Torque Wrench
let me take a pic real quick..... only have about 250mg atm (why i have been off it for 3 days till my room mate re ups)
where are you that pure molly is cheap??
that's whytaking awhile to get this photo on my computer...I am in Louisiana um i couldnt tell you why my room mate gets it cheap, all i know is that my habit is costing me right about 20 dollars a day give or take a few bucks.
EDIT- you asshole's made me open my capsule now all i smell is that sweet sweet tempting
Haha Hey Howzer! I know this is random and kind of off topic but the dog in your avatar looks identical to my pooch. At least from that angle lol. Here:If you have recently stopped or are on the end of this binge chances are you won't notice the differences right now. Wait until you've stopped taking the MDMA for a few days and I'm sure you'll notice something is a bit off. You've been on quite the uptake binder and things are probably at their haziest now. Before you can assess what's happened you need to recover.
mdma can look white or tan in color and vary in consistancy. Theres just a lot of ways to do it. People think that it has to do with it being cut, which it can be, but generally not.I seen some pic pages back with white powder saying its mdma i unno about that.... I get brown rocks that reak like black licorice and the dosage seems really f*cked usually the people i know take it then don't sleep for 12 hrs so they don't have a chance to do it like you man lol
Though the man, who is now 37, stopped taking the drug seven years ago, he still suffers from severe physical and mental health side-effects, including extreme memory problems, paranoia, hallucinations and depression. He also suffers from painful muscle rigidity around his neck and jaw which often prevents him from opening his mouth. The doctors believe many of these symptoms may be permanent.
At the peak, the man was taking an estimated 25 pills every day for four years.