thank you sub and jill for everything you do, your work and love is prized and very much apperciated by myself and my girl, were all working vary hard down here in the valley of the grapes to keep the medicine pure and healthy, i read everything you have to say and it has become a great help to me and my jurney to help those i can, as i do myself with our health and medicine, i have much to learn from you and many others alike... but i read your words like an anicent scroll, and dank has become my bible, i only wish to learn and be humbled, i would vary much like to know the best way to get your beans, i seem to be haveing quite the trouble locateing them here in the bay of california unffortunatly but the qurkle has become a great help and i look foward to develping more tinctures and varies medicines with it as well as this qrazy train that i hear about... i was lost for so long in my life untill i found my sanity in a garden, i know we have the abilty to help people here and i wish to share this. i apologise for the trip on life here but i know your one who will understand me given the time, for their may be many differant types of growers but us shamans have a set path and its not about the money or to sit arouund and do nothing with we can cure fucking cancer here... so anyways again thank you and i am humbled by your dedication and love i am here to learn and for you to teach
p.s thanks for all the bud porn =]