here are the clones at 37 days.....approx. 3 weeks in dome....and 2 weeks in vege....I know they were slow in the start....but then in the last two weeks have grown very well, have topped once....and screwed it up a little have have some pretty asymmetrical wonky type growth pattern now....
My question - concern - issue - is - I have to be done and finished by April 1. that means, harvest dry and begin curing the main set of plants, and grow, flower, harvest, dry and cure the clones.
I have ten weeks (72 days) until that day. I can finish up the big girls without any realy question, and have the opportunity to let them go as long as I try make the bud as good as it can be....
the clones on the otherhand.....have those 72 days to do what they need to do.....and I have no idea whether or not that is going to be enough time or not? If so and my last drop dead date is the end of Jan. and I can get away with the 59 days for the full process for the clones....then I'm prolly ok.....
If not....then one option would be to putting the clones in with the big plants....there's floor space, just not ....above air space.... and they do as well as they can under the circumstances?
Anotehr option would be to finish the big ones, and do the clones in whatever the time is available and chop them according to the calendar and not their maturity (I think this is a bad idea?)
I'm sure there are other options that I have not considered?