Week 2 of first grow, how am i doing?


Hello all! I'm new to this so I'm not sure how well my plants are doing right now. Here are pictures I took yesterday and before. They're all several days apart with my oldest plant being 2 weeks and my youngest being 2 days.

I use Moon Dust and Bushmasters as nutrients (although I'm not sure if I should have used Bushmasters this early on =[)

2x 90W LED UFOs
CO2 Booster
Fogger, air stone are in

I keep my solution pH at around 6.8 but it goes up to 7.3-7.4 every other day.




Well-Known Member
It does not look the greatest. You need to drop the PH level way down to around 5.6-5.8. Then if the PH is changing because of the solution, get BETTER nuts or stable nuts as they call them. I am using Sensi Grow and so far no change in PH at all. I hope your nuts at full strength. should be about 1/2 strength or about 400-500 PPM. Also try not get any water on the leaves at this stage.


Well-Known Member
yea u should be just be introducing nuts to your plants. they should be for the first 2 weeks just straight water. even though i was up too 800 ppm.


Well-Known Member
Your PH is way too high .. When I start I use a dome from seed after 2 weeks I transfer into my reservoirs and go 1/4 strength on the nutes.


Paula is right. They seem over-watered and water logged. Your PH is WAY to high. Target range is 5.5-6.2 with 5.8 optimum ph (this is arguable). Also like stated above you don't want water on the leaves at this stage. Maybe move your spouts over a bit more so it doesn't dump right on top of the leaves. In picture number two you can start to see the leaves turning into a brown color, this might be nute shock, but the pictures are low rez and it is hard to tell. Maybe try flushing with phed water and water less frequently.


Well-Known Member
AND really drop your PH and how much nuts u are putting in. try give them straight water for now and then maybe in a week or 2 introduce nuts like 1/4 of what it says then next week make it half and then the following full nuts. but you need to do straight water right now to get those poor plants can comeback.


Active Member
ph is rising from your hydroton rocks.try soaking them in water with a ph of 4 overnight.rinse, and repeat.the water after the second soaking should be about 5.5-6.0.your ph will stabilize and you will have no problem keeping your ph in range.


changed my nutrient solution to 5.8ph and 1053ppm using gh micro + bloom, and used spray n' grow

also added a dual outlet air pump with 2 new air stones, so my roots should be getting way more oxygen now

hopefully this helps

if my ph still keeps rising with this solution then i will soak the rocks in ph 4 as warfey said.

any idea on what time cycle to put my drippers on?


What was the pH of your water before adding nutrients? 1053ppm is too high for 2 week old plants imo. I believe you should be at 1/4 or 1/2 nutrients at the moment, especially since you have some that are 2 days old and range to 2 weeks old. Especially too high for the 2 day old plants. I would say having your ppm's no higher than about 300-400. My tap water is 79ppm's and i would have them at no higher than 350 or so at this point. GH has a nutrient calculator on their website too: http://www.genhydro.com/calculator/index.html If you use this calculator, be sure to change your reservoir size and ounces/milliliters on the calculator.


What was the pH of your water before adding nutrients? 1053ppm is too high for 2 week old plants imo. I believe you should be at 1/4 or 1/2 nutrients at the moment, especially since you have some that are 2 days old and range to 2 weeks old. Especially too high for the 2 day old plants. I would say having your ppm's no higher than about 300-400. My tap water is 79ppm's and i would have them at no higher than 350 or so at this point. GH has a nutrient calculator on their website too: http://www.genhydro.com/calculator/index.html If you use this calculator, be sure to change your reservoir size and ounces/milliliters on the calculator.
The pH of my water was 6.8 before nutrients, then at 6.2 with nutrients in, i adjusted it to 5.8 with pH Down.

The formula I use for GH is Micro 5ml/gallon and Bloom 10ml/gallon.

Should I change out the whole nutrient solution or just take some out and put in pH adjusted water until I hit a low ppm?

Thanks again


How large is the reservoir container? With GH I nute burned mine. You can see the post here: https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/371625-leaves-curling-up.html
I had the nutes at 400ppm, did some reading and decided to increase it to 700ppm and it fried them. Luckily they recovered quickly.
I did a complete nutrient solution change. In my opinion, I would change out the entire solution and start from scratch with the correct amounts of each.
I am on my first grow as well, so any advice I am giving you is based off of my limited knowledge, reading, and experience :)
But they're doing good so far



Ok so I managed to lower ppm to 553 and ph to 5.3

Really hope this helps. I also hit them with a big dose of spray n' grow. Trimmed the browning leaves