1000 Watts. Herijuana, El Monstre, Jackberry, Anesthesia. Hempy Buckets in a 4x4 Tent


Active Member
Hi all, welcome to my journal. This is my first grow, so it will be a learning process, and a bit of an experiment. All tips/criticisms are welcome. I have 16 plants started from seed in coco coir hempy cups (ordered beans from Sannie's Shop). However, I mixed them up and have no clue as to which plants are which, but I don't really mind. They are currently under 190 watts of CFLs at the moment, and I am feeding them with the GH Flora series using the Useless formula found at GrowKind (search " GH 3 part - Useless' formula"). Plants are contained in the Secret Jardin DR120 (4x4).

This grow is completely legal under the Michigan Medical Marijuana Program. The HPS bulb I ordered wouldn't fire with my ballast, so I sent it back. I'm not sure if its a problem with the ballast or bulb, but we will see soon. I may have to add more CFLs if the 1000w doesn't come soon because the kiddies are growing quickly. I plan to transplant them into larger hempy buckets once they get a little bigger, and I will be implementing LST. I would like to do a SCROG but if they don't show sex early enough then that won't work. Stay tuned for the first update, while I pack up some of Lansing's fine medical herb. Pics attached(sorry, they will be bigger next time). :bigjoint:



lookin good man, happy growin! btw what grow medium are you using is that the actual name coco coir hempy cups,like medium and containers in a kit?looks like a good way to go!


Active Member
wyteberrywidow- The freebies were the El Monstre. I ordered the Indica Mix, adn got 5 El Monstre beans =)

buddynugz- The method I am using is called a hempy bucket. The medium I am using is Coco coir. If you are unfamiliar, you should check out this thread. It's an awesome way to grow. Hempy Collective



Active Member
The plants are up and under the 1000w. They seem to be loving it, and I am planning to transplant them asap. I switched them to 12/12 on Saturday, they have been on the timer for 3 days. Would it be safe to switch back to 24/0 to veg a bit longer? I am worried that when I transplant, it will take too long for the roots to hit the res, and this will mess up my crop? However, I don't want to switch them back to 24/0 after a few days of 12/12 and end up with a crop of hermies. Please help? Pics coming soon.
The plants are up and under the 1000w. They seem to be loving it, and I am planning to transplant them asap. I switched them to 12/12 on Saturday, they have been on the timer for 3 days. Would it be safe to switch back to 24/0 to veg a bit longer? I am worried that when I transplant, it will take too long for the roots to hit the res, and this will mess up my crop? However, I don't want to switch them back to 24/0 after a few days of 12/12 and end up with a crop of hermies. Please help? Pics coming soon.
If they are still young and have not sexed yet you could put them back under 24 /0 or 18/6.I would go for it or just keep them under 12/12 and see if they grow to your liking.


Active Member
The plants are doing well, I switched them over to 18/6 and they seem to be growing quickly. The 1000w is vented to a window, however it's not airtight. I just shoved the duct in the window and closed it, I need to build some sort of permanent fixture. Any ideas?

A couple of the plants may be starting to show sex, i'm not sure. I'm scared that there are a couple males but I cannot tell for sure. I'll post pics, if you can tell please let me know! I am starting to freak out....Thanks guys



Active Member
Plants were transplanted into 5 gallon perlite/coco hempy buckets 11/10. We are down to 10 girls, the rest turned out to be male. Switched back to veg after determining sex, and plants have started to show signs of new vegetation. So they are about a week after transplant, and running on 20/4 lighting. As i said some plants have started to veg again, I have attached pics of the plants as well as a gravity feed system i created to water the plants. Some of these plants have been topped, and some have been heavily pruned to create more tops. A couple plants have 4+ tops, and I have begun to tie down and LST two of the girls. Plan is to veg for another week or two before throwing back into flower, it sucks I realize ive wasted about a month's time but it is my first grow, I have already learned so much. Can't wait for my next grow! Thinking of ordering some Killing Fields from Sannie, I want one of those killer purple phenos. Anyway, stay tuned for updates!


Well-Known Member
how err thing growing bro????? sub'dd hey i order some seeds from sannie and tried to order again and pay pal or credit card dosent work whats up with that??????


Active Member
sorry for the delay, its been real busy with exams and such, and Christmas break- Merry belated Christmas Rollitup family. Plants are about 3 weeks into flowering, and wow I am impressed. I'm actually shocked I've done this on my first grow... Big thanks to Sannie, highly recommended as always. I've been sticking to the GH Useless formula, it's foolproof. I have just bought a PH meter this past week and have started to monitor the PH, but it has been right on so far. I had a few problems early with mixing the nutes too strong and had to flush, but it was fairly simple and plants have fully recovered. Anyway, heres some pics, let me know what you think, thanks.


Well-Known Member
hi I am wondering if you have cloned El Monstre?

Sorry I dont have time to read all your journal.


Active Member
Alright, plants are 5 or 6 weeks into flower, and wow are they really coming about. I open my tent and am hit in the face with a pungent burst of berry fragrance. WOW. Two of the plants are completely purple, and a couple others showing hints of blue. After touching the buds, your hands are left sticky and smelling of fruity pebbles(no lie!). I believe the purple pheno's are the El Monstre.

Allglad- No, I havent taken any cuttings from these plants unfortunately.
wyteberry- no, I have no idea which is which. I am having fun guessing though.

Anyone have any good tips or links for revegging a flowering plant? I Want to reveg a couple of them to take some clones since I didnt the first time around, That will be fun :)
Anyway, heres some new shots.P1010320.jpgDSCF5843.jpgP1010303.jpgP1010343.jpgP1010308.jpgP1010338.jpgP1010340.jpgP1010305.jpgDSCF5845.jpgDSCF5852.jpgP1010309.jpgP1010333.jpgP1010350.jpgDSCF5848.jpg



Well-Known Member
Holy moely, fuckin shit cow man!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are fuckin beautiful, I heard the el monstra turns purple I hope thats it cuz I got one veging now :) What starins you got in there just to clarify? Beautiful job man! Thank you very much for the update. Im stoked about Sannies gear.I got Killing Fields Uberkush and Herinjuana X Big White germing now.
looking good.I might be getting some el monstre seeds with a couple other sannies strains..When i do ill let you know which to see if you have it already..Buds are looking real good


Well-Known Member
um ... pic 4 .... is that residue from greencure or something? if not, it might be PM?

updated pics of the grow?


Well-Known Member
Scribed for the Herijuana update. From what I have been told and research you should know on the first hit if its Heri or not.