WWIII began 9 years ago.


Active Member

The Iranian leader did little to smooth this growing tension during his first day in the country. Speaking at a rally in Hezbollah-controlled southern Beirut on Wednesday, the leader repeated his mantra that Israel's collapse was inevitable. ''Pay attention. This hollow Zionism feels it has reached a dead end, and may stage new treacherous acts to rescue its existence and to create opportunities for itself," Ahmadinejad said, according to Radio Free Europe. "I announce here and now that any new treacherous act will merely shorten this fabricated regime's disgraceful life.''

And during a speech at the Lebanese University in Beirut earlier today, the Iranian President reaffirmed Iran's commitment to its nuclear program -- a key source of strategic concern for Israel and the West. "What did [the West] do with their scientific information? They mustered resources to produce nuclear weaponry. They won't let us develop our nuclear science program," Ahmadinejad told an applauding crowd, according to Haaretz. "The West wants us to stop our nuclear research, but Iran is determined to continue with it," he said, adding that Lebanon should build their own nuclear power plants as well."

details don't really matter anymore...just a heads up...


Active Member
It won't be long for sure. I'm surprised that it hasn't already happened. The Jews have more self restraint than I would have. I’m so sick of that little tyrant that I'd pay my own airfare to Tel Aviv and bring my own ammo just to fight him. Neutron bombs make short work of a short dictator.

Yes dictator, you that would argue that he was elected, you’re wrong! He was appointed by the Religious Council and was the only candidate that the votes counted for. That’s why the people were in the streets, because the election was fixed.

The people of Iran want the change in their government, they are just killed for expressing that idea. They want to emerge into the 21th century, but the price of beheading, hanging or some other barbaric punishment is just too imposing. So, they just live in fear and indignant submission of the threat.

Israel needs to be the bigger threat in the Iranian peoples mind. The fear in people’s minds, of a legitimate extermination threat is quite motivating. The Jews need to place an ultimatum that unless the government of Iran is overthrown by the Iranian people within 70 days, the Neutron war will begin and it will not end well for the Iranian people, and mean it.

I predict that the Iranian people would then take care of business, kill all the snakes in Tehran and welcome in peace, western culture and human rights values.

It sounds only fair that if you threaten the extermination of a people, you get exterminated for the good of the world.

Time to play hard ball with those MoFo’s. S


Well-Known Member
Come again? You think that the Iranian people should kill their leaders and then throw out their culture and just accept western culture?


Well-Known Member
i've been writing about this for a while. i see world war iii in the making at the moment, if you dig a little deeper for news around the world (not the "international everyone read this one topic only" news), you can see everything coming together (or falling apart).

there will be war on the korean peninsula, there will be military action in iran...when the third world war begins the world will be divided: usa, uk, eu, south korea/japan, saudi arabia+ vs russia, china, islamic middle east, north korea

i gotta go to chinese class right now but i'll post on the "green revolution" and the fraud that goes on with that. typical propaganda and conditioning against the state of iran.


Active Member
If their culture includes blowing up children, women and civilians or a fun night for them is cutting the head off of some hapless victim... you bet I do. Big frickin smoking hole in the ground.

Tell me, can you justify the Muslim Sharia law that allows a grown man to marry a 2 year old little girl and have sex with her? If he is not happy with her, he can return her to her family, which in most cases she is put to death for “shaming” the family. Is that OK with you? Really?

How about, a world in which women have no social, human or property rights? Is that OK as well?

How well do you really know of which you speak?

News flash... the stone age is over. Some cultures deserve to disappear. S


Active Member
Yep... don't dispute the facts, just insult or dismiss the one reporting the FACTS. Wowww... or should I say Baaaaaahhhh...


Yep... don't dispute the facts, just insult or dismiss the one reporting the FACTS. Wowww... or should I say Baaaaaahhhh...
smuggler ease up there pal. i'm curious, how many languages can you speak fluently? and have you spent any time in the home country of those languages?

the christian bible says you can sell your daughter, and kill people that don't believe in christ, and that your fist should be the first blow. it says you should invade towns that don't believe, kill everyone and save all the virgins you find for yourself. it talks about girls having sex with their father because they're horny, and all kinds of crazy messed up shit. if you're too lazy to read the whole bible just go look up leviticus.

now tell me, how many of those things do you do? you live in a christian country so you MUST be doing ALL those things! you see how this logic makes little sense? could you see an ignorant muslim or arab believing that you do those things because it's what your holy doctrine describes? it would mean that he obviously hasn't been here. so don't go saying the whole country does messed up stuff.

fucked up things happen in EVERY country. go travel, smoke some ganj, and philosophize.


Well-Known Member
If their culture includes blowing up children, women and civilians or a fun night for them is cutting the head off of some hapless victim... you bet I do. Big frickin smoking hole in the ground.

Tell me, can you justify the Muslim Sharia law that allows a grown man to marry a 2 year old little girl and have sex with her? If he is not happy with her, he can return her to her family, which in most cases she is put to death for “shaming” the family. Is that OK with you? Really?

How about, a world in which women have no social, human or property rights? Is that OK as well?

How well do you really know of which you speak?

News flash... the stone age is over. Some cultures deserve to disappear. S
Good job sensationalizing minor, minor as in few not in degree of severity (just so you don't try to turn this into a game of semantics), atrocities of one nation and using it to group an entire civilization. We can turn this entire thing around and talk about the atrocities committed by the West, which far out number anything you spoke of, but because that would take on all sorts of directions I will keep this conversation within the subject of Iran - instead of sensationalizing certain things in order to discredit a whole.

Just so I don't waste my time posting detailed replies to your "post", I ask you: where do you want to focus this discussion on? The 1953 Iranian Revolution that was backed by the US and led to the death of thousands and the overthrow of a democratically elected leader, Mohammed Mossadegh, for a murderous dictator all because Mossadegh wanted to nationalize the oil industry so the Iranian people could become wealthier and not have their natural resources pillaged for profit by foreigners (the first, the breeding ground for the CIA's strategy of sabotaging a nation; this tactic was reused over and over, e.g., 1954 Guatemala, 1980's Afghanistan, 1990's Serbia)? How about the tactics of the US for the overthrow? They used TERRORISM. They would bomb and kill innocent civilians and blame it on the opposition (the same tactic was used for the Green Revolution but to a lesser degree). Maybe we can focus on the man the West backed to replace democratically elected Mossadegh, General Fazlollah Zahedi? General Fazlollah Zahedi, the man who sold his country out to the West in return for power and funding for his military and secret police, the SAVAK? Or would you rather talk about the "Green Revolution" of 2009 that was also backed by the US and led through sabotage and media hype? Where the US backed Mousavi "The Butcher"? Mousavi "The Butcher of Beirut" who earned his name through a terrorism campaign against US soldiers and marines back in the 1980's?

And to present another point of view, though I doubt you'd be able to see nothing wrong with it. How about a world where there is no such moral code whatsoever? Where women dress as whores, children as young as 11 are having sexual intercourse? A world where plastic surgery is widespread and looks mean more than anything else? A world where democratically elected leaders are overthrown for dictators? A world where terrorism is supported behind doors but "shunned" in the mainstream? A world where biological, chemical diseases are given out knowingly to innocent civilians for profit and testing? A world where programs like MK ULTRA are used on innocent civilians for testing of brainwashing? We can go on and on but you pick the topic you want to discuss.


New Member
smuggler ease up there pal. i'm curious, how many languages can you speak fluently? and have you spent any time in the home country of those languages?

the christian bible says you can sell your daughter, and kill people that don't believe in christ, and that your fist should be the first blow. it says you should invade towns that don't believe, kill everyone and save all the virgins you find for yourself. it talks about girls having sex with their father because they're horny, and all kinds of crazy messed up shit. if you're too lazy to read the whole bible just go look up leviticus.

now tell me, how many of those things do you do? you live in a christian country so you MUST be doing ALL those things! you see how this logic makes little sense? could you see an ignorant muslim or arab believing that you do those things because it's what your holy doctrine describes? it would mean that he obviously hasn't been here. so don't go saying the whole country does messed up stuff.

fucked up things happen in EVERY country. go travel, smoke some ganj, and philosophize.
Exactly. All Iranians are not feral idiots. They have thousands of years of heritage. They were at one time one of the most advanced civilizations on earth. The old addage still applies, Christian I believe, walk a mile in their shoes before you judge, And then there's judge not lest ye be judged.


Active Member



The silence is absolutely deafening from the Muslim community. VERY TELLING INDEED!


If they were such gentle and kind people as you would have us to believe, then they would fight to uncover the actions of the so called radicals, as we as a people go after the likes of Timothy McVey or the KKK.

American people are kind and tolerant, live and let live, until you blow up some kids or chop off the head of a journalist or tell me that it’s OK to do that. S



Well-Known Member



The silence is absolutely deafening from the Muslim community. VERY TELLING INDEED!


If they were such gentle and kind people as you would have us to believe, then they would fight to uncover the actions of the so called radicals, as we as a people go after the likes of Timothy McVey or the KKK.

American people are kind and tolerant, live and let live, until you blow up some kids or chop off the head of a journalist or tell me that it’s OK to do that. S


How about you respond to my post. You speak as if you know a lot about Iranian history, so let's discuss. Read my post and pick the specific era of modern Iranian history you want to discuss and we can take it forward from there.

Murderous and merciless? Then what is going on in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan? Let me guess...Americans have come to spread freedom and democracy to the lesser civilized? AMERICAAAAA FUCK YEAHHH!!!

Who was it that jump-started al-Qaeda? The CIA and Zbigniew Brzezinski in the 1970's, fueling the Mujahadeen with weapons and ideas. Who created Osama bin Laden? The CIA and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Oh wait, at that time Osama's name was Tim Osman, when he was a tactician for the CIA.

[In case you don't know who Brzezinski Zbigniew is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zbigniew_Brzezinski ]

Oh hey, look! It's Brzezinski and bin Laden!
View attachment 1222301

Oh hey! Look! It's Brzezinski in Afghanistan in the 1970's, telling the Mujahadeen jihadists that their cause is right and that God is on their side!

Who helped Saddam Hussein consolidate power in Iraq? Who sold him chemical weapons to carry out a genocide? The CIA and the United States government.

Oh hey, look! It's Donald Rumsfeld and Saddam Hussein!
View attachment 1222302

Muslims don't denounce terrorism, bloodshed and murder? Do you ever think about your beliefs? How can you rationally come to a conclusion like that?

Muslims, Muslim figures, Muslim groups denounce terrorism:

















http://www.theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/print/terrorism_american_muslims_and_scholars_denounce_t errorism/

http://www.unionleader.com/article.aspx?headline=Manchester+Muslims+denounce+ terrorism&articleId=523abe29-25cd-4c0e-bb2c-afaabee1ddec





Your grasp, or lack there of, on logic truly baffles me. Any reasonable person would take the time to research the opposition before taking such an adamant position on a specific issue.

What about the atrocities that the United States government committed? Are those to be just forgot about? Or burned away like Allen Dulles, former head of the CIA, did to all the documents that linked to project MK ULTRA? What about the genocide and bloodshed by the hands of Israel? You have a serious misunderstanding of the world and history.

Anyway, the balls back in your court. You pick the topic in modern Iranian history and we shall discuss, since you stated you know so much about it.


American people are kind and tolerant, live and let live, until you blow up some kids or chop off the head of a journalist or tell me that it’s OK to do that. S
here i'll use a nice crude cynical approach that might speak to you a little better.

rich men in england:
gah this sucks the english gov't takes all our money in taxes, let's sail to a new land to avoid all this, aw check this out sweet we'll call it america! oh shit native americans, let's drive them off their land and use them as slaves. damn doing this invading sucks we need more slaves, let's use those mexicans in the south of this new land. damn this sucks we need more slaves, let's import some more slaves from africa. let's write a constitution for us, 'with liberty and justice for all...' yeah that sounds good...go make me a sandwich ni**er! and pick that cotton! alright sweet nice country for us peace loving americans. go back to mexico you beaners! go back to africa you n***ers! THIS IS AMUURRICA! and you damn native americans, go back to... oh wait..... shit..... here we'll give you tax breaks for completely wiping out 99% of your entire culture and population.
(the above was not meant to offend, just proving a point, i have black and mexican friends, good people)

you really think america is awesome?

live and let live my balls. what kind of books have you been reading? did you know the people who have the most money in america pay the least in taxes? did you know the working class has the highest tax rates? live and let live?! why do we have so many blacks and latin americans in private prisons? america is bought out! don't you get it? there's only one gas station in america that actually gets it's oil from america.

there's so many points i could choose from to just hammer you into the ground,
here let's take a little trip,

1 kuwaiti dinar = 3.5 us dollars.
the united states is 3,800,000 square miles.
kuwait is about 6,900 square miles.

kuwait is something like 99% muslim, those 'horrible people' sure know something about economics huh?
how do you think that works?


i quote,
"The United States produces more serial killers than any other country. Up to 85 percent of the world's serial killers are in the United States.
    • (2) According to a study of the Behavioral Unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, serial killing has climbed to an almost `epidemic proportion'.

    • (3) At any given time there are an estimated 20-50 active serial killers. Serial killers who change their targets or methods are often never identified.

    • (4) Approximately 500,000 DNA evidence kits across the country wait to be processed because of a lack of funding. Over 3,000 DNA kits have not been processed in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana, serial killer case. "
the us has so many killers that there's not enough money in the industry to even start lowering that number.

your convictions are so generalized that you're claiming an entire ethnic group is doing the same thing. i really hope you're just super young and not this delusional....

stop preaching something you know nothing about.


Well-Known Member
Yep... don't dispute the facts, just insult or dismiss the one reporting the FACTS. Wowww... or should I say Baaaaaahhhh...


I'd like to see what Smuggler has to say after writing a post like this towards me. Reply to my posts.


Well-Known Member

I'd like to see what Smuggler has to say after writing a post like this towards me. Reply to my posts.
He's under no obligation to respond, and quite frankly I wouldn't respond to you either, seeing how you're acting.:sad:


Well-Known Member
He's under no obligation to respond, and quite frankly I wouldn't respond to you either, seeing how you're acting.:sad:
I never said he's under an obligation to respond; I only stated that I'd like to see what he has to say. That's cool that you wouldn't respond; I, personally, would expect him to respond because of what the posts he directed towards me. I'm sorry you think I am acting in a way that is not gentleman-like :(


Well-Known Member
I never said he's under an obligation to respond; I only stated that I'd like to see what he has to say. That's cool that you wouldn't respond; I, personally, would expect him to respond because of what the posts he directed towards me. I'm sorry you think I am acting in a way that is not gentleman-like :(
I'm just sayin', his opinion is HIS opinion. IMO, it's a bit extreme but Iran has been a thorn in the side of the U.S. for over 30 years now. I remember the hostage crisis like it was yesterday. America has done some fucked up shit, to be sure, but Iran has been calling for the destruction of Israel. That's pretty harsh rhetoric and they're almost nuclear. That's exactly what the world needs. Another islamic republic with nukes!:fire:


Well-Known Member
I'm just sayin', his opinion is HIS opinion. IMO, it's a bit extreme but Iran has been a thorn in the side of the U.S. for over 30 years now. I remember the hostage crisis like it was yesterday. America has done some fucked up shit, to be sure, but Iran has been calling for the destruction of Israel. That's pretty harsh rhetoric and they're almost nuclear. That's exactly what the world needs. Another islamic republic with nukes!:fire:
go get 'em, doc!


Well-Known Member
I'm just sayin', his opinion is HIS opinion. IMO, it's a bit extreme but Iran has been a thorn in the side of the U.S. for over 30 years now. I remember the hostage crisis like it was yesterday. America has done some fucked up shit, to be sure, but Iran has been calling for the destruction of Israel. That's pretty harsh rhetoric and they're almost nuclear. That's exactly what the world needs. Another islamic republic with nukes!:fire:
I agree. It's his opinion. That's fine. I think we all have differing opinions and that's natural and healthy.

Iran has been a "thorn on the side of the US" for decades but it is a result of blowback. I was replying to his comment that implied I was a "sheep" and I did not understand the situation in Iran. I countered by asking to discuss aspects of modern Iranian history and how the US involvement led to blowback and has led to the tension between Iran and the US.

Granted, America has done some bad things. So has every nation in the world.

I agree. Iran's call for the destruction of Israel is wrong. It is harsh rhetoric. I do not agree with Ahmadinejad. One thing to note is that Smuggler has been calling for the same exact thing but with Iran. He calls for the destruction of their civilization. Are Israeli's more "worthy" of living than Iranians?

That's pretty harsh rhetoric and they're almost nuclear. That's exactly what the world needs. Another islamic republic with nukes!:fire:
I agree. We don't need more nuclear states; however, there are some things that should be looked into. The US is funding the Iranian light water reactors in Busher via two Russian institutes (I'm not stating this is on purpose or inadvertent because I would not know their intentions). It's not just pennies either. It's millions of dollars. One one hand, we have the US scolding Iran for it's nuclear ambitions but on the other, we have the same US government funding the Iranian nuclear program. This is the same tactic with North Korea. The US states that the DPRK's nuclear ambitions is a threat but it is the same US government that has helped boost the North Korean nuclear program through technology and funding. I can get into this if you want, but I'll keep the thread on Iran.




Well-Known Member
I agree. It's his opinion. That's fine. I think we all have differing opinions and that's natural and healthy.

Iran has been a "thorn on the side of the US" for decades but it is a result of blowback. I was replying to his comment that implied I was a "sheep" and I did not understand the situation in Iran. I countered by asking to discuss aspects of modern Iranian history and how the US involvement led to blowback and has led to the tension between Iran and the US.

Granted, America has done some bad things. So has every nation in the world.

I agree. Iran's call for the destruction of Israel is wrong. It is harsh rhetoric. I do not agree with Ahmadinejad. One thing to note is that Smuggler has been calling for the same exact thing but with Iran. He calls for the destruction of their civilization. Are Israeli's more "worthy" of living than Iranians?

I agree. We don't need more nuclear states; however, there are some things that should be looked into. The US is funding the Iranian light water reactors in Busher via two Russian institutes (I'm not stating this is on purpose or inadvertent because I would not know their intentions). It's not just pennies either. It's millions of dollars. One one hand, we have the US scolding Iran for it's nuclear ambitions but on the other, we have the same US government funding the Iranian nuclear program. This is the same tactic with North Korea. The US states that the DPRK's nuclear ambitions is a threat but it is the same US government that has helped boost the North Korean nuclear program through technology and funding. I can get into this if you want, but I'll keep the thread on Iran.


The world isn't getting any safer. Sooner or later it's going to become about survival. When that day comes we are all fucked! There is only a finite amount of space on the planet and 6 billion mouths to feed and growing. This may sound callous but we are going to have to have a war at some point in the near future. Resources are becoming stretched and thanks to 9/11 we live in a very different world than most of us imagined when we were young. I don't have a crystal ball and can't predict what the future holds. Will Iran be the next country the U.S. invades or are we just rattling our sabers in hopes that Iran will stop their nuclear program? I believe Iran wants a confrontation with the U.S. but I can't figure out why. It didn't work out so well for Saddam. Peaceful nations don't say the kind of things being spouted by Ahmendinijad. Saddam thought he could yank the U.N. and the U.S. around and it cost him dearly. Did he and the Iraqi people deserve what they got courtesy of the U.S. and Nato? I don't think anybody deserves a daisy cutter dropped on their head but taunting the biggest kid on the block is never a smart move, especially when you are a scrawny kid with no friends and no real way to defend yourself. It doesn't really matter what you and I think anyway. As messed up as this sounds I believe war is the only thing that can keep our rapidly growing population in check.:sad: