year round growing outdoors?


is it possible to keep a plant growing year round through the winter?
it dosnt snow or anything where i live


Well-Known Member
Yep. Put a light on it so it doesn't go into flowering and it will slowly veg all winter.


Active Member
The snow isn't the problem, you can't have your temps drop below 32... pretty much ever. And really it's not safe to have your plant below 50 F for any extended period of time


Well-Known Member
is it possible to keep a plant growing year round through the winter?
it dosnt snow or anything where i live
Yes, you can grow a plant year round...indoors! ;)

You can also grow year round in, off the top of my head... Columbia, Kayoa and Halmahera islands(Indonesia), Ecuador...umm OH! And Brazil!

I am sure there are many many more. But I am tired.


so all it takes to keep a plant in veg for the winter is a light over it?
how strong will it need to be?
in north california it never gets too cold...