Do my plants look ok and healthy?


I was wondering if my plants look health as alot of the leaves are turning yellow really quickly, i thought this was normal as my plant is coming to the end (i read that in a book) Its mainly the bottom small leaves that turn yellow but in the last week or 2 alot of the fan leaves have been turning yellow as you can see in the photos i have attached but not very clearly. Thx



Well-Known Member
are you giving her nutes? those leaves look kind of bad but she looks over all pretty good kind of stretched.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if my plants look health as alot of the leaves are turning yellow really quickly, i thought this was normal as my plant is coming to the end (i read that in a book) Its mainly the bottom small leaves that turn yellow but in the last week or 2 alot of the fan leaves have been turning yellow as you can see in the photos i have attached but not very clearly. Thx
Your plant is not coming to an end quiet yet. A small dose of nitrogen will help- be sure that it is not a lockout because of ph tho. Adding more nutrients will only make things work- the water and soil have to be in a proper ph range for the plant to absorb the nutrients you are giving it. It seems you are growing from the sunlight out of that window?


No im not using sun light from a window im using a 400W MH and b4 andbody says u shud grow with hps iv not got the money to buy another new bulb, the light was burning the top of my plant so iv had to move it, and yh i thought leaves were supposed to turn yello i read it in my cannabis bible


New Member
No im not using sun light from a window im using a 400W MH and b4 andbody says u shud grow with hps iv not got the money to buy another new bulb, the light was burning the top of my plant so iv had to move it, and yh i thought leaves were supposed to turn yello i read it in my cannabis bible
woops... i just reread your first post and it made my post seem useless.... :(

turning yellow really quickly, i thought this was normal


Active Member
Yeah. next time you've got to find a way to get the light closer so they don't stretch but you'll still have a decent harvest. look into a cool tube or place an inline fine with ducting at the top of your growing space to suck out hot air.


Well I'm not going to say to get HPS since clearly you understand it would be better. However since you are using a 400 MH, weedsmoka and rabbogart are right, you need to get the light closer to the tops so they aren't as stretched. Also you could try topping them to keep them smaller and you will get alot more bud in the end. Overall, it's huge....soo...kudos! Oh and don't forget the nitrogen for the yellowing. :)


Well-Known Member
Yellowing is normal in LATE flower, you still want to keep those leaves as green and healthy as long as possible. By the looks of it, the plant appears to be sativa- and it looks like you are around week 4-5?

I do two small doses of N- at first signs of deficiency, usually around week 3. I also do a small dose around week 5.