The Daily Bud

And I didn't mean to sounds like an ass :)
I have worked hard to keep TGA affordable as my loyalty lies with you growers

The daily Bud Porn will be missed but I understand your a busy man. Thanks for all the awesome shots you've shared. I just hope this thread stays alive forever. (Copy, Paste, Save) Lol. Love your new book too.
Thanks sub, I appreciate all the time and effort that went to making this thread happen. I'll be patiently waiting for new pics.

You can get TGA gear for 10@ single sorces so enough with the whining already.
I dont see anyone else with genetics retailing at 75 a pack anywhere.

is the piney out on sale with these single sorces? thats quite asonishing colors sub! amazing at the very least.
Day 54 and smelling like an Orange candy bomb went off


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Sub! fantastic stuff man, huge fan (apologize, first found this via your journal, added a comment there, my bad if was unwanted), all these pics are stunning, recently aquired some jillybeans, cant wait yer makin my mouth water!
I took some shots with very low flash so that you guys can see her true colors


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thank you sub and jill for everything you do, your work and love is prized and very much apperciated by myself and my girl, were all working vary hard down here in the valley of the grapes to keep the medicine pure and healthy, i read everything you have to say and it has become a great help to me and my jurney to help those i can, as i do myself with our health and medicine, i have much to learn from you and many others alike... but i read your words like an anicent scroll, and dank has become my bible, i only wish to learn and be humbled, i would vary much like to know the best way to get your beans, i seem to be haveing quite the trouble locateing them here in the bay of california unffortunatly but the qurkle has become a great help and i look foward to develping more tinctures and varies medicines with it as well as this qrazy train that i hear about... i was lost for so long in my life untill i found my sanity in a garden, i know we have the abilty to help people here and i wish to share this. i apologise for the trip on life here but i know your one who will understand me given the time, for their may be many differant types of growers but us shamans have a set path and its not about the money or to sit arouund and do nothing with we can cure fucking cancer here... so anyways again thank you and i am humbled by your dedication and love i am here to learn and for you to teach
p.s thanks for all the bud porn =]
thank you sub and jill for everything you do, your work and love is prized and very much apperciated by myself and my girl, were all working vary hard down here in the valley of the grapes to keep the medicine pure and healthy, i read everything you have to say and it has become a great help to me and my jurney to help those i can, as i do myself with our health and medicine, i have much to learn from you and many others alike... but i read your words like an anicent scroll, and dank has become my bible, i only wish to learn and be humbled, i would vary much like to know the best way to get your beans, i seem to be haveing quite the trouble locateing them here in the bay of california unffortunatly but the qurkle has become a great help and i look foward to develping more tinctures and varies medicines with it as well as this qrazy train that i hear about... i was lost for so long in my life untill i found my sanity in a garden, i know we have the abilty to help people here and i wish to share this. i apologise for the trip on life here but i know your one who will understand me given the time, for their may be many differant types of growers but us shamans have a set path and its not about the money or to sit arouund and do nothing with we can cure fucking cancer here... so anyways again thank you and i am humbled by your dedication and love i am here to learn and for you to teach
p.s thanks for all the bud porn =]

Harborside in Oakland & SJ both have seeds from Sub so you must not be looking in the right spots

Good luck on your quest
Hey Subcool,

I know I posted this somewhere else but if you are able to answer here it would rock. I love your strains and grown Flav, vortex, JTR (all are amazing!), curently growing querkle, 3rd Dimension, got beans for Jilly Bean, Chernobyl, Qleaner, pandoras box (oh yeah), agent orange so know I dont ask this as someone trying to rip you off.

I want to do some breeding for fun and knowledge for myself using some of your strains (just pollen chucking, no real selection but all seeds ever grown by me have been superdank so i'm guessing my future grows of your stuff will as well). Do you use any recessive tricks to make any crosses by pollen chuckers can't steal your strains?

I would totally udnerstand if you do, but i dont think you do, but had to ask because I wanted to know if any issues if I do a cross between two strains who have spacequeen parent, like flav X Querkle, or something, i'd have to watch out for bad surprises. Do you "watermark" your work or does any of the plants you started with have watermarks in them that us novice pollenchuckers should beware? Either way keep doing what you are doing sub, as I still salvate when I read up on your dairy queen, kaboom (JC bx using vortex right?), and that Qrazy Train, so even tho I dont have the MMJ cards to grow all the beans I get i'll still be a loyal customer cause your stuff just plain rocks. Thanks for all the happy days Subcool! :D
wats up Subcool i was wondering after my seeds pops above the soil when is it idle for me to sleep them. also i was wondering if u ever come to Cali to speak? if so when and where ill go no mater where.