Poll released today. Last month, those in favor outnumbered opponents 49 percent to 42 percent, the poll said.

The measure would allow people 21 years of age and older to grow and possess marijuana in small quantities for personal use, and would allow local governments to tax marijuana businesses.
Californians will consider propositions including an $18 per vehicle annual license fee to help maintain state parks and a plan for congressional districts to be drawn by a citizen commission rather than lawmakers.
Likely voters continued to oppose a proposition to suspend a state law requiring reduced greenhouse-gas emissions until California’s unemployment rate falls to at least 5.5 percent for four consecutive quarters. The rate was at 12.4 percent in September. Thirty-three percent endorse Proposition 23, while 48 percent oppose it.

Voters supported a proposition allowing the state Legislature to approve a budget with a simple majority, instead of the current two-thirds. Forty-eight percent backed the measure, while 31 percent opposed it.
The survey of 1,092 people who had either already cast their ballot by mail or were likely to vote was conducted Oct. 14-26 and has a margin for error of plus or minus 3.2 percentage points.

To contact the reporter on this story: Alison Vekshin in San Francisco at [email protected].

Big P

Well-Known Member
I think a lot of the people against are actual growers who dont want to lose thier financial gain off of selling weed

I think its a sad commentary when greed takes over the cause, too bad

Money is the root

If weed was legalized in Cali for anyone over 21 in the state, there would be a snowball effect across our nation and help the hundreds of thousands of us in non legal states from getting incacerated in the end. But unfortunatly many peeps dont care. And greed will bring us all down together while the FED's just laugh. Money has already divided and conquored us imho

I think they are right we are not wise, we are stoned fools.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...the drug money will either go to the government, or the growers. Being a grower, I don't want the government taking my profit. Growing is expensive, shit.....I vote NO, NO, NO.


Active Member
This is what I posted in another similar thread here.

I voted yes (mail in ballot).

However, my reasons for voting yes isn't what most think.
I want the mj issue as a class 1 drug to be a slap in the face to our Federal government. We need to get this out on the table.

Here's my beef though.

I have NOT WITNESSED ONE.SINGLE.AD. that addresses the real issue. Not one.

All I have seen is one, STUPID FUCKING AD with Snoop dog....smoking a joint....then saying something like "you know how I regard this issue...HIGHLY".

You butt-fucked moron.

Why can't the proponants of this measure come up with any ONE of the dozens of intelligent reasons for passing this? Like, we could FINALLY grow hemp here in this country? Hemp could replace all sorts of products that we currently use wood pulp for. You can make clothing, paper, skin-loving oil....WITHOUT having to order overseas/out of the country. Tree-huggers everywhere should be shouting this from the rooftops....BUT NOOOOOOO...all we get is Snoop's ugly-shit-eating grin on TV, showing kids that you too, can look like some anorexic smart-ass.
Drives me crazy."​


Active Member
Big P, I have to say I am torn by this myself. I am in a state far behind Cali... Thankfully? I dont know... We both know whether its Sacramento, Salem, or Washington DC they dont do anything right.. I feel almost against this but I just dont know, I dont wanna be a hypocryte.. Just want the government to stay the fuck outa my business and life.



Big P

Well-Known Member
yes, all im saying is if the government doesnt get the money, then we will be getting put in jail. and not so much the cali guys, cuz of lax enforcment, but for us in compleatly non legal states they will keep throwing the book at us with impunity. just doesnt seem like cali growers gives a fuck about us in the rest of the USA.

so we are un-united as growers and marijuana activists

you guys are becoming pesonal gain activists and selling your fellow growers in other states and your own growers down the river in the process. its like cigs, u can smuggle cigs in the USA from overseas and make millions on untaxed packs of cigs if you worked at a quiki mart or gas station. so you can still make money doing illigal activities anyway without selling the cause of marijuana down the river,

your state needs the money from the weed industry to survive, or it will just be the other states bailing cali out while being put in prison cuz free cali doesnt even give a shit about us.

isnt that the whole reason weed was made illigal, because that one asshole Harry J. Anslinger wanted to make more money

Anslinger's campaign against marijuana had an hidden agenda, DuPont petrochemical interests and William Randolph Hearst together created the highly sensational anti-marijuana campaign to eliminate hemp as an industrial competitor. Indeed, Anslinger did not himself consider marijuana a serious threat to American society until in the fourth year of his tenure (1934), at which point an anti-marijuana campaign, aimed at alarming the public, became his primary focus as part of the government's broader push to outlaw all drugs.[7][not in citation given]
Members of the League of Nations had already implemented restrictions for marijuana in the beginning of the 1930s and restrictions started in many states in U.S years before Anslinger was appointed. Both president Franklin D. Roosevelt and his Attorney General publicly supported this development in 1935

now Anslinger is dead and we have been suffering for it for decades, how many more generations will suffer because of our greed after we are dead, at the one point in history where we had a chance to turn it all around?

with that kind of attitude why not make alcohol illigal too so you guys can make money off of stills selling me illigal alcohol so I can be in and out of jail the rest of my life.

so in essence if weed are already legal you would be for making it illigal again? whos side are you really on? think about it, you guys have become anti legalisation advocates no better than Harry Ansliner himself.

the floor is yours

dont get me wrong this boondoggle of money is nice :D


Active Member
Im in a small growing town and the word on the street from the non grower folks like restaurant owners are fear of a large scale Mexican grow oops moving in.
Our city counsel cant even understand the prop 19 as its so confusing with holes large enough to drive a Cadillac into.

Ok money, there is 18 billion of that money and it would be decentralized into massive large scale grow opps like plantations run by the multinationals, (Within 5 years of prop 19) Its just to big a pie for them to ignore.

For us locals, prop 19 is just a bad idea that sets a dangerous president.

Just look at the forums how many people are talking about moving to my town to grow pot?
Imagine how many people would consider moving to break the law, start accidental forest fires while growing, have their closet grow burn down?

Former Mexican president Fox and Columbian president Santos are in favor of prop 19 and pretty much every one got scared shitless when they had their radio comments about legal cocaine and letting peasant's export weed into California. Kind of Latin American invasion of growers and thats what sparked a panic in the recent weeks (Local barber shop gossip)

Just from being a fly on the ground guys, its what the locals are saying.

Prop 215 works pretty good.

Big P

Well-Known Member
well i dont know the details of 19 so maybe im getting ahead of myself, but without the government regulating the weed like cigs and liquior the illigal elements will always come in, i mean they are already in shit deep, the mexos are all over cali forests growing already.

Big P

Well-Known Member
I want america to take over all weed distribution in the United states whether its legal or not. Fuck illigals, we are bustin at the seams and gonna become our own 3 world country soon if we keep electing vultures.


How about the elimination of synthetic fibers which is one of the main reasons pot is outlawed today. And we now know that the synthetics are a main cause of cancer. And don't ya think all that oil in the gulf could have been mopped up with hemp? So many uses and it is outlawed to grow in this country because people like the DuPonts and overly aggressive revenuers left over from prohibition of alcohol. They need to focus on something important like the war on the border. I say annex Mexico!! It's our labor force....everyone here is too smart to work.


Well-Known Member
...the drug money will either go to the government, or the growers. Being a grower, I don't want the government taking my profit. Growing is expensive, shit.....I vote NO, NO, NO.
If it passes the money will go to the government and the feds say they will still be looking to file federal charges against Californians! The proposition is not really helping the movement in the country. For these reasons I would vote no if I lived their. GL California the witching hour is upon you.


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of the people against are actual growers who dont want to lose thier financial gain off of selling weed

I think its a sad commentary when greed takes over the cause, too bad

Money is the root

If weed was legalized in Cali for anyone over 21 in the state, there would be a snowball effect across our nation and help the hundreds of thousands of us in non legal states from getting incacerated in the end. But unfortunatly many peeps dont care. And greed will bring us all down together while the FED's just laugh. Money has already divided and conquored us imho

I think they are right we are not wise, we are stoned fools.

so 48% of the state already grows?

what's the problem again?



Uses the Rollitup profile
Well, you're talking about the BIG picture, what would be good for all of the US, and the entire world. And Prop 19 passing will be HUGE.

And the activists who have been fighting for prohibition reform are not the ones who are campaigning against Prop 19. Most of the people who are against Prop 19 don't have a clue about prohibition reform, and just can't see past their own nose, or they are just trumpeting what someone else said. It really is pathetic.

I voted YES.



Active Member
Jay makes some scary points that for some reason I think would probably become true..

Big makes me feel guilty for thinking the way I do..

I dont know whats right or wrong, I just know that more big government intrusion pisses me off.

Wish it could be decriminalized but not regulated and whored out by the the State/Feds


Though i have not read prop 19 i feel like even if it does have holes in it and issues with it, it has to be a big step forward. It would open up a hemp industry in the united states which could be enormous for our economy.
It would also bring to light a lot of truth about marijuana, you have to remember across the rest of the country millions and millions of people believe whole heartedly that marijuana can kill you, make you less intelligent, cause mental disorders and millions of other health issues. Even my psych professor today when asked what drugs will make u stupid without hesitation responded marijuana. Of course a long argument followed and after review of the book the prof stated "i will have to look into it more" but it just goes to show that tons of people even educated ones have no idea the truth about marijuana and its advantages and disadvantages to our society.


Active Member
Though i have not read prop 19 i feel like even if it does have holes in it and issues with it, it has to be a big step forward. It would open up a hemp industry in the united states which could be enormous for our economy.
It would also bring to light a lot of truth about marijuana, you have to remember across the rest of the country millions and millions of people believe whole heartedly that marijuana can kill you, make you less intelligent, cause mental disorders and millions of other health issues. Even my psych professor today when asked what drugs will make u stupid without hesitation responded marijuana. Of course a long argument followed and after review of the book the prof stated "i will have to look into it more" but it just goes to show that tons of people even educated ones have no idea the truth about marijuana and its advantages and disadvantages to our society.

However, I have stated before, several times, that I do not think it's going to pass.
Hell, when the proponants of this measure can't even come up with ONE intelligent ad to run on TV....it's defeated even before election day.

I don't think for a minute it makes you stupid, but the powers that be in control of the media sure seem to need to smoke less, think more.

Big P

Well-Known Member
so 48% of the state already grows?

what's the problem again?


no im just saying that the few % of growers who are voting against it could be the 8% that would bring us over the top to pass it

All I know is when opportunity knocks even if its ugly and rough around the edges we should answer the door and see where it takes us rather than have even one person say for the rest of our lives. What if? what if we had answered that door?

it coulda sucked or it coulda rocked, its reversable, seeing that things suck for weed people these days still i woulda jumped at the chance to remove the stigma, already doners who wouldnt normally touch these issues started to because it is becoming mainstream with prop 19, im sure there is a cowardly tidal wave of supporters who would not admit it because they are worried about what society thinks.

like birth control is a great thing but back in the day many peeps would not admit it cuz it was considered wrong, but if its socialy acceptable, walls may tumble that can never be rebuilt, like you could never squash birth control today, or alcohol use. but there's this wall that makes us criminals, I would have never been so into law breaking and lacking respect for the law if it wasnt that weed was illigal, u get used to breakin the law and that can only lead to trouble and other laws to get broken.

im tired of being a criminal, but I will always be one until they stop controlling the shrub

Uncontrolled Substance


Well-Known Member
no im just saying that the few % of growers who are voting against it could be the 8% that would bring us over the top to pass it

All I know is when opportunity knocks even if its ugly and rough around the edges we should answer the door and see where it takes us rather than have even one person say for the rest of our lives. What if? what if we had answered that door?

it coulda sucked or it coulda rocked, its reversable, seeing that things suck for weed people these days still i woulda jumped at the chance to remove the stigma, already doners who wouldnt normally touch these issues started to because it is becoming mainstream with prop 19, im sure there is a cowardly tidal wave of supporters who would not admit it because they are worried about what society thinks.

like birth control is a great thing but back in the day many peeps would not admit it cuz it was considered wrong, but if its socialy acceptable, walls may tumble that can never be rebuilt, like you could never squash birth control today, or alcohol use. but there's this wall that makes us criminals, I would have never been so into law breaking and lacking respect for the law if it wasnt that weed was illigal, u get used to breakin the law and that can only lead to trouble and other laws to get broken.

im tired of being a criminal, but I will always be one until they stop controlling the shrub

Uncontrolled Substance
one time, a man asked me to have sex with him. i said no. i don't sit here thinking "what if". ;)