Gnat flys all over indoor hydro system. fly swatter isn't working

Get yourself some Gnat off and attach yellow sticky traps to the sides of your pots and around the top edges as well. Sticky traps hanging in the air wont do much good because gnats are always walking around the soil/edges of the pots/sides of the pots and sometimes the base of the stem. Maybe attach a yellow sticky trap here as well.

I have just dealt with a fungus knat problem in about a week using these methods, very effective. The sticky traps will be their main enemy, the gnat off is just to kill the larvae in the soil.
Also be careful with watering, fungus gnat larvae thrive in moist soil. Make sure your soil has dried up before you water, this will slow them down and help defend against future attacks.

Good luck.

Learning all the time

Active Member
Please, I can't stress enuf the fact that 20 people on every post about fungus gnats talks about sand on top of the soil. Doesn't anyone notice that half of the posters are using HYDRO methods of cultivation? Sure, pour some sand on top of that hydroton. See what that does you.

So, does anyone have information about curing this deathly disease in HYDRO? NO SOIL? I've tried ED ROSENTHAL's Zero Tolerance for spraying atop the hydroton, SM-90 in the res...that worked for about 2 weeks and they came back in large numbers...anybody know what to do to keep them from infecting a future harvest. I chopped all my plants down, cloned everything off my mothers in a botanicare 165 site aero cloner, trashed all the hydroton in the house, bleached all my trays buckets, net pots res replacing almost every cheap part of my place besides the house. and my house is I need to bomb the whole place? I've got my last harvest drying and my trimmings curing. what to do? any good advice is appreciated.

and please don't tell me to use sand!


Well-Known Member
Please, I can't stress enuf the fact that 20 people on every post about fungus gnats talks about sand on top of the soil. Doesn't anyone notice that half of the posters are using HYDRO methods of cultivation? Sure, pour some sand on top of that hydroton. See what that does you.

So, does anyone have information about curing this deathly disease in HYDRO? NO SOIL? I've tried ED ROSENTHAL's Zero Tolerance for spraying atop the hydroton, SM-90 in the res...that worked for about 2 weeks and they came back in large numbers...anybody know what to do to keep them from infecting a future harvest. I chopped all my plants down, cloned everything off my mothers in a botanicare 165 site aero cloner, trashed all the hydroton in the house, bleached all my trays buckets, net pots res replacing almost every cheap part of my place besides the house. and my house is I need to bomb the whole place? I've got my last harvest drying and my trimmings curing. what to do? any good advice is appreciated.

If I were you, I would try putting something on top of the hydroton. Something like sand would work well.

Sorry, I just had to. As I said previously, cover your container.. hydro or soil. The larva eat roots and they are mostly in your container so cover them to reduce access. You need to reduce the frequency of your watering. gnats in soil are typically found when people are waterlogging their plants, so to find them in must be keeping that shit pretty damn wet. Dude, don't throw your hydroton out!!

I would bake whatever you can fit in the oven at around 200 for a good hour. That will kill any and all larva and eggs, etc. Bleach all the rez, table, hoses and give everything else a good wipe with some dilute bleach, cleaner solution.

That should be plenty fine. I mean, come on, you don't have fucking ebola in your grow room, its just a small gnat problem.
Ok sorry, i didnt notice the hydro part, im baked.

Here's some advice:

1: Buy a grow tent.

2: GET SHITLOADS OF STICKY TRAPS. Buy more then you think you'd need. Stick them where you see the most gnats, or just generally everywhere if you want. Better that then have them stick to your buds, but if you buy a tent and you're careful no gnats will get in anyway.

For now, get some sort of gnat insecticide and add it to your tank, i use one called "gnat off" but thats for soil im not actually sure if it works the same for hydro.

Learning all the time

Active Member
Ive found dish soap kill fungus gnats no problem. Just plain ol dish soap. I used a drop or two per gallon.
In hydro? probably could have done that with mothers...will do on the sticky traps. Now that everything's chopped down and all I have are clones in my aero, what type of preventative measures can I use to keep new infections from happening? I understand letting my medium dry, but I'm dripping on a 4x4 and a 2x4 on the same res all the same strain. ((ak-48)not a typo) lol. I don't want to bomb my entire house.

preventative measures please!


Well-Known Member
don't store rotting fruit in your grow room?

I dunno dude, what is your set-up? Screen your exhaust inlets? close the door?
Ive got Gnats aswell, they are bloody annoying little things and to make it worse i think i have spide mites aswell, theres little tiny tiny white things in the soil and they walk up the side of the pot to, they are barely visible, but ive got pretty good eye site.

I read some where that you can spray rubbing alcohol mix with water (50/50 solution) and it kills the flys and the spider mites, im not too sure if its gonna kill all of the spider mites, but it killed the little white things walking around the side of the pot and it also killed all of the gnats that came into contact with it. And the good thing is that the Alcohol evaporates extremely fast so after a short amount of time its just water left over.


Well-Known Member
Ive got Gnats aswell, they are bloody annoying little things and to make it worse i think i have spide mites aswell, theres little tiny tiny white things in the soil and they walk up the side of the pot to, they are barely visible, but ive got pretty good eye site.

I read some where that you can spray rubbing alcohol mix with water (50/50 solution) and it kills the flys and the spider mites, im not too sure if its gonna kill all of the spider mites, but it killed the little white things walking around the side of the pot and it also killed all of the gnats that came into contact with it. And the good thing is that the Alcohol evaporates extremely fast so after a short amount of time its just water left over.
OP is in soil but check this thread out:


Active Member
awesome, as I no longer have a problem with them my grow setup has changed, and I found buying Walmart potting soil is a HORRIBLE choice as there are gnat fly eggs or something in the packages of Miracle grow. so I put my dirt in the Oven at 500degrees for 20minutes ... straight kills anything alive