Middle Aged Going Back


Hello All, I'm drawn to this forum as I yearn to trip like I did as a teen, around three decades ago.

It's hard with no contacts but getting some shrooms lined up, taking longer than I wanted but have to be patient.

Like to have another lsd trip but looks pretty bleak.

Anyway, love reading the trip reports and like to get there myself someday.

thanks bros for the welcome and tips, will look into these.

How does the san pedro and bregsii stack up to lsd for introspective tripping?

edit: started looking into the san pedro, this looks interesting, can be up to 500ius of LSD for visuals.

this seems to be the most convenient way to prepare it for my ingestion

---Prickly Sticks: Peel and slice cactus, into pieces that are 6 inches long. Dip in Lime juice and sprinkle with salt and ground cilantro. Eat like a carrot stick.

Any comments?

To my knowlege youve got to extract the mescaline. Any experts wana chime in?

Welcome back to the realm of the other side ;)
You can eat the cactus, but the bitter taste will most likely stop you before you finish
Find an extraction tek.

Go to a festival, you'll have no problem finding lsd
thanks bros, will have to check these festi's out. A bro of mine has dones some mesc. and told me he makes a tea as he tried to eat the cacti raw and could not finish it, only got half way through it.

I like sid but open to trying mesc.

If you eat that cactis there is a good chance[ unless you have a strong tummy] that you wont be able to completely digest it and will probably throw it up, making it a reduced experience. extraction or tea. extractions are hard. idc what anyone else says damn it hahah
The tea is nasty but can be reduced to half a cup and pounded down the hatch!
I'm about to drop acid the first time this week!

What did you used to trip on as a teen?

man, get ready for a new experience and go with it.

First and only lsd trip was a tab called Purple Dragon in the 80's. I did shrooms a couple of times back then and lot's of pot.

Best to you!

If you eat that cactis there is a good chance[ unless you have a strong tummy] that you wont be able to completely digest it and will probably throw it up, making it a reduced experience. extraction or tea. extractions are hard. idc what anyone else says damn it hahah
The tea is nasty but can be reduced to half a cup and pounded down the hatch!

thanks bro, another bro told me of his experience with making a tea. He got sick and threw up and then took a shower. He said he felt like he was reborn and loved the trip.

He first tried eating the cacti raw but couldn't eat but only half of it.

Sounds like some good tripping.

if you eat that cactis bro, tell me.
i would like to try it like that but i know my stomach. i have a few acquaintances online who say they love to eat it, and it's a slightly different trip then the tea[i think they're trippin]
if you eat that cactis bro, tell me.
i would like to try it like that but i know my stomach. i have a few acquaintances online who say they love to eat it, and it's a slightly different trip then the tea[i think they're trippin]

yeah, it is interesting the different ways you can prepare it. I'm a lazy fawk and just like to drop a tab. But with some effort this seems worth it.

I'm just not very good at preparing shit. I was reading you have to be careful in cutting and removing the cacti skin so as not to lose the mesc that is close to the skin in the fruit.

You should see a potato after I get done peeling it. lol
yeah, it is interesting the different ways you can prepare it. I'm a lazy fawk and just like to drop a tab. But with some effort this seems worth it.

I'm just not very good at preparing shit. I was reading you have to be careful in cutting and removing the cacti skin so as not to lose the mesc that is close to the skin in the fruit.

You should see a potato after I get done peeling it. lol

Yeah well if you're eating it, that skin can NOT be there haha. like chewing on rubber or plastic. im freakin lazy as hellabit too. but im serious about my hallucinogens. so a 12 hour boil is worth every second to me lol. besides, all i really need is a few videos and lots of Wii video games and im good for about that long haha.
Yeah well if you're eating it, that skin can NOT be there haha. like chewing on rubber or plastic. im freakin lazy as hellabit too. but im serious about my hallucinogens. so a 12 hour boil is worth every second to me lol. besides, all i really need is a few videos and lots of Wii video games and im good for about that long haha.

lulz, when I tripped as a teen, I was with a friend tripping also, after work, driving around and doing shit at night, I'd prob. be able to get out and trip amongst people, allota' fun. haha!

I don't game anymore but sit on the internet quite a bit. Self employed and plenty of time on my hands.

Shit, gotta get to my kettlebells that I've been putting off thus far.

If you are going to eat it, try eating the green bits first, then see how much core you can get in.
The indians say those with a pure hart don't taste the bitterness.
If you are going to eat it, try eating the green bits first, then see how much core you can get in.
The indians say those with a pure hart don't taste the bitterness.

hey bros, just ordered Peyotes cousin, hat tips to boxofstankay. Prob. be here sometime next week. Fawking hate sales tax but oh. well.

thanks ANC for the tips on eating it raw, prob. have no bitterness.
Ive always wanted to go in one of those heat domes with natives and take some mescaline. THAT would be a trip

yeah, def., I read a book a long time ago called Don Juan something, anyway, this white researcher got to be accepted by an Indian Tribe in the US or in Mexico. It took him a long time to get accepted and be able to join their ceremonies. The Indians took the peyote as a sacred right and didn't just let anyone partake. There was an elaborate way they prepared the peyote. When the researcher ingested the peyote he would see the guardian? of the peyote. I think he even had an encounter with a witch while on peyote and she took his soul or something and he had to get it back.

Found the book


def. a good read

right. ive always wanted to do that too. or an ayhuascha ceremony in the amazon would rule. i read this book,The Way Of The Shaman, and this guy does 2 different ceremonies and they sound amazing. i hear that theres a place here in Texas that does peyote ceremonies on a reservation. anyways, good luck with ur upcoming trip. let us know how it turns out.