The White Fluff: My Night In With Lucy

Things are the way we as a whole allow them to be.

Make your own destination, beat your own path, set forth a path for the new generation. Do your part.

A product of the underworld is a movement my friend. Abide no laws that contradict life. Take what you feel heals.

Do that and you have done your part.

There's great inspiration in those words. Thank you.
hey man i loved the way you did the trip report. I thought it was so funny and very well written. Kinda seemed like gonzo to me. Good job and im glad you had a good trip!
Just giving credit where its deserved. Your a really good writer, very creative. Like things like the "with eyes like saucepans". haha that was hilarious.
Just giving credit where its deserved. Your a really good writer, very creative. Like things like the "with eyes like saucepans". haha that was hilarious.

Thank you for the encouragement, Cyproz :D It's nice to know I succeeded in tranferring my experience to the page, to some degree. We all know it's utterly impossible to truly articulate our travels with the Lovely Lucy ;) The written word is so inadequate!
this is all very true. since i joined RIU mr canuck has been one of the most helpful people on this site. along with a couple other people (u know who u are). its like a small group of hallucinogen connesiouers that really think alike. i thank u all for your knowledge and wisdom.
this is all very true. since i joined RIU mr canuck has been one of the most helpful people on this site. along with a couple other people (u know who u are). its like a small group of hallucinogen connesiouers that really think alike. i thank u all for your knowledge and wisdom.

Glad to be of service MB. We are all lucky to have such kind individuals at our disposal here @ RIU!

Were brothers, and were happy and were singin and are colored... give me a high five :lol: Gotta love the Wayne bros!

Every since I read this I've been feeling the need to take a little journey so I'm doing it tomorrow and I'm going to attempt a trip report. This thread deserves some credit for inspiration.
And a really good friend of mine called me the other day and asked "Have you ever heard of white on white? There's gonna be some in town in the next couple of weeks." :hump::hump::mrgreen::mrgreen:
this is all very true. since i joined RIU mr canuck has been one of the most helpful people on this site. along with a couple other people (u know who u are). its like a small group of hallucinogen connesiouers that really think alike. i thank u all for your knowledge and wisdom.

Yeah i agree.. The hallucinogen section is my favorite sub-forum of this website, for one it has the most interesting topics, for two their isnt near as much bitching, and for three it overall has the nicest/most helpful people that constantly post in it..

Which leads me to my next question.. Where is ShepJ? Havnt seen anything from him in a minute..
Every since I read this I've been feeling the need to take a little journey so I'm doing it tomorrow and I'm going to attempt a trip report. This thread deserves some credit for inspiration.
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And a really good friend of mine called me the other day and asked "Have you ever heard of white on white? There's gonna be some in town in the next couple of weeks." :hump::hump::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Have fun floyd! Im looking forward to that report... Hopefully i will be dosing some WoW again tomorrow..
Have fun floyd! Im looking forward to that report... Hopefully i will be dosing some WoW again tomorrow..

I hoping my friend comes through with the WoW. I really want to try some. Around here lsd is pretty sporadic and I bet we're more likely to get fakes in small town southern USA. I also like to stock up when it comes around for that reason.
Yeah i agree.. The hallucinogen section is my favorite sub-forum of this website, for one it has the most interesting topics, for two their isnt near as much bitching, and for three it overall has the nicest/most helpful people that constantly post in it..

Which leads me to my next question.. Where is ShepJ? Havnt seen anything from him in a minute..

Yeah I like this place alot to man, some cool people on this board
I love our little fam here at RIU. You always know you're going to learn something new or laugh your ass off, that's for sure. It's nice to know if you have a shitty day you can plop down in the Riu forums and bullshit with friends of like minds :hug:
fa sho. i love getting on RIU everyday and seein how everybody is doing and how their trips went and sharing stories and shit. they say great minds think alike and it sounds right cause all our minds led us here. psychedlics saved the day once again.