News You Can Use.


Well-Known Member
That's why we have to focus the fight, ITS THE ECONOMY. We, as a nation are bankrupt. We have 'consumed' our way there by ignoring economic principles. If you spend more than you earn you end up in the whole. We have to stop digging and fill the hole. Slick Willy had it right, It's the economy stupid!!. Did anyone see Ron Pauls interview with Bill Moyers. I found them on U tube same page as the South Carolina Debates. If I remember right Bill used to have a show on NPR and was a reporter for one of the National's I think. In any case, that interview and the 'Town Hall Meeting' to replace the debate he was not allowed in DR. Paul time to tie the different area's together, the economy, foreign policy, and the costs of policing the World. I thin it would be helpful for him to talk about the ripple effect of our troops spending thier incomes in the US. His comment about border control in Iraq instead of the US made so much sense a child could understand it.
Dr. Paul's reaction to the 'tough' questions is definately allowing him to make his points hit home harder.
I have watched the Republican Parties Capitulation to 'Big Government'. A life of public service, my ass. They remind me of the hollywood producer. He was asked why it costs 20 million dollars to produce a film. His response was you can't steal a million unless you are spending a lot. VV


Well-Known Member
That's why we have to focus the fight, ITS THE ECONOMY. We, as a nation are bankrupt. We have 'consumed' our way there by ignoring economic principles. If you spend more than you earn you end up in the whole. We have to stop digging and fill the hole. Slick Willy had it right, It's the economy stupid!!. Did anyone see Ron Pauls interview with Bill Moyers. I found them on U tube same page as the South Carolina Debates. If I remember right Bill used to have a show on NPR and was a reporter for one of the National's I think. In any case, that interview and the 'Town Hall Meeting' to replace the debate he was not allowed in DR. Paul time to tie the different area's together, the economy, foreign policy, and the costs of policing the World. I thin it would be helpful for him to talk about the ripple effect of our troops spending thier incomes in the US. His comment about border control in Iraq instead of the US made so much sense a child could understand it.
Dr. Paul's reaction to the 'tough' questions is definately allowing him to make his points hit home harder.
I have watched the Republican Parties Capitulation to 'Big Government'. A life of public service, my ass. They remind me of the hollywood producer. He was asked why it costs 20 million dollars to produce a film. His response was you can't steal a million unless you are spending a lot. VV

The Traitor in Chief is as smart man. Most people vote the economy. By the way, that line, "it's the economy stupid" I believe came from James Carvell. But, the republicans are not doing very well, because of this issue. Bush has gutted the economy and only Dr. Paul understands macro economic theory and application. So we have a lame-duck Prez being followed by lame-brain Congressional republicans, who are afraid of their party.


Well-Known Member
not so simple when our monetary system is based on debt. the debt is always increasing, yes spending less money we have is good in theory but no so good/easy in practice.

maybe for the individual though...


Well-Known Member
I didn't say 'easy' I said simple. I hear the thousnds of commercials about Credit Card debt, the irs etc. ruining your life. IF we don't bite the bullet and start saving money this coutry is gpoing to collapse. VV


Well-Known Member
not so simple when our monetary system is based on debt. the debt is always increasing, yes spending less money we have is good in theory but no so good/easy in practice.

maybe for the individual though...
The smartest talking heads are at the Federal Reserve Bank. Unfortunately, they are a very biased opinion group. Before they became paid insiders they would have said one thing, now they say what the boss tells them to say.

Anyway, the talking heads say we need to "spend more" or we will fuel a recession. I believe this advise is nuts. We need to start saving a little more and paying down consumer debt.

Getting a little production back into the USA would be nice, also. Oh, how can we reduce gasoline prices? Stop buying so much gas. Supply and demand will work for the consumer, and lower the pump price.


Well-Known Member
They say that because they know what we are committed to paying. In order to pay for all of the 'entitlements' with fewer people working and more 'retired' in we don't continue to 'expand' the economy it will collapse. When my wife and I visited Germany, around the year 2000 we got 99euros/ $100.00. Now the exchange is $2.59/euro. If we don't get this changed we will have a coolapse that will make the great depression look like a cake walk. America interest has to be in America. You want to do business in a foriegn country go ahead, you do so at your own peril, we are not capable of financing the policing of the world, for the interests of a few 'multinational' corporations.
This huge buildup of 'Federal Government's power' started for good reasons, the Constitution was being ignored, and the Federal Government had to step in and protect the rights of our citizens. In addition to that agreements on a National Highway System was popular. And the erosion of local control continued with increased taxes and 'revenue sharing', which allowed the 'Federal Government' to decide what local projects would get done. Well.. VV


New Member
They say that because they know what we are committed to paying. In order to pay for all of the 'entitlements' with fewer people working and more 'retired' in we don't continue to 'expand' the economy it will collapse. When my wife and I visited Germany, around the year 2000 we got 99euros/ $100.00. Now the exchange is $2.59/euro. If we don't get this changed we will have a coolapse that will make the great depression look like a cake walk. America interest has to be in America. You want to do business in a foriegn country go ahead, you do so at your own peril, we are not capable of financing the policing of the world, for the interests of a few 'multinational' corporations.
This huge buildup of 'Federal Government's power' started for good reasons, the Constitution was being ignored, and the Federal Government had to step in and protect the rights of our citizens. In addition to that agreements on a National Highway System was popular. And the erosion of local control continued with increased taxes and 'revenue sharing', which allowed the 'Federal Government' to decide what local projects would get done. Well.. VV
Geeze VV, I see you really get it. America has to be for America, well done. We must take care of our citizens first then worry about the wellbeing of the CEOs. When a CEO makes more in ten minutes than the average worker makes in a year, there is something rotten in Denmark. Yes there is a need for federal oversight. If left to the states, projects like highways etc. would be corrupted by local politicians for monetary reasons. We need to clean house in congress, the presidency and our state legislatures also. This last election in Nv., they elected a big crook for governor, even after he was caught trying to force himself on a woman in the parking lot of a bar. Now they have found more scandolous shit on the asshole, and it gets better, he was a Repuke, go figure, at least it was a woman, not a man,~LOL~. Now the asshole has cut 90 Million from the state school budgets and is looking to cut more, instead of raising the Gambling tax which is only 3% while we, the citizens pay 7.75% sales tax. The Gambling lobby has him on their payroll, thats for sure, they were the ones that got him elected in the first place. I'll bet his next move is to instate the dreaded state income tax.


Well-Known Member
Geeze VV, I see you really get it. America has to be for America, well done. We must take care of our citizens first then worry about the wellbeing of the CEOs. When a CEO makes more in ten minutes than the average worker makes in a year, there is something rotten in Denmark. Yes there is a need for federal oversight. If left to the states, projects like highways etc. would be corrupted by local politicians for monetary reasons.

Unfortunately, I have seen it develop. More on that later.
This argument about corruption at the state and local level isn't gone with Federal Control, you can't steal a billion if the budgets only $900,000,000.00 Local control, easier accountability. Don't get caught in that trap.

We need to clean house in congress, the presidency and our state legislatures also.
What we need is a change in philosophy. Pre-emptive war cannot be our foreign policy. The war on our citizens must end and self reliance, with limited interference from government. Constitutional Federal Government.


New Member
VV Thanks for all of the great links. I have lots of reading to do and I can assure you I will read them all. Once i start I cant stop... and think I never liked to read before.. Because of marijuana I read more and thats the truth!! public rallys is what we need. they cannot arrest everyone and after a few of them they will just leave us alone. I hope my state votes on MM this year. I need to be doing more to help. if I wanted to make a donation where would it be best spent!! Please keep posting the articles and i will keep reading!! Thanks ALOT!!!


Well-Known Member
The smartest talking heads are at the Federal Reserve Bank. Unfortunately, they are a very biased opinion group. Before they became paid insiders they would have said one thing, now they say what the boss tells them to say.
Maybe you should do some research on what the Federal Reserve Board is and what thier role has been in creating this "debtor society". Now we have adds talking about credit card debt etc. hounding you, like its a thing.
Credit card debt is the result of overspending. Period.
Understand this, the FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD IS NOT A fEDERAL AGENCY. Everyone needs to understand the problem here.
Here is the little guys take on it, let me explain. This is "Class Warfare". I have seen this class war from the bottom of the white class, low income folks. We did own a house so we weren't as low class as the renters. If you don't understand that,you are not in my 'class'. I was born in 1949, just at the end of the baby boom. I remeber discussions of the Korean war and Eisenhour as President. And 'saving bonds'. I don't remember who explained it to me, what I got out of it was, you bought the bonds at a discount, you were in effect loaning the government your money, and at the end of 20 years they would give you back the face value of the bond, like paying you rent on your money. Why? Well because it saves them money. Ok, how does it save them money to pay me interest? Because the interest rate is lower than what they would have to pay to the federal reserve board to borrow the money to pay the debt for the war. Well what if the interest rate from the FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD goes down below the 4% they are paying on the bonds? And who is this FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD ANYWAY?? Do the research, the Federal Reserve Board was created by congress to control our economy, we wanted to control inflation. And the 'Money People', the ones that were so rich they could reposses the government convinced us they were going to benevolently give us thier experience in keeping wages and prices low, yet loan us enough money so we could get some of the things we wanted and the profit machine was created. Now all you have to do to keep it going is continue to help the little poeple out by taking from them in taxes and then loaning it back to them with interest, subsidized by the Federal Government. If this all sounds like voodoo economics to you, you didn't live through it. I remember when Reagan was asked about controlling inflation when he wanted to cut taxes, and his response was 'Well you tell me why, if you let people keep more of thier money and spend it thats inflationary, but if the government takes it from you and spends it thats not inflationary'.
The problem, foreseen by the writers of our constitution, with 'big government' is that it is big business and the chances for waste are much higher, let alone outright fraud.

Anyway, the talking heads say we need to "spend more" or we will fuel a recession. I believe this advise is nuts. We need to start saving a little more and paying down consumer debt.
Now that they have these big government programs in place they ( read we ) have to pay for them. The idea of raising taxes is not palatable, so they have to encourage you to overspend and keep the economy expanding in order to raise enough tax money. When you say the Federal Govenrment is paying for it, pat your wallet, and tell your self thanx for paying for a sculpture called THIS & THAT, doesn't that look nice. And the answer is shop. Its an addiction.

Getting a little production back into the USA would be nice, also. Oh, how can we reduce gasoline prices? Stop buying so much gas. Supply and demand will work for the consumer, and lower the pump price.
We have been duped in all of this. Now that the USA has been sucked dry in the name of this New Global Economy the 'Money People' are pretty much done with us, its cheaper for them to go else were, as long as we protect the and thier investments with our soldiers. Of course this could mean some of them will die protecting 'Our American Way of Life' and if you don't support our troops you are not patriotic. Bullshit, bring them all home, they will be less in harms way here than all over the world. The Iraq war will end or not when we leave. We would not tolerate this on US soil, we have no 'right' to be there. Your statement about gas prices shows a lack of knowledge. I was in Europe in 1999, Italy specifically. Gas was over $.90/ liter then, about $3.50/gallon. They are closer to the oil source than we are, why do we bitch about $3.00/gallon. Well. I do tend to go on a little. VV:blsmoke:


New Member
We have been duped in all of this. Now that the USA has been sucked dry in the name of this New Global Economy the 'Money People' are pretty much done with us, its cheaper for them to go else were, as long as we protect the and thier investments with our soldiers. Of course this could mean some of them will die protecting 'Our American Way of Life' and if you don't support our troops you are not patriotic. Bullshit, bring them all home, they will be less in harms way here than all over the world. The Iraq war will end or not when we leave. We would not tolerate this on US soil, we have no 'right' to be there. Your statement about gas prices shows a lack of knowledge. I was in Europe in 1999, Italy specifically. Gas was over $.90/ liter then, about $3.50/gallon. They are closer to the oil source than we are, why do we bitch about $3.00/gallon. Well. I do tend to go on a little. VV:blsmoke:

Geeze VV,You really do get it don't you? Since I own a huge pick-up truck, I would appreciate a little fuel subsidy, IE lower gas prices, but I drive less than 4,000 miles a year, so it isn't a huge concerne. Here's my little bitch: The basic cost of living rose over 6% last year, We (SS) recipients got a 2% COLA. How does that compute. It seems like we need better lobbiests. Now, the Congress is trying to get all the illegals on to the SS payroll. Can you imagine 5-10 million grey haired old people with AK47s marching on Washington?~LOL~. I'm ready.


Well-Known Member
Geeze VV,You really do get it don't you? Since I own a huge pick-up truck, I would appreciate a little fuel subsidy, IE lower gas prices, but I drive less than 4,000 miles a year, so it isn't a huge concerne. Here's my little bitch: The basic cost of living rose over 6% last year, We (SS) recipients got a 2% COLA. How does that compute. It seems like we need better lobbiests. Now, the Congress is trying to get all the illegals on to the SS payroll. Can you imagine 5-10 million grey haired old people with AK47s marching on Washington?~LOL~. I'm ready.
If we stop wasting our money giving billions of dollars in foriegn aid we could do right by our seniors and our veterans, check out Ron Paul's stand on both issues. There were people arguing in the 1960's that American Agriculture could feed the world, and we can. Instead we pay subsidies to farmers so the price of the commodity's is inflated. We pay to grow cotton where it wouldn't grow and then give the growers price support because they can't make money growing cotton. Trying to make biofuel out of corn is starving third world countries, they can't afford to buy our corn at $3.50/ bushel. My wife did a paper on it for a college class and she was amazed. By the time you use the oil to produce the fertilizers and then truck it to market since there aren't any pipelines you are almost in the hole. And what did Mike Rodgers Propose, paying for ethenol pumps. Starve the world, I'm going to drive.
When I asked him about Hemp he tried to give me the 'as a former FBI agent......Well, now you know why I don't get started very often. VV


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should do some research on what the Federal Reserve Board is and what thier role has been in creating this "debtor society". Now we have adds talking about credit card debt etc. hounding you, like its a thing.
Credit card debt is the result of overspending. Period.

We pay to grow cotton where it wouldn't grow and then give the growers price support because they can't make money growing cotton. Trying to make biofuel out of corn is starving third world countries, they can't afford to buy our corn at $3.50/ bushel. My wife did a paper on it for a college class and she was amazed. By the time you use the oil to produce the fertilizers and then truck it to market since there aren't any pipelines you are almost in the hole.

Dear Victor Vicious,

I majored in economics and understand the FRB pretty well. So trust me, the smartest people are over there. But they are paid to represent positions that are not in the best interests of America. Sort of like an attorney who helps clients he dislikes. My real point is this; those economists know what is happening and they are publicly giving bad advice.

psssst! Hey buddy, want to make some EASY money? Go to switch grass. Corn is a loser. SG is a 100% consumable bioproduct for ethanol.


New Member
Do you have any new on MM is south carolina. I thought we were going to try to get it this year but am having a porblem finding info. Of course I have never heard about it on the news here. TIA


Well-Known Member
Dear Victor Vicious,

I majored in economics and understand the FRB pretty well. So trust me, the smartest people are over there. But they are paid to represent positions that are not in the best interests of America. Sort of like an attorney who helps clients he dislikes. My real point is this; those economists know what is happening and they are publicly giving bad advice.

psssst! Hey buddy, want to make some EASY money? Go to switch grass. Corn is a loser. SG is a 100% consumable bioproduct for ethanol.
Boy I wouldn't have guessed that from your first post? Call a spade a spade. Attacking the consumer economy is not going to hurt my feelings man lay it on.

I heard a few things on switch grass, even made the local news channel. IMO this is an attempt to delay the obvious, hemp should be grown in this country, farm subsidies stopped, let the free market decide, while making as sure as we can without interrupting commerce. that folks aren't starving because they can't afford corn.
Several industries will be affected by this change. The oil industry will not suffer, the rest of the world will have enough oil. The lumber industry will suffer some losses, hemp is superior paper. Hemp is also a cheaper building product and should have an impact on the cost of housing, it will be cheaper to build them.
The biggest impact could happen in the health care industry. What?? Check out the health benefits of Hemp Seed and hemp oil. Can you say a Healthy America??

I haven't done any research specifically relate to switch grass. Maybe you could provide a link to information about it? VV

PS I don't own a farm. My brother in law does some farming, most of it is for the pacers and trotters he has.


Well-Known Member
Do you have any new on MM is south carolina. I thought we were going to try to get it this year but am having a porblem finding info. Of course I have never heard about it on the news here. TIA
I don't remember any specific information about SC. Norml, MPP, and MAP are all good sources of State specific information. VV