heating a 12x6 room?


Active Member
Where I live it gets cold and where im putting thos grow box it will be in lower temps, just looking for an efficient way to heat both the flower and veg room without electric space heaters?
Lights produce heat. The amount of wattage determines the amount of heat. 400 watts of LED produces almost the same heat as a 400 watt HPS (the HPS may produce a little more due to extra wattage used by the ballast)
Could you run the veg room 24/0 and vent it to the flower room? Or perhaps two divided flowering rooms/tents on alternating light cycles - the room that's on vents warm air to the dark room.
sorry 400w of leds dont produce 400w hps heat. They produce slight heat, but nothing comparable.

Give us more info. What do the internal temps get to? Outside temps? connected to a house? Well insulated?

Basically just follow all the rules of increasing the thermal efficiency of a house. Make sure all air gaps are sealed, foam insulation on the walls, air pockets when foam isnt available, insulate the roof/attic. Biggest thing is keep the room airtight(Besides plant intake unless using co2).

But really an HPS would be your best bet. lighting aside they produce heat which in some situations is a welcome friend. Yes more wattage and less theoretical efficiency, BUT space heaters run up to 1500watts for the somewhat small ones. So your energy savings are gone.
Could you not just buy a standard electric heater like you said before? Think about it, it's not difficult a situation to overcome and yeah that post about LEDs producing the same heat as a HPS/MH is bullshit ~ logic?
I was just thinking someone might know a different way then electric heaters they jump bills up. :( but ya where this guy got his thought process of the heat produced by LED and MH as being the same I am baffled
There's no fact behind it and even worse, no logic..

Electric heaters are cheap and cheap to run, if you're worried about the bill then make sure the heater is on only at night and that'll cut the cost in half.
Do you have any evidence for this? It doesn't sound scientifically possible.

Haha, leds that claim to put out 400watts of light aren't actually consuming 400watts of power; what they say is that they are equal is the light that's put out without the extra electric expense. So you will never get the heat 400 true watts produces from an led set-up... Where as an Hid system is consuming its actual rating, the higher the watts the hotter it gets... ya dig?
Six by nine is a pretty big room. Why not divide it in half? Have one side work the day shift and the other work the night. That way some of the bulbs are on all the time.
Like the guy earlier said, run your one rooms heat into the other and alternate your flowering cycles. And of course put the electric heater in there on a thermostat, that way most of your heating energy will be exhaust from your light heat and hopefully, if your are insulated, the electric heaters will only have to kick on when its coldest out.
Bea has a good idea, even with only leds, a little light at night will help.

Haha, leds that claim to put out 400watts of light aren't actually consuming 400watts of power; what they say is that they are equal is the light that's put out without the extra electric expense. So you will never get the heat 400 true watts produces from an led set-up... Where as an Hid system is consuming its actual rating, the higher the watts the hotter it gets... ya dig?

Ok go do a little research please. Ebay doesn't count. Reputable LED dealers(the ones that work) tell you the watts used. as in 100 3w leds=300 watts consumed(if driven at 3w). 400 is the same. some even go to about 600 actual consumed watts. They generally tell you what the lighting is equivalent to (or what they believe it is) but that is a different number and has no bearing in this.

Back on topic. You could look into propane heat. Electric heaters, smallish ones, can use 1500watts, lets say its using 1000 for 8 hours a day(for ease of math). At my electric rates thats about $1 a day. 30 a month about.

ok so propane math
1 gallon= 91,000 BTUs
most BBQ tanks are 5 gal
5x91,000= 455,000

divide by a small (200sq feet) propane heater of 9,000 btu(on max setting)
=50 hours per tank at full heat. propane fills start at about $11 a 5gal tank.

Ugh i cant do more math sorry

eitherway the cost will be similar, and with both you will be running maintenance heat(not starting from dead cold each time) so the figures and settings should go down. but if you want to stay off the electric bill propane is the best bet, its a bit less safe and much more a hassle.

But dont forget that you live in a cold environment and an addition of a heater is not going to bring the police, i would just stay electric, im sure once the room is heated and as long as it is insulated decently it will not be on as long as my initial estimate shows.

GL :)
Could you not just buy a standard electric heater like you said before? Think about it, it's not difficult a situation to overcome and yeah that post about LEDs producing the same heat as a HPS/MH is bullshit ~ logic?

How could it not? If it uses the same amount of electricity. Light energy converts to heat. One watt creates 3.4 BTUs per hour. It doesn't matter if the wattage is used for a HPS, LED, TV, space heater, etc etc..

All of you who are saying LEDs produce less heat, do you have any evidence for this? Besides what the LED company told you.
How could it not? If it uses the same amount of electricity. Light energy converts to heat. One watt creates 3.4 BTUs per hour. It doesn't matter if the wattage is used for a HPS, LED, TV, space heater, etc etc..

All of you who are saying LEDs produce less heat, do you have any evidence for this? Besides what the LED company told you.

Do you??????