~Art of Pin Set~ High Res Pics!

yo how much of coir vermiculite gypsum... etc... do you use in your substrate mixture? cause i wanna do the same 3 qts to 18 qts ratio
yo how much of coir vermiculite gypsum... etc... do you use in your substrate mixture? cause i wanna do the same 3 qts to 18 qts ratio

Hey bro, although I don't beleive in measuring my exact amounts, I use about a brick of coir to 2 or 3 quarts of verm and just a dash of gypsum. Then the important part is to add dolomite lime liberally up to 5% of the total mixture. This wacks out the PH of the mixture, making it impossible for bacteria to grow, while allowing the mycelium to thrive! Without controlling the PH of the whole arrangement, these larger deals just won't work!
b real.....you have inspired me.

so you are telling me all i gotta do is use your ratio of coir, verm, gypsum, dolomite lime, and 30% EWC for a casing mixture?

is it possible to use colonized pk tek cakes (brf and verm)????????
break up the cakes into casings. BOTTOM layer: verm. MIDDLE layer: broken up colonized cakes TOP layer: casing layer.

with your results and teks i have researched, this seems like a PRIME tek. +rep
Gratz on your harvest. Some gorgeous specimens you got there! Here's a couple of jars from my first attempt at 100% and I'm about to build my fruiting chamber.

90 Percent.jpg

I'd like to know more about how you maintain humidity and exchange air. I'm gone at work 10 hours a day and wondering if I should hook up a little aquarium air pump or something to introduce oxygen or am I worrying too much?
b*real, are you using MS, cloning, or doing agar work? If MS you are a fucking god

I always use MS. I am no god, my mentor consistantly crushes my flushes, clearing nearly twice my yields given the same amount of substrate. I have seen a 50 gallon rubbermaid shit out a pound flush...but never done it myself.

Anyway, the reason I like MS is because I am lazy and like to support my friends at the hawks eye. Sometimes contamination happens, or sometimes I just have too much work on hand and my mycelium stock gets negelected and dies. So inevitably once a year I order spore syringes and fuck doing the work to isolate.
You mean the PF tek grows shitty fruit right? I hope you don't mean mine are shitty, they tasted shitty but thats beside the point!
Thanks for the look!

I use 3 quarts of spawn per one 18 quart tray of substrate. As a substrate I use coco coir, vermiculite, gypsum, dolomitic lime, and a very special ingredient that you will learn by following my grow journal. Note that the secret ingredient is not necessary and just coir, verm, and lime will do the trick!.
will hydrated lime powder work?