aeroponics 36 site question

Hello, i am new to the site, i have done small grows in the past and i am completley new to hydro/inddoor.

I just purchased a 36 site aeroponics setup. I am only going to grow 4 strains on it, and i decided i would like to just have 8 plants to start on the whole setup. I would like to space them out so i can veg/top my plants so they will grow pretty large. I have a 1000w and 600w switchable ballasts, i am going to use one for veg/ the other for flower. Can you guys give me a better idea on how i should set this up? And also maybe let me know how i should calculate the nutrients... Is their going to be the same amount of nutrients as if i were growing 36 plants? it has a 40g resevoir.



Well-Known Member
Hello, i am new to the site, i have done small grows in the past and i am completley new to hydro/inddoor.

I just purchased a 36 site aeroponics setup. I am only going to grow 4 strains on it, and i decided i would like to just have 8 plants to start on the whole setup. I would like to space them out so i can veg/top my plants so they will grow pretty large. I have a 1000w and 600w switchable ballasts, i am going to use one for veg/ the other for flower. Can you guys give me a better idea on how i should set this up? And also maybe let me know how i should calculate the nutrients... Is their going to be the same amount of nutrients as if i were growing 36 plants? it has a 40g resevoir.

I can only tell you about what I have read here on RIU. I''m still researching myself, lol
Look at some of the DWC grows. look at the pics of the roots. What areo set up did you buy? If you got the one like the aeroflo you won't want to veg very long because the root system will fill the tubes & then you could have some probs with flooding. Also how tall do the strains you want to grow get? if they get different heights you have problems with the lighting in flower when they start to stretch (I think). On the nutes you would probably mix them as normal for what ever stage the plants are at when you put them into the system. You don't have to use the full 40gl in the res. I have some veggies running 15gl in a 27gl rez. You just gotta make sure that you don't run the pump dry. The nutes will just recirculate no biggie
Also with the GH aeroflo2 system you have the option of having the tubes flooded so you need to take that into account if you flood the tubes. I have read that some ppl don't flood them. I started experimenting with DWC & now I am experimenting with DIY aero/dwc hybrid. You can save a bundle if you can DIY these setups. A DIY aeroflo is my next plan for spring.

Like JoC said Research the aero threads on here. one good thread will get you most of the answers you need

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
Hey Sproutin, Welcome to RIU

WWShadow basically said it all, study and pick your strain wisely, study your system.

Pot strains have different nutrient demands ..

And most of all, these systems need most attention\monitoring ..

Good luck :leaf:
Are you saying i didnt buy the right equipment?
if you had done research to what system works best for you then maybe you could have made a 36 site instead of buying one. I was going to pay $600 for one form hydrofarm and instead had a friend make one for around $150 and he kept it for himself.