Difference between stoned and high?

i dont get it, i have only started smoking in the last two months or so, and i am yet to discover the difference between stoned, and high. Someone elaborate?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Its just a level. Like being buzzed, drunk, and shitfaced

I usually go from

Baked > stoned > ripped > blazed as fuck > catatonic

Being baked to me is having a little stone on, enough to make me feel the medical benefits and just very relaxed.

Being stoned is smoking 4 or 5 bowls, I begin to feel a good body high

Being ripped is red eyed, giggly but still keeping composure

Being blazed is fuck is after you just smoke a lot of good shit over a good amount of time (it takes me like 45 minutes of chilling and toking to get that high)

Then being catatonic is being useless, sprawled out on the floor unable to move. Sometimes I'll smoke a fat joint lined with keif, then smoke like 5 hurricane bowls, and a 4 or 5 volcano bags, then a fat keif/hash bowl and ill be on the floor unable to move for a good 10-15 minutes

But really it's not a science, describe your high which ever way you want. I have heard many, many many terms. Usually regional.

Whats the most you ever smoked dude?

The other day I ate a brownie made with 70g of vaped herb (still greenish) and once i started peaking on the brownie I smoked a 25mg bowl of jwh-018. HOLY fuck I have never been that high in my life. I was high as balls, with headphones on listening to ATB, closing my eyes. I actually forgot that I existed, it's hard to explain but you know what I mean if you've been there. Never have I heard music so intense and orgasmic.
Sounds like a lot of fun. I have only ever smoked a few cones at parties and shit, im not a hardcore smoker. But after my bag seed grow gets older, i wanna feel that sort of false existence feeling, sounds fun. Really fun.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a lot of fun. I have only ever smoked a few cones at parties and shit, im not a hardcore smoker. But after my bag seed grow gets older, i wanna feel that sort of false existence feeling, sounds fun. Really fun.

haha dude that was a trip though in every sense. the jwh-018 really makes you trip.

Dude i'd take advantage of your low tolerance! I miss those days when I would get high for hours after a session on mids!

Go get an quarter oz of chronic, buy butter and a crock pot at walmart (like $13 total no kiddin) and make some cannabutter. Then use your cannabutter in a recipe that CALLS for butter, there are some brownie mixes that require butter (those requiring oil will work just they will be a little buttery/greasey)

If you eat one of those brownies you will be high as BALLS for like 7 hours. GREAT body high, very warm & euphoric feeling, like 'nothing can mess up my day!' feeling

Those brownies will last you 2 weeks if you get high all day every other day


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a lot of fun. I have only ever smoked a few cones at parties and shit, im not a hardcore smoker. But after my bag seed grow gets older, i wanna feel that sort of false existence feeling, sounds fun. Really fun.
you should try some shrooms man, they are fun as hell, its impossible to od on them ever if youve got the right ones, and it quickly leaves your system making it nearly impossible to see on a piss test.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Wow, 7 hrs? really? im gonna go look for a recipe for butter hungry brownies :) oh and whats jwh-018?
Just go to the section where brownies are, and look at various things/brands and find something that looks good that says it needs butter. Or make from scratch if you can!

I recommend getting an 8x8 pyrex glass pan if you don't have one. When you bake them thicker you use lower temps, and they are nice and gooey :D

You shouldn't have to exceed 330F in the oven


Well-Known Member
i dont get it, i have only started smoking in the last two months or so, and i am yet to discover the difference between stoned, and high. Someone elaborate?
There is no difference, it's a term. Like how British people call it a 'lift' we call it an elevator. Same thing, different word.