Blue cheese,trainwreck E&F + multistrain organic grow..1200 watts, aircooled, w/ co2


Well-Known Member
awesome set up and skills. Is it the yeilds, the smell, the smoke of Big Bud you like so well? all of the above I assume, but in comparison to other strains you've grown in the past. I'm looking for a dank yielder I've got a huge tent and extra 1000w so I can split my area in two sides and I have a flipbox so I can go 12 on one side then it switches the other light on (uses one ballast). Big Bud is a finalist but hard to find any feedback on this strain currently.

trichlone fiend

New Member
awesome set up and skills. Is it the yeilds, the smell, the smoke of Big Bud you like so well? all of the above I assume, but in comparison to other strains you've grown in the past. I'm looking for a dank yielder I've got a huge tent and extra 1000w so I can split my area in two sides and I have a flipbox so I can go 12 on one side then it switches the other light on (uses one ballast). Big Bud is a finalist but hard to find any feedback on this strain currently.'s where I got mine >>>>
...I wouldn't get the fem Big Bud, seems to have a hermie trait stuck within.
...why am I stuck on the Big Bud? It's just the all around best choice for a commercial grow, IMO....I've grown out over 35 strains, some smell unique, I've grown bigger buds w/ different strains, some are stronger...but, all in all, this has been the all around loved strain from all the smokers I have passed my product to. Sticky, big buds, really dank smell, awesome bag appeal, just old school dank. I suggest growing her "all organically" for the true funk taste/smell...but, hydro will give her larger buds. Good luck man. ;)
hi m8 , just looking at ur ebb&flo pics and the top of the pots seem like they sit above the top of the tray , how does the water flood in to the pots o_O or does it come up through the wholes at the bottom of the pots if u no what i mean :P
also do u poke a hole in the bottom of ur net post and put the stem ofd the cutting through it or do u just support it in the net pot with clay pebbles? and do u use the collers?

trichlone fiend

New Member
...I place the clones into 3 inch netted pots, which are supported by the hydroton.'ll want to place the netted pots high into the 6 inch square pots so the roots will have a nice area to grow.
flood bed.jpg

Want a good tip?

...if you use this method alone, you'll have roots that will accumulate on the bottom of your pots, looking similar to a birds nest...which will expose your roots to light, possibly causing fungus, and/or your roots will/can dry and die...I have found that filling the whole bed with hydroton will increase your yield by allowing your roots to grow from the holes at the bottom of your pots into the surrounding hydroton outside of your pots...your roots will keep moister easier, allowing them to grow, grow, grow.....more root space, more bud. If humidity becomes a problem, cover your rocks/bed with panda poly. ;)
thnx for the quick replies m8y,i did try hydro once but i failed for me :( but really wana have a nother crack at it and am gona follow ur way cause it obviously pays off :D but im just trying to get my head round ur setup so bare with me for all the newbie questions lol.(if u dont mind :) )
i still dont see how the water gets in side the 6 inch pots :P casue there not net ones are they ? and the water level dosent go over the top of the pot . also you told me u flood them three times a day is this from clone? and aslo how long do u flood for at a time?
when roughly or wat size do you add the screen?
again sry fr all the noob question but ur being a great help to a noob here :D thnx man

trichlone fiend

New Member
...the 6" pots have holes in the very bottom of the pots. You adjust the level of the flood and drain, making sure that your roots will get wet in the process of flooding. You shold never need a heater in a res., most growers actually need a chiller to cool it off...your room temps will keep give your res warmth, watch it though.... heat causes fungi in your res....cold is good....and add alot of bubble stones, you can't add too many.'s my feeding strategy for hydro:

The Lucas Formula

General Hydroponics Flora Series Feeding Strategy - Lucas Formula

G-M-B (Grow-Micro-Bloom)
0-5-10 - For Vegetative cycle (18/6)
0-8-16 - For Flowering cycle (12/12)

The numbers above indicate the number of milliliters (ml) of Flora Grow, Micro or Bloom formulas that I use in one gallon (US Liquid) of nutrients.

You will notice I dont use any of the Flora “Grow” formula, do not need to, the Flora "Micro" provides plenty of Nitrogen.

There are two ways to work with this formula:

1. Top off the reservoir daily using a pH corrected water solution as required to maintain full reservoir level. After adding back an amount of water equal to the amount of your reservoir capacity you should change the reservoir and put in fresh solution.

2. Top off the reservoir daily using a pH corrected 100% strength nutrient solution as required to maintain full reservoir level. Continue to use this nutrient solution without dumping the tank unless the PPM rises above acceptable levels.

Between vegetative and flowering cycles you should dump your nutrients, then flush (possibly with Clearex) to remove salt buildups, then change to the other feeding program. Always shake your GH nutrient bottles before using them!

For young plants, just transplanted into the hydro setup, give them 50% strength nutrient mix to prevent overfeeding them while their young. Gradually bring up the mix to full strength as they grow over the next few weeks or so.

The lucas formula is normally intended for use with RO or near 0 PPM water.

NOTE: The Lucas formula eliminates the need for Epsom salts to correct (Magnesium) Mg deficiencies in most normal feeding programs recommended by manufacturers. Cannabis needs a lot of Magnesium to thrive.

The Flora Micro is providing the Nitrogen and the Magnesium in the proper balance, thus there is no need for the Grow formula and little or no room under the maximum acceptable ppm limit of 1600 @ 0.7 conversion.

Calculated EC/TDS levels:

EC microsiemen:
0-4-8: 946 µS
0-5-10: 1184 µS
0-8-16: 1894 µS

TDS @ 0.5 conversion:
0-4-8 = 473 ppm
0-5-10 = 592 ppm
0-8-16 = 947 ppm

TDS @ 0.7 conversion:
0-4-8 = 663 ppm
0-5-10 = 829 ppm
0-8-16 = 1326 ppm

Addback Calculator - (For Advanced Users)

Say you were running the 0-8-16 formula, at 0.7 conversion with a 22 gallon res. When you first fill it up, your ppm will be around 1330.

Now you have been growing for a week, and some of the water has been taken up by the plants, some has evaporated, and now your res is at 947 ppm. You need to get your ppm from 947 to 1330. Here is the equation:

((target - current) / target) * 8 ml per gallon * res gallons = Flora Micro (ml) double this figure to get Flora Bloom (ml)


((1330 - 947) / 1330) * 8 * 22
(383 / 1330) * 8 * 22
0.3 * 8 * 22 = 53 ml Flora Micro

53 ml Flora Micro, double that and you get 106 ml Flora Bloom. So 53 ml Flora Micro and 106 ml Flora Bloom to add back to your 22 gallon res to get you from 947 to 1330.

Using Hard Water GH Micro

I had been experimenting with using the Hard water Micro as a substitute for the normal Flora Micro, this to account for my hard 350 PPM water and the lack of a large enough RO filter at the time. It has worked well for me. I just kept my reservoir below 1150 PPM @ .5 conversion and its all good.

One tip - do not pH down this stuff, the hard water micro will drop pH gradually over the next 24 hours, for example I mix up a batch, it is at like 6.2, the next day, its at 5.6-5.8 after running in the system for a while. If I pH downed that to 5.7 before putting it in the system, it ended up as low as 4.8-5.2 by the next day.

My conclusion, the hard water micro was buffering the alkaline crud in my water, it just doesnot do it ASAP fast like the phosphoric acid


Well-Known Member
Total Bluecheese:
Light #1 = 1,428 wet
Light #2 = 1,260 wet
...estimated dry weight 24 ounces. as you see, yield is strain dependant, forsure.

The Bluecheese hangs in front row.
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I'd like to borrow your shears if you dont mind sir, im very responcible and i will be sure to return them to you in time for your next hedge trimming and they will be nice and clean of all that icky sticky stuff...Hey by the way this is an awsome grow and that cheese i can smell from my house here in norcal...+ rep for your grow your set up and your shears Peace...

trichlone fiend

New Member
I'd like to borrow your shears if you dont mind sir, im very responcible and i will be sure to return them to you in time for your next hedge trimming and they will be nice and clean of all that icky sticky stuff...Hey by the way this is an awsome grow and that cheese i can smell from my house here in norcal...+ rep for your grow your set up and your shears Peace...
hahahahahaha....thankx bro.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...alright fellas, I'm going big organic this round...4 x 600 w HPS, aircooled w/ co2.

Light #1 = Pure Power x1, Blue Hash x2, Blue cheese x2, Critical x1, Northern Lights/Big Bud x1, Northern Lights/Skunk x1, Afghan Kush x1
Light # 2 = all Big Bud
mixed pure organic table.jpg

Light #3/4 = all Big Bud
Big Bud pure organic.jpg

...lights 3/4 again.
Big Bud pure organic 2.jpg
there looking lovly m8 , any vegging time? i have them cool shades,there heavy as F*** :P i will be watching all the way through :)

trichlone fiend

New Member
wat do u think of the gh nutrients for soil? also do u not use any root stimulaters or flower boosters?
...I know you pm'd me with this message, but I wanted to add to journal = good questions.

...Using chemicals in soil is a bad idea for a couple reasons, the soil buffers the salts of chemicals, in turn, it's very easy to lose control of your pH to too LOW = fertilizer lock out...if your going to grow in soil, I wouldn't use chemicals. The chemicals kill the microorganisms that allows you reap the true benefit of growing organically. Instead of killing them, try to create more...try to feed them....follow my link here >>>

...I personally have tried using a "soilless mix" = 1/3 vermurculite, 1/3 petemoss, 1/3 perlite ....using GH Flora series, Micro and Bloom ...feeding only 1/2 strength solution everyother watering ...heavy flush come time ...I yielded very low, but with killer bud. You can do it, yes....but, I would reconsider that approach when soil growing. ;) I use organic guano teas....which have alot of people talking about my shit. The taste really comes out of my dank along with the smell...I do lose around 1/4 lb by growing organically, but....I believe I'm going to do mostly organic in the future...nothing hydroponically grown can touch the taste/smell/bag'll impress yourself!