check out my guard frog


Well-Known Member
That is cute. It obviously is finding enough for it to eat. Watch it and if it looks like it is loosing weight and starting to starve, thank it for it's hard work by releasing it outside.
I couldent agree more, having a pet come like that come on his own is a blessing, also i find myself looking at my plant for hours, wish i had a frog to look at too lol plus rep for lookin out for the frog


Active Member
That is cute. It obviously is finding enough for it to eat. Watch it and if it looks like it is loosing weight and starting to starve, thank it for it's hard work by releasing it outside.
I bring a few dead mosquitos in there everyday and put them where I know they couldn't get blown off. When I check for them they're always gone. Maybe that's why he's waiting for me almost everyday. He's just as healthy as he was 6 weeks ago. Im sure he could leave the same way he got in. He hasnt yet.


Active Member
nice. i found an earthworm in the soil from a plant i brought in from out doors. my grow partner named him/her herman. hope (s)hes surviving all the neem i been putting in.

also you may want to temporarily remove him around harvest. he may pee on your plant's buds. nice to have around though.