The founding fathers are and were against prop 19


Well-Known Member
Not even 1 comment? That was Jack's final speech...He left the stage and had a heart attack after telling everyone that we should not be taxed on marijuana.


New Member
Takes too long to watch 15 minutes of video. Solid username and sig, big fan of Mickey Av and all them.


Well-Known Member
Takes too long to watch 15 minutes of video. Solid username and sig, big fan of Mickey Av and all them.
At 4;30 Jack says we shouldn't give the Govt any tax dollars and that the govt should be thrown in jail for being criminals


Well-Known Member
Sure beardo, don't pay any taxes... but don't use any public roads, no police, fire, or medical services (paid for by my tax dollars), don't use any form of delivery service like FedEx or UPS because being that my tax dollars pay the FAA air traffic controllers who ensure the cargo planes safe departures and arrivals, I could go on and on about stuff my taxes pay for, but I'm sure you get the point, at least I hope!

As for taxing pot, I'm all for it... everything else is taxed, why should pot be so special?

And damn, watching Jack suffer through the effects of his medical problems in that vid brings a tear to my eye... his pausing and wavering voice... sad :(


Well-Known Member
Sure beardo, don't pay any taxes... but don't use any public roads, no police, fire, or medical services (paid for by my tax dollars), don't use any form of delivery service like FedEx or UPS because being that my tax dollars pay the FAA air traffic controllers who ensure the cargo planes safe departures and arrivals, I could go on and on about stuff my taxes pay for, but I'm sure you get the point, at least I hope!

As for taxing pot, I'm all for it... everything else is taxed, why should pot be so special?

And damn, watching Jack suffer through the effects of his medical problems in that vid brings a tear to my eye... his pausing and wavering voice... sad :(
I can not use the public roads that I have paid my entire life for because they won't give me a drivers licence They have taken my 'privalage' to drive.-maybe if I tell them I snuck into the country from mexico they will let me drive seems like they all drive-Aren't my tax dollars soposed to be paying for border patrol and INS? The couple times I have been in a situation that needed help from the police my experiences have been less than satisfactory and I would no longer ask their assistance if you ran me over and drove off. Fire dept- Thanks guys, seriously I'm glad some of my taxes go to them and they probably deserve a raise. I don't really use medical services -but if you get hit buy a bus its good it's their and some of our medical expenduture is lagitimate. Screw the airline industry I dont want to pay for the FAA planes are BAD. AS FOR TAXING POT.- it is food-no tax. It is medicine-no tax that's why no tax on marijuana. If they were legalizing marijuana and wanted to apply the standard sales tax to it at retail locations I honestly wouldn't mind the tax eventhough it would still be wrong on the grounds of food and medicine. I want to see it legalized where it is legal that's it period where theirs no issue of what you can and can not do.


Well-Known Member
I can not use the public roads that I have paid my entire life for because they won't give me a drivers licence They have taken my 'privalage' to drive.-maybe if I tell them I snuck into the country from mexico they will let me drive seems like they all drive-Aren't my tax dollars soposed to be paying for border patrol and INS? The couple times I have been in a situation that needed help from the police my experiences have been less than satisfactory and I would no longer ask their assistance if you ran me over and drove off. Fire dept- Thanks guys, seriously I'm glad some of my taxes go to them and they probably deserve a raise. I don't really use medical services -but if you get hit buy a bus its good it's their and some of our medical expenduture is lagitimate. Screw the airline industry I dont want to pay for the FAA planes are BAD. AS FOR TAXING POT.- it is food-no tax. It is medicine-no tax that's why no tax on marijuana. If they were legalizing marijuana and wanted to apply the standard sales tax to it at retail locations I honestly wouldn't mind the tax eventhough it would still be wrong on the grounds of food and medicine. I want to see it legalized where it is legal that's it period where theirs no issue of what you can and can not do.
Join the club. Truth is that's just not happening anytime REAL SOON.


Active Member
the only problem is that marijuana is a double sided ordeal. should we tax it because its recreational or not tax it because its food/medicine?


I can not use the public roads that I have paid my entire life for because they won't give me a drivers licence They have taken my 'privalage' to drive.-maybe if I tell them I snuck into the country from mexico they will let me drive seems like they all drive-Aren't my tax dollars soposed to be paying for border patrol and INS? The couple times I have been in a situation that needed help from the police my experiences have been less than satisfactory and I would no longer ask their assistance if you ran me over and drove off. Fire dept- Thanks guys, seriously I'm glad some of my taxes go to them and they probably deserve a raise. I don't really use medical services -but if you get hit buy a bus its good it's their and some of our medical expenduture is lagitimate. Screw the airline industry I dont want to pay for the FAA planes are BAD. AS FOR TAXING POT.- it is food-no tax. It is medicine-no tax that's why no tax on marijuana. If they were legalizing marijuana and wanted to apply the standard sales tax to it at retail locations I honestly wouldn't mind the tax eventhough it would still be wrong on the grounds of food and medicine. I want to see it legalized where it is legal that's it period where theirs no issue of what you can and can not do.
Just a question. How do you suppose we fully legalize it without first partially legalizing it? Please explain. You really think that people (Especially conservatives & non-smokers) are going to legalize pot to the fullest with no evidence to it's advantages? No. Right now, we have many people voting yes on Prop 19 that are conservatives & non-smokers because of the restrictions & because they want to see what will happen & how responsible we will be with the product before going all out & fully legalizing. Prop 19 would not be here without Prop 215, & Prop (Future) will not exist without Prop 19.

I can't believe you honestly think that people are going to fully legalize it without seeing any proof of it succeeding. Without seeing any proof that we can be responsible. It's like giving a kid a candy, if he acts good after wards, he get's another candy, but if he starts getting on a sugar high & can't control the substance, then he gets no more candy. It's called baby steps for a reason. Nobody wants to take the risk of fully legalizing a product that can potentially not succeed financially or cause more traffic accidents, work accidents, etc. They want to make sure that we can responsibly use marijuana for recreational purpose, meaning we don't drive while under the influence, we don't operate at work under the influence, & we certainly don't just grow backyards full of buds & stink up the neighborhood & make it a unsafe neighborhood (Hence the 5x5 restriction).

Your on more then one drug if you think that we would stand even a spec of chance passing Prop 19 if it was a full legalization prop. Nobody in there right mind would go for that, & for good reason. Let Prop 19 pass, then shoe everyone we can be responsible, then let them introduce a new prop fully legalizing. What's wrong with that? What's wrong with waiting a few years? What sounds better, waiting 5-10 years for a new prop to go full legal, or wait 25 years for another Prop 19 to be introduced, pass, then another prop fully legalizing? I rather wait 5-10... your being extremely impatient. With all due respect, your acting like a child, "I want this, I want that..." sorry dude, not everything comes on a gold platter, with time comes progress. If we can't even get a partial legalization, what makes you think we stand a chance getting full legalization? If we don't pass on 19, then the next time we introduce a prop, going full legal, all those people who voted yes prior (conservatives, non-smokers) will now go no, because of 19.


what happened? did they take it away due to bad spelling :razz:
Honestly, I believe he is a sub-par intelligent dude, but damned, his rebuttals are awful. Your going to sit there & say they took your driving privileges away & blame them for that & use that as a rebut? It was apparently your fault for getting it taken away, if someone else is to blame, it's certainly not the government. I have had my license for sometime now & still do, if you drive right, you keep everything up to date, & your responsible with your vehicle & who uses it, then you don't get your license taken away. Nobody can take your license away unless you broke a rule or two, or three. Even traffic tickets unpaid is breaking a rule, & that is ultimately your fault for 1; not paying & 2; getting the tickets!

Lmao... wtf is up with that. As for spelling, I don't engage in attacking grammar online as I see it being a very pathetic way of getting across. Were online, who cares how we spell, if we were in the classroom things would be different, but were not. There is always Firefox though, it'll clean up your spelling errors as they appear. =)


Well-Known Member
Just a question. How do you suppose we fully legalize it without first partially legalizing it? Please explain. You really think that people (Especially conservatives & non-smokers) are going to legalize pot to the fullest with no evidence to it's advantages? No. Right now, we have many people voting yes on Prop 19 that are conservatives & non-smokers because of the restrictions & because they want to see what will happen & how responsible we will be with the product before going all out & fully legalizing. Prop 19 would not be here without Prop 215, & Prop (Future) will not exist without Prop 19.

I can't believe you honestly think that people are going to fully legalize it without seeing any proof of it succeeding. Without seeing any proof that we can be responsible. It's like giving a kid a candy, if he acts good after wards, he get's another candy, but if he starts getting on a sugar high & can't control the substance, then he gets no more candy. It's called baby steps for a reason. Nobody wants to take the risk of fully legalizing a product that can potentially not succeed financially or cause more traffic accidents, work accidents, etc. They want to make sure that we can responsibly use marijuana for recreational purpose, meaning we don't drive while under the influence, we don't operate at work under the influence, & we certainly don't just grow backyards full of buds & stink up the neighborhood & make it a unsafe neighborhood (Hence the 5x5 restriction).

Your on more then one drug if you think that we would stand even a spec of chance passing Prop 19 if it was a full legalization prop. Nobody in there right mind would go for that, & for good reason. Let Prop 19 pass, then shoe everyone we can be responsible, then let them introduce a new prop fully legalizing. What's wrong with that? What's wrong with waiting a few years? What sounds better, waiting 5-10 years for a new prop to go full legal, or wait 25 years for another Prop 19 to be introduced, pass, then another prop fully legalizing? I rather wait 5-10... your being extremely impatient. With all due respect, your acting like a child, "I want this, I want that..." sorry dude, not everything comes on a gold platter, with time comes progress. If we can't even get a partial legalization, what makes you think we stand a chance getting full legalization? If we don't pass on 19, then the next time we introduce a prop, going full legal, all those people who voted yes prior (conservatives, non-smokers) will now go no, because of 19.
You are right ..but I feel like 215 paved the way and has served as a trial run...I just don't see them relaxing or loosining regulations after 19 passes but maybe it would set it up for a better federal legalization law that would superceed state laws. I just don't want 19 to be the way they put restrictions on 215 or screw all the consumers or growers


Well-Known Member
I can not use the public roads that I have paid my entire life for because they won't give me a drivers licence They have taken my 'privalage' to drive.-maybe if I tell them I snuck into the country from mexico they will let me drive seems like they all drive-Aren't my tax dollars soposed to be paying for border patrol and INS? The couple times I have been in a situation that needed help from the police my experiences have been less than satisfactory and I would no longer ask their assistance if you ran me over and drove off. Fire dept- Thanks guys, seriously I'm glad some of my taxes go to them and they probably deserve a raise. I don't really use medical services -but if you get hit buy a bus its good it's their and some of our medical expenduture is lagitimate. Screw the airline industry I dont want to pay for the FAA planes are BAD. AS FOR TAXING POT.- it is food-no tax. It is medicine-no tax that's why no tax on marijuana. If they were legalizing marijuana and wanted to apply the standard sales tax to it at retail locations I honestly wouldn't mind the tax eventhough it would still be wrong on the grounds of food and medicine. I want to see it legalized where it is legal that's it period where theirs no issue of what you can and can not do.
that was way out of line........ if a Mexican that doesn't know English can threaten your job you really need to reconsider the life and that path you have chosen cus it looks real bad for far as all the other shit your ignorant believe it or not, and dont get me wrong i hate cops. they protect you every day go to south America were you get flicked off and honked at for stopping at a red light and cops are constantly extorting the public fuck that....... if you have a fire better hope your neighbors help you cus the fire truck is taking 40 min same wit the ambulance and cops. You use them every day.......

What Jack, said i agree wit allot. He also pointed out some things i diddent and about weed being the most important crop in the world that ill do some research on my self. As far as taxes go i think it should be taxed unless you grow it.


Well-Known Member
that was way out of line........ if a Mexican that doesn't know English can threaten your job you really need to reconsider the life and that path you have chosen cus it looks real bad for far as all the other shit your ignorant believe it or not, and dont get me wrong i hate cops. they protect you every day go to south America were you get flicked off and honked at for stopping at a red light and cops are constantly extorting the public fuck that....... if you have a fire better hope your neighbors help you cus the fire truck is taking 40 min same wit the ambulance and cops. You use them every day.......

What Jack, said i agree wit allot. He also pointed out some things i diddent and about weed being the most important crop in the world that ill do some research on my self. As far as taxes go i think it should be taxed unless you grow it.
I think they could put a cultivation tax as well. Because they certainly wouldn't think Prop 19 was a success if they didn't make any sales tax off of it. I think it's actually kind of ridiculous that a lot of POTHEADS cannot be sensible and see this from a different ideology. There's no way non-pot smokers would ever just let this go legal without impacting there lives in anyway (aka tax money that helps the state..if they don't fuck around with the money like they have been lately).

Beer is taxed, tobacco is taxed, food is taxed....It's absolutely insane to say that weed should not be taxed. YES, that would be the IDEAL situation. Just like everyone is free to grow tomatoes and corn, but most don't out of inconvenience. And they know they don't NEED a large supply of tomatoes and corn. But are corn and tomatoes taxed?? Yes...

If 19 passes, weed will be just like that. Multiple times a day pot smokers will grow their own and casual smokers will likely buy for the convenience and the fact that they DON'T NEED THAT MUCH WEED. They're will be so much weed soon enough that weed will be the price of vegetables. I can easily imagine ounces going for less than 100 dollars. I mean much is a CARTON of cigarettes? Yeah, my point exactly. They're fucking cheap and you get a shit ton of cigarettes.

Here's a quick comparison. A heavy cigarette smoker smokes lets just say 1 pack per day. A heavy weed smoker smokes 2g a day...or even more. Let's just go with 2.5g for the sake of comparison.

A carton goes for like 40-80 bucks depending on quality. Why couldn't an ounce of weed go for that exact price range? Considering a carton would last a heavy smoker 10 days and an ounce would last a heavy weed smoker about 10 days. Weed is COMPLETELY free to grow using sunshine. Again, with companies mass producing as well as 21+ individuals and the medical growers, weed will shower California.

The ONLY reason Prop 19 exists is because of 215 and the RESULTS of 215. There are already lots of non truly medical users with medical cards in Cali and as a result, the CA government recognizes the booming industry. They want a piece of the action, which is the ONLY way to make it legal. Considering the gov are the law makers......yeah....that's the ONLY way.

Then once CA is so overrun by enough taxed legal pot, the gov. likely won't even make any significant tax money anymore. At that point they could decide "what the hell, let's just legalize it for everyone to grow if they please, and let's scratch this tax profit we are making (even if it isn't much, they still aren't going to repeal a tax..)"



Who am I kidding though. Likely? It's damn near impossible. This is the next best thing..I honestly don't get why people can't see that. Probably because those people are all medical growers with a healthy profit going. Turning against the entire movement to make a cheap buck. Makes me sick.


Well-Known Member
I think they could put a cultivation tax as well. Because they certainly wouldn't think Prop 19 was a success if they didn't make any sales tax off of it. I think it's actually kind of ridiculous that a lot of POTHEADS cannot be sensible and see this from a different ideology. There's no way non-pot smokers would ever just let this go legal without impacting there lives in anyway (aka tax money that helps the state..if they don't fuck around with the money like they have been lately).

Beer is taxed, tobacco is taxed, food is taxed....It's absolutely insane to say that weed should not be taxed. YES, that would be the IDEAL situation. Just like everyone is free to grow tomatoes and corn, but most don't out of inconvenience. And they know they don't NEED a large supply of tomatoes and corn. But are corn and tomatoes taxed?? Yes...

If 19 passes, weed will be just like that. Multiple times a day pot smokers will grow their own and casual smokers will likely buy for the convenience and the fact that they DON'T NEED THAT MUCH WEED. They're will be so much weed soon enough that weed will be the price of vegetables. I can easily imagine ounces going for less than 100 dollars. I mean much is a CARTON of cigarettes? Yeah, my point exactly. They're fucking cheap and you get a shit ton of cigarettes.

Here's a quick comparison. A heavy cigarette smoker smokes lets just say 1 pack per day. A heavy weed smoker smokes 2g a day...or even more. Let's just go with 2.5g for the sake of comparison.

A carton goes for like 40-80 bucks depending on quality. Why couldn't an ounce of weed go for that exact price range? Considering a carton would last a heavy smoker 10 days and an ounce would last a heavy weed smoker about 10 days. Weed is COMPLETELY free to grow using sunshine. Again, with companies mass producing as well as 21+ individuals and the medical growers, weed will shower California.

The ONLY reason Prop 19 exists is because of 215 and the RESULTS of 215. There are already lots of non truly medical users with medical cards in Cali and as a result, the CA government recognizes the booming industry. They want a piece of the action, which is the ONLY way to make it legal. Considering the gov are the law makers......yeah....that's the ONLY way.

Then once CA is so overrun by enough taxed legal pot, the gov. likely won't even make any significant tax money anymore. At that point they could decide "what the hell, let's just legalize it for everyone to grow if they please, and let's scratch this tax profit we are making (even if it isn't much, they still aren't going to repeal a tax..)"



Who am I kidding though. Likely? It's damn near impossible. This is the next best thing..I honestly don't get why people can't see that. Probably because those people are all medical growers with a healthy profit going. Turning against the entire movement to make a cheap buck. Makes me sick.
corn and tomatoes are not taxed. food is not taxed unless it is hot prepared food like a cheese burger. And you can allready get weed for the price of cigarettes if thats what you want to smoke-50$ an OZ is pretty common if you don't mind shwag. The basic examples you use to support your argument are flawed-don't use false facts to make a point.


Active Member
"everythings is being taxed..why not pot?" < what an ugly way of thinking. The governement has gained control over soo much we think "why not give them this too"...really is sad. I agree with Jack theyre all criminals for crimes against humanity..LOCK THEM UP!!


Well-Known Member
corn and tomatoes are not taxed. food is not taxed unless it is hot prepared food like a cheese burger. And you can allready get weed for the price of cigarettes if thats what you want to smoke-50$ an OZ is pretty common if you don't mind shwag. The basic examples you use to support your argument are flawed-don't use false facts to make a point.
Corn and tomatoes don't get you fucked up either, do they?

"everythings is being taxed..why not pot?" < what an ugly way of thinking. The governement has gained control over soo much we think "why not give them this too"...really is sad. I agree with Jack theyre all criminals for crimes against humanity..LOCK THEM UP!!

I don't have that way of thinking about everything, just reference my post above... if it's a substance that makes you feel anything less or more than normal, it will be taxed... it's that simple.

And it'd be even greater if we had a Cannabis Commission in the government, and the tax from cannabis sales went to that section to fund research into all the valuable uses cannabis has, as such research is mostly banned throughout the world.


Well-Known Member
Corn and tomatoes don't get you fucked up either, do they?

I don't have that way of thinking about everything, just reference my post above... if it's a substance that makes you feel anything less or more than normal, it will be taxed... it's that simple.

And it'd be even greater if we had a Cannabis Commission in the government, and the tax from cannabis sales went to that section to fund research into all the valuable uses cannabis has, as such research is mostly banned throughout the world.
Corn gets lots of people 'fucked up' in lots of diffrent ways the most obvious one would be alcohol [ which i realise is taxed ] Just food for thought if you thought you couldn't get fucked up on corn. you also use rye [ wich isnt taxed ] to make acid but thats a whole nother story