Shining light on my ladies 1 hour earlier than normal?


Well-Known Member
My grow room has two windows that are completely lightproof using encasements built of plywood. I now need to take one of the boxes down to crack the window for exhaust. If I do that with my 600w on, it would be highly suspicious to my neighbors. I also think using a greenlight on off hours would be just as suspicious. So what I'm thinking is that I'll go in there an hour before the 600w kicks on and just use the normal cfl light while I work. But my concern is that this will confuse my ladies photoperiod. They're currently running on a 12 hour schedule, then they'd get 13 hours on the day I do my work, then back to 12 hours again. They're on their 4 1/2 week of flowering btw. Will this affect my ladies at all?

Mr Smith

Well-Known Member
It depends on the strain you're growing. Some strains need very little excuse to herm or stretch at the growing tip, while others won't seem to notice.


Well-Known Member
I almost have to do this, I don't have any other option. I was exhausting to my attic but it made the whole house smeill like raw plants. It's either lose them to heat or potentially have seeds. They're DP blue moonshine, and they were femenized too (I've heard femenized have chances to hermi by themselves, let alone this). I'm also concerned how the window might fog in the winter too. But I guess we'll deal with that when we get there.


Your best option would be to exhaust into the attic and into a carbon / charcoal scrubber to kill the smell. Or you could get an ozone generator if you feel like dropping $150


Well-Known Member
there are some great and inexpensive diy plans on here and in diy section
Shit, where were you when I need ya!? :) JK. I actually went out and bought one today, we'll see how it works here. I just got done setting everything up so I can't really tell right now if it's working but we'll see.

Also, this means I did not shine light on my ladies one hour earlier. I appreciate everybody's advice and input.


Well-Known Member
how would having a green light on somehow reveal to your neighbors you are growing marijuana or doing any other illegal activity? seems kind of paranoid to me but anyway, sure why not go ahead, an hour isnt going to kill you...or you could cover the plants with black plastic bags if they are small enough or put them somewhere outside the grow area where its totally dark like a closet, if possible take a fan in their and have it blowing on them as well.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
If one hour of extra light ONCE is going to affect your plants then you have an extremely unstable strain - it is certainly not going to cause them to reveg.
If they hermie from extending the light by one hour then they were probably going to hermie the first time you farted near them anyway.


Well-Known Member
Shit, where were you when I need ya!? :) JK. I actually went out and bought one today, we'll see how it works here. I just got done setting everything up so I can't really tell right now if it's working but we'll see.

Also, this means I did not shine light on my ladies one hour earlier. I appreciate everybody's advice and input.
lol, i guess this thread is over/resolved and somehow i didnt notice.


Well-Known Member
how would having a green light on somehow reveal to your neighbors you are growing marijuana or doing any other illegal activity? seems kind of paranoid to me but anyway, sure why not go ahead, an hour isnt going to kill you...or you could cover the plants with black plastic bags if they are small enough or put them somewhere outside the grow area where its totally dark like a closet, if possible take a fan in their and have it blowing on them as well.
Sounds like you're in a medical state. :)