Subcool, are your strains altered to prevent people from breeding with them?


Well-Known Member
Aloha Subcool,

First off know whatever the answer I wont be offended, just looking for my own knowledge. I will continue to buy your strains even after i breed my own little ones (as a pollen chucker just experimenting with genetics, you understand that drive). My question is that I read to protect their strains many breeders will cross in recessive genes of crap and then backcross so when the recessives meet the plant goes Kaput. Do you do this?

I'm not going to breed your plants against themselves, i'm going to hybrid them like say a Jillybean X 3D or Flav X Querkle. but of course working with males outdoor there will be some pollenation of one of yoru plants with one that has those distant same genes, like say if both have jack the ripper in them, or both have space queen (as in Flav vs Querkle)?

I love your work and i know i can't improve on it as much as you can, but i'm a novice who enjoys learning for himself about genetics. But before I begin I really want to know if I should watch out for any recessive genes from waay back before you got your hands on them?

BTW I love the budporn still in my Dank book. I read it every day.


Spread That Seed

Well-Known Member
for sure, TGA is the real deal. Only other seed co I want to purchase from is serious seeds, got my eye on that white russian


hey tardis what do you know of specific breeders that do this?

just out of curiousity..and to save myself any heartache later on


Well-Known Member
we all have the right to chunk any pollen on any plant as far as concerned, isent that right? or is that against some pot growing etiquet. duno how to spell that.


Active Member
I hear everyone talking about breeders, and if they are good or not. I order all Greenhouse seed co seeds. My opinion is they look and seem professional and know what they are talking about. I have never heard one bad thing about them, and genetics are always great, never once have I not had a seed germ.


Well-Known Member
I hear everyone talking about breeders, and if they are good or not. I order all Greenhouse seed co seeds. My opinion is they look and seem professional and know what they are talking about. I have never heard one bad thing about them, and genetics are always great, never once have I not had a seed germ.
You cant be serious?
In 20 years of growing TGA has had the worst results with Greenhouse seeds

Thats from a growers perspective



Active Member
Greenhouse is a joke. I guess if thats all you have ever ordered then you dont know any different. But I beg you to try other top notch breeders and you will never order from GH again.

You cant be serious?
In 20 years of growing TGA has had the worst results with Greenhouse seeds

Thats from a growers perspective

here is where I am at right now
bought 10 JTR's got 12 plants from them, 2 where twins
bought a 5 pack of greenhouse
white rhino and ajhaze#1 are doing fine, ajhaze#3 is very slow growing,still a sprout after 3 weeks. Haven't seeded the white widow.
I am not that impressed with them so far, but my jtr's are huge, I already topped them and used the tops for clones.
I have 3 other girls in supersoil and others in sunshine mix #4, the SS girls are almost 3 times bigger then the others.
I am VERY impressed with SS and sub's beans.


Well-Known Member
No doubt... TGA is the only seed bank I send my business to... You cant put a price on class and character these days....
Fuck the class and character, I just love that every one of subcools strains i've ever grown has turned out to be something truely amazing to smoke. I honestly can't grow anything by barneys farm or a lot of other reputable companies because the quality of subcools genetics have spoiled me with their amazing flavors, smells and highs.... I dont think i'll ever do another grow again without subcools strains making up at least a quarter of my grow (granted my grows are small). I know that if I dont plant subcools seeds i'll regret it come harvest time.


Well-Known Member
hey tardis what do you know of specific breeders that do this?

just out of curiousity..and to save myself any heartache later on
I heard most do it. I read in a breeders bible to cannabis to do this to protect ones strains. It just adding bad genetics to the backcrossing so that it wont show up in most plants, but if you try to breed more of a single strain such genetics show up twice thus occur ruining the new plants. For example, alles to be too leafy or to be tiny buds, or bad smells or lack of potency or any number of things. Greenhouse I know does this even tho their own strains are not the originals but decendents of. basically anybody who does femenized seeds is probly doing this as its taught as something you should do by most breeding books. Whereas I know subcool so far seems to really have a true love for the genetics themselves, so I doubted he did this, but at the same time he needs to make a buck because his work speaks for itself and any number of peopel are going to want to lay claim to his newer stuff (hell someone just tried with his vortex in the Med cup naming it something else!).
No i'm not going to make more seeds of any of his strains, why bother, if I want them i'll buy them because I pay when deserved, but I do want to do some crosses of my own just to better my understanding of plant (and all life) genetics. but when crossing flav x querkle and both got spacequeen ancestors you gotta watch out for those recessives poping up.


Well-Known Member
You cant be serious?
In 20 years of growing TGA has had the worst results with Greenhouse seeds

Thats from a growers perspective

Greenhouse is really good at looking like the real deal to n00bies. I can say this because I am a N00bie who tried growing their strains before realizing I just didnt' like the hermies and low quality. The greenhouse cheese i grew smelled like cheese but the potency was just shit compared to the other strains i grew.

Spread That Seed

Well-Known Member
I've had a couple GH seeds that came as freebies and so far the 5 that I've grown all have been crap, 2 weren't viable and the other 3 just sucked in general. Just got my first batch of TGA seeds and have had 100% success so far, all germed and are growing outa control. In the past I've had good luck with barney's farm seeds.


Well-Known Member
Refer to the I'm not dutch comment



You cant be serious?
In 20 years of growing TGA has had the worst results with Greenhouse seeds

Thats from a growers perspective

Same here.. Just not near as many years experience. The last pack of Greenhouse beans I bought was of The Church. I got a 1/10 germination rate and swore I'd never give em' my money again.

Arjan and the bald guy seem as though they're two guys who definitely know where to go find good genetics, but I think they're absolutely shitty businessmen. Now, this is just my opinion, but I think Greenhouse seed company is more into profit than product... I'll explain... I think seed companies that don't even offer a regular variety of their popular strains, are in no way concerned with pleasing their clients. By only selling feminized seed of their strains, they're increasing the likelihood of seed in your crop, and you and I can never produce a truly trustworthy seedrun with their gear.

I don't know everything about breeding, but from an aspiring breeders standpoint... I dont think I wanna' try to create a potent marijuana strain by inbreeding a feminized seed, and trying not to get a hermie-prone piece of shit.:-(

Even if your not looking to breed the seed, I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that
feminized seeds are produced from a regular-ass female that has had one or more of her branches treated with hormones that make it produce pollen sacks. That pollen then pollinates the rest of the female and produces seed with no male genetics. This process has a huge drawback... It passes along a hermaphrodite chromosome, making most or all of the plants genetic hermaphrodites.

Why the hell would you raise the number of hermies in your growroom or garden?

They should at least offer reg and femmed.

My 2cents :mrgreen: