Whats up with the church????????


:sad: Hey guys whats up?I just finished my Church grow under 125 watt high performance cfl's.I'am pissed off.This shit looked amazing while growing but now that it is harvested the buds seem loose not tight like greenhouse said they should be.The potentcy cant be what everyone claims cause this shit doesnt seem kush like caliber to me.My buddy says I've done amazing for cfl's but I NEED AN HPS SYSTEM TO GET THE RESULTS IM LOOKING FOR.TEN TIMES THE POWER OF THE BEST CFL'S!Do u guys agree?


Well-Known Member
Pics? Don't sweat it. Nothing wrong with cfl's. You got smoke you didnt have before, hopefully you had fun and learned something from it. Nobody died, get some more started.


Well-Known Member
I grew The Church and I liked it. Check out my friend GoldenGanja's grow on the church pretty good shit. And ya get an HPS.


Well-Known Member
Church can produce some dence crystaly nugs but the problem lies with the light you are useing and not the strain....tyke


Well-Known Member
Easy, you stop following me around like a lost puppy and don't post something negative about me or my views in every post I make.

Simple concept that you just cant grasp.

Now please stop following me around.
you are realy starting to get up my nose, just to be polite, now so go off an dont get negative on every thread you post on, or are you so lonely you just need someone to interact with, you know my reply so go do it...


Well-Known Member
i have never flowered under cfls but i have vegged under them and liked the results.
hps on the other hand uses more power but gets the job done nicely when it comes to flowering.
if you dont wanna big light try a 250w hps, there is a guy on here who gets 6+ off one plant using a 250.


Well-Known Member
:sad: Hey guys whats up?I just finished my Church grow under 125 watt high performance cfl's.I'am pissed off.This shit looked amazing while growing but now that it is harvested the buds seem loose not tight like greenhouse said they should be.The potentcy cant be what everyone claims cause this shit doesnt seem kush like caliber to me.My buddy says I've done amazing for cfl's but I NEED AN HPS SYSTEM TO GET THE RESULTS IM LOOKING FOR.TEN TIMES THE POWER OF THE BEST CFL'S!Do u guys agree?
No offense but maybe along with the lights it's the grower. It's not easy to just grow the dankest of the dank. You say you grew it under a 125w CFL but what about your soil, nutes? feeding schedule? When did you harvest? Pics?

I've smoked some of 'the church' that has completely knocked my head off, but it was grown by a friend who has 15+ years experience with cannabis and every vegetable/fruit under the sun.


Well-Known Member
I loved my CFL box, but the flowering was kinda dissapointing. Save some money an get a 150w hps they run about 50-75$. Youll thank me later.

I think harvest timing is the single most important factor in potency, light is the biggest factor in yeild. I got super dank with cfls but it wasnt alot of dry wieght.


Well-Known Member
:sad: Hey guys whats up?I just finished my Church grow under 125 watt high performance cfl's.I'am pissed off.This shit looked amazing while growing but now that it is harvested the buds seem loose not tight like greenhouse said they should be.The potentcy cant be what everyone claims cause this shit doesnt seem kush like caliber to me.My buddy says I've done amazing for cfl's but I NEED AN HPS SYSTEM TO GET THE RESULTS IM LOOKING FOR.TEN TIMES THE POWER OF THE BEST CFL'S!Do u guys agree?
Yep. More power=bigger buds. But with practice and fine tuning folks get amazing results with CFL's.


Well-Known Member
:sad: Hey guys whats up?I just finished my Church grow under 125 watt high performance cfl's.I'am pissed off.This shit looked amazing while growing but now that it is harvested the buds seem loose not tight like greenhouse said they should be.The potentcy cant be what everyone claims cause this shit doesnt seem kush like caliber to me.My buddy says I've done amazing for cfl's but I NEED AN HPS SYSTEM TO GET THE RESULTS IM LOOKING FOR.TEN TIMES THE POWER OF THE BEST CFL'S!Do u guys agree?
Heya, If your lookin for the best results from high perfromance cfls maybe try Dutch master liquid light. Google it and then go to there website for best info. I think thats right, well dutch masters make it, its abit pricey at £25 a litre,, but works extrmely well with cfls.
I havent used it yet, gettin some for next grow but my freind has been using it for 3 grows now.with his cfl's 250watt plug and grow, and his bud look giant compared to mine. Maybe that will help you and save you upgrading lights for the next grow, saving you cash for the next grow and if it dont work, which is very unlikely, then go HPS.
Take it easy.


Well-Known Member
O and also My buds are looking good with the cfl, 125 on one plant, I think that you kinda have to get the most from the cfl by fine tunning everything else. Just as Brandon says,, wall reflectiveness,,having a reflector for the buld, grow temps, humidity, soil mix, nuts feeding scheulde, harvest time, drying conditions, and a whole lot more.
I'd say use up the bulbs and grow atleast twice to see if you get better or worse,, and the Liquid light is a definate for my next grow,
Take it easy...


Well-Known Member
But moderators can't delete what your followers reply on what i said. And your Yawn shit replies are old and why even waste a post be more helpful instead of being dismissive and acting like your better than everyone else!