Club 600


Well-Known Member
woops, what we call a school boy error lad. I use to make hash with old pillow cases, lol.
Starting a new batch of cannabutter. Crokpot is warming and melting the straight butter as I type. Tried to make a batch over the weekend but forgot to pick up something to strain it (cheesecloth) and was a bit pissed at maself about it. Threw it out only to later realize I could've just used a t-shirt :wall:. May not have worked quite as good but would've worked. Wasted 1oz. of trimmings and airy little popcorn buds. :finger: is all I say to maself that night.

Making a new batch today with a little over 1/2oz of same batch of trimmings and buds and 2 sticks of butter. I typically use a higher cannabis to butter ratio but it's all I have left and I'm not about to grind up the SLH to put in there.


Well-Known Member
Starting a new batch of cannabutter. Crokpot is warming and melting the straight butter as I type. Tried to make a batch over the weekend but forgot to pick up something to strain it (cheesecloth) and was a bit pissed at maself about it. Threw it out only to later realize I could've just used a t-shirt :wall:. May not have worked quite as good but would've worked. Wasted 1oz. of trimmings and airy little popcorn buds. :finger: is all I say to maself that night.

Making a new batch today with a little over 1/2oz of same batch of trimmings and buds and 2 sticks of butter. I typically use a higher cannabis to butter ratio but it's all I have left and I'm not about to grind up the SLH to put in there.
hey dez what is your particular method for making the butter, from what i gather you have to #1 grind up your dry material, #2 heat butter (whats the butter to cannabis ratio, cause i really want to feel it), #3 mix, #4 let slow cook on low (how long), #5 strain, #6 let set. is that it if not please feel free to explain, sorry bout the fuck up bro.



Well-Known Member
hey dez what is your particular method for making the butter, from what i gather you have to #1 grind up your dry material, #2 heat butter (whats the butter to cannabis ratio, cause i really want to feel it), #3 mix, #4 let slow cook on low (how long), #5 strain, #6 let set. is that it if not please feel free to explain, sorry bout the fuck up bro.

You've got it about right. I heat water and melt the butter in the water and then add the ground up goodies. The water makes it pretty hard to burn the butter is why most people add it. Once the butter has cooked however long you desire, strain it through some cheesecloth into a container or two, depending on how much you make and let it cool in the refrigerator. The butter will separate from the water and rise to the top of the container as it cools. Once the butter has become solid again you just pop the green butter out of the conatiner and dump the water down the drain.

That's it.

There's a lot of different ratios that people use but the average seems to be 1/8oz high quality bud to 1 stick of butter (1/2cup,or 136grams). If you use trimmings, there will be some trial and error since every plant is a bit different as far as how much THC is on the leaves and junk. I typically double whatever I would use if was I using buds and it's close enough since I don't sell edibles or anything.
I like my edibles a little on the strong side so I'll usually use 5-7 grams of bud to a stick of butter or around 10-12 grams of trimmings to a stick.

The stuff I'm making now will still be good, just not as good as what I typically make. I eat edibles every night or I can't sleep due to pain so my tolerance to edibles may be a little higher than some. Whenever I give a cookie or rice crispie treat to someone I warn them that they are strong and tell them to only eat 1/3 or 1/2 each hour until they're where they want to be but most don't listen and regret it later. They're stoked on them but it's usually too much for them.


Well-Known Member
I have never used stems before myself, but as sticky as the stems are on my sensi star, I think they gotta go in. Dont want to waste the sticky goodness.


Well-Known Member

waiter there are hairs in my cereal........
on second thought.... i think i'll manage

a quick question, has anyone here ever dealt with zinc deficiencies? ive read just to use chelated zinc as foliar. one ofmy plants is showing dropping and dark green banding, classic Zn symptoms. Recently switched feeding regimes. it's not bad yet i may just ride it out.


Well-Known Member
On a serious note:

This is for those of you that live in california like myself.

I just got a call while driving home from getting some lunch from one of my brothers (related to me type of brother). He is telling me that he's on his way to his daughter's school after geting a call form them telling him that she is in the office waiting for the police to arrive because she was found to have around 1oz of marijuana, a homemade pipe and a knife in her posession. She's only 13 or 14, can't remember for sure for some reason right now, and has no history of mj posession or use as far as anyone knew. He's asking me for advice and I'm telling that I really don't know what he should do, since I'm legal and have never had an issue related to mj, other than tell her dumbass to keep her stupid mouth shut and see what happens. I told him that most likely they'll want to arrest her for posession of said items and take her to the police station whre they're going to try to get her to admit to whatever it is they think is going on and he needs to make sure she doesn't say shit until there is an attorney present that specializes in mj offenses.

In the meantime I've called a couple attorneys that specialize in this stuff and left messages for them to call his cell #.

Does anyone on this thread have any experience with the California po po? I just don't wan to give the poor guy bad advice since this is going to be hard enough for him as it is.

Oh, and she sure the hell didn't get whatever she had from me. She knows I have my card and use it but that's about it. I would never condone her even using it given that she's a minor.

One last thing on this, Is there any possibility of this coming back to me in any way? If so I'll probably have to off her real quick to save myself...just kidding. But seriously, should I be concerned? As of now, I'm not over my limit in any way or anything.


Well-Known Member
I'll have to try making the butter without water I guess after watching that video. I think it's cool that he didn't measure or weigh any of the weed material. Just throw it all in and let her rip, lol.

I didn't say in my earlier post on this subject that I do preffer to let it slow cook for 12 hours in the crockpot. I've done it before though by simmering on low in a small pot on the stove for 4 hours and it was still very potent. The key is to not let it get too hot. You just want a slow simmer and you have to stir it often doing it that way. Crockpot is the way to go though because you can 'set it and forget it' as he put it.


Well-Known Member
Dez unfortunately patient or not, its against federal law to have "drugs" within 1000 feet of a school, add the knife in, and if she was an adult I would say she could be facing serious time. Cali isnt that much more lenient than anyone else when it comes to stuff like that. She may still face some time in juvie. But your absolutely right she needs to keep her mouth shut and let her dad and or attorney do the talking. They will try to get her to rat out everyone they can and a teenage girl in deep shit sinks faster than the titanic.


Well-Known Member
Dez unfortunately patient or not, its against federal law to have "drugs" within 1000 feet of a school, add the knife in, and if she was an adult I would say she could be facing serious time. Cali isnt that much more lenient than anyone else when it comes to stuff like that. She may still face some time in juvie. But your absolutely right she needs to keep her mouth shut and let her dad and or attorney do the talking. They will try to get her to rat out everyone they can and a teenage girl in deep shit sinks faster than the titanic.
This I already know and I hat to say it but maybe that's what she needs. We've had a feeling she's been pulling the wool over her dad's eyes for a while now but didn't know exactly what she was up to. She always seems very nice and normal whenever we see them at family stuff but this just goes to show you how you never really know what someone is thinking or doing.
I'd hate to see her follow the same path her did traveled as a youngster so hopefully this will be a wakeup call for the both of them and be the end of it.

Thanks for the response BTW.

I'll stop posting shizzle that's not positive vibes now and I apologize for it. I know this thread is not for that type of stuff but figured not EVERYONE on this site reads this thread, you know?.


Well-Known Member
Howz about I offer up some bud porn to reconcile?

The pic with the glass is all that I have left of the SLH :sad: it's a heavy 1/4oz at 7.5g
The second pic is most of what's in the glass except for a couple stragglers that are now loaded in the vape waiting for it to heat up.
Been liking it too much I guess.



Well-Known Member
Now Im gonna go to the store and get butter!!! Then I need cookies or OH! I'll make chocolate and spread it over ice cream!!! or Milkshake! or.?...? AHHHHHHH I gotta go I'll be back later 6- peace


Well-Known Member
House stinks quite a bit right now from the butter simmering all day. Need to be sure to air it out before the wife gets home or she'll complain about the smell, lol. She likes to EAT the edibles but doesn't like the smell of the butter being made.

Ok, I got to get some things done in the garage so I'll be signing out now too.

Oh wait, the Fedex guy just pulled up!!! Peace, haha!!


Well-Known Member
I don't know about the Cali law, but surely at that age it is going to come down to the type of parents she has I guess. If she has a stable home, good school marks, blah blah, then the law will look at that as well, and more importantly, if she has been in trouble before. Sentencing officials are not just nazi's looking to put everyone away, I would hope, they also have targets, deadlines etc.... I hope it works out for her, I wouldn't think being in an juvenile detention would be beneficial.

I know I smoked at that age but I wouldn't condone it now. I think the weed is too strong, and young peoples minds aren't always stable and fully developed. In the Netherlands that's one of the reasons authorities look closer at MJ, due to high numbers of teenagers being in treatment for psychotic illnesses. Whether or not it is totally weed to blame who knows, schizophrenia is hereditary after all. Good luck to him, I can't imagine it will come to you in anyway.

On a serious note:

This is for those of you that live in california like myself.

I just got a call while driving home from getting some lunch from one of my brothers (related to me type of brother). He is telling me that he's on his way to his daughter's school after geting a call form them telling him that she is in the office waiting for the police to arrive because she was found to have around 1oz of marijuana, a homemade pipe and a knife in her posession. She's only 13 or 14, can't remember for sure for some reason right now, and has no history of mj posession or use as far as anyone knew. He's asking me for advice and I'm telling that I really don't know what he should do, since I'm legal and have never had an issue related to mj, other than tell her dumbass to keep her stupid mouth shut and see what happens. I told him that most likely they'll want to arrest her for posession of said items and take her to the police station whre they're going to try to get her to admit to whatever it is they think is going on and he needs to make sure she doesn't say shit until there is an attorney present that specializes in mj offenses.

In the meantime I've called a couple attorneys that specialize in this stuff and left messages for them to call his cell #.

Does anyone on this thread have any experience with the California po po? I just don't wan to give the poor guy bad advice since this is going to be hard enough for him as it is.

Oh, and she sure the hell didn't get whatever she had from me. She knows I have my card and use it but that's about it. I would never condone her even using it given that she's a minor.

One last thing on this, Is there any possibility of this coming back to me in any way? If so I'll probably have to off her real quick to save myself...just kidding. But seriously, should I be concerned? As of now, I'm not over my limit in any way or anything.
Now Im gonna go to the store and get butter!!! Then I need cookies or OH! I'll make chocolate and spread it over ice cream!!! or Milkshake! or.?...? AHHHHHHH I gotta go I'll be back later 6- peace
You got those cakes done yet, the munchies!!!!