80 Grams!


Well-Known Member
So my dealer gave me some shake/small bud, he said theres 80 grams and i can have it. I was gonna make some hash probably or maybe i'll try something else.

Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
who the hell hands out 80 grams of canadian kill? i h8 you...well more so envy you >:[

shake or not man thats still some smoke!

anyways shit if you are all balla balla and got better smoke make some fucking canna butter out of that shit (i like the boiling water method) then put that shit in brownies or rice crispys or what ev!


Well-Known Member
word man! hey if you need to know how to do it right and can't find it i know some links, but it isn't to hard to google ;]


Well-Known Member
send it to me.
lol, yeah, me too, just an ounce will do for me.:joint::joint::joint: :mrgreen: J/k.

Unless your gonna do it:neutral::neutral::neutral:... lol, HA HA HA... *laughs all the way back to Reality...*

Ummm...Smoke the Shit out of it, thats my idea... :-) But thats just me.




Well-Known Member
aight dig that but, what do you do with the end product?
uhhhh... smoke it! I like to stick it in a bong, but its also nice to crumble it into a nice fatty mixing it with some weed/tobacco ... u can also make some cannabutter with it... try different ways of consuming it, the sky's the limit when your'e high//

chronic luka

Well-Known Member
i would suggest making brownies.. depending on how good the shake is.. like dank shake or schwag shake.. if it is dank then i would say make brownies.. I'd use about 14 g/batch if it's dank 28 g/batch if it's schwag.. and if you do.. be carefull... they will be potent and leave you stoned for atleast a day.. (we made 1 batch with an entire ounce and I had 2 brownies and was stoned for 2 days! lol, good times!) whatever you decide.. i wanna know how it turns out!