Well-Known Member
awesome harvest pics man! how many weeks of curing did it take for WW to taste good?
also, have you ever tried the "paper bag" method of drying? someone recommended putting the buds in paper bags for a week or two, after a few days of hanging, before jarring. this way they dry a little more slowly without risk of molding. just curious if you had tried that and how it affects the curing process.
Thanks homer! Honestly the WonderWoman tasted pretty damn good right when she was dry after like 5 days of cutting lol.. I honestly think she was one of a kind though

I haven't tried the paper bag method but I have heard about it. Hanging worked perfect for me so thats what I stuck with, I'm sure either way it will work good for you! The main thing you have to be carefull about with mold is when your curing, if you feel the bud getting really moist then you should leave the bud out for a good amount of time to release the moisture.. I had a little right up but I'm not sure what I did with the link, the guy was montioring humidity in every jar and broke it down in percentanges and how long to open the jar and leave the jar shut to get the perfect cure! It was pretty interesting, I'll have to look for it..