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what do i do with my trimmed leaves? do i let them dry, then refrigerate, or refrigerate while still fresh? the plan is to make cannabutter
I just dry them pretty slowly (almost like the bud) I just put it all on a page from a paper and put it in a small pile that i turn every now and then. This makes the leaf cure and taste pretty well. But for butter you can just dry it crisp in the oven @ 100*C. Even when it is dry i still put it in the oven untill completely crisp - then i can make it a fine powder just from crunching in my hand. - then i do what i wrote just above.good info. i'm also planning to make cannabutter with my first trim... what's the best way to dry trim / sugar leaves?
lol edible OD? ive never had one, that has to be interesting! The closest ive ever gotten was a whole batch of brownies, a tincture, 3 marinol capsules, and a quarter of kush all in about 2 hours (was my first visit to a 'club'). Ill be honest, i was higher then than i ever have and probably ever will be again, and it wasn't an OD. It was a i 'i think iam getting tired....' followed by my head smashing onto the table i was at and proceeding to drool on myself for the next 3 hours.I agree - it is WELL worth making edibles from great bud. Just the one way to get the very most out of a bud. But need to be carefull though. An edible OD can be VERY unpleasant.
So this is what i did to get an OD that lasted for days (it did). It was more like a long paranoia trip from eating some chokolate stuff with nuts made from Durban and Jack Herer haze pheno. So this is probably a criteria to get the OD - that you use only Sativa trippy stuff. I think Indica would have made a more pleasant high/stone. So first we ate like 2,5 grams worth of coconut oil (in chokolate milk). We had just eaten, so i didn't feel anything after one and a half hour. Now i just thought that i had even baked away the THC giving it too much heat in the oven or something, so i made another quick batch from more Durban and we ate another 3 grams each of that. Half hour later i started feeling something and it just kept getting stronger and stronger while i got the worst paranoia anciety trip ever. It took me several days to get over and i was seriously a little high a couple of days later - then make stuff worse i got a fever for a week and did still not dare trying to get high because i was afraid the paranoia feeling was there for good - so what happen is that i got straight from a giant OD into a giant UD (under doze ;O) ) Seriously worst 10 days of my life (i guess i have to be happy that this was the worst days of my life since a lot of people definitely experience worse stuff - so i am... happy ;O)) )lol edible OD? ive never had one, that has to be interesting! The closest ive ever gotten was a whole batch of brownies, a tincture, 3 marinol capsules, and a quarter of kush all in about 2 hours (was my first visit to a 'club'). Ill be honest, i was higher then than i ever have and probably ever will be again, and it wasn't an OD. It was a i 'i think iam getting tired....' followed by my head smashing onto the table i was at and proceeding to drool on myself for the next 3 hours.
I imagine the unpleasant edible OD your referring to is possible when the butter is a bit 'greener' than it should be?
thanks brimi i get way more compliments on him than my grow..Beautiful dog by the way Reggae!
I can tell why. I own a powder colored boerboel mastiff male - he's very beautifull too.thanks brimi i get way more compliments on him than my grow..
and yes i agree an eddible hangover is not fun
Hehe ok. Yeah - nothing illness like that - just in my head. I think that Marinol only has THC in it and this is why you get trippy. A lot of medical marijuana users tell that it just doesn't work because it doesn't contain CBN, CBD and what else goodies we got. Often they claim it's too trippy too - a little like a very sativa bud that is early harvested. It's all in the head then.i think i know what you mean now, especially with the dead 10 days after. if i do too much X in to small amount of time that happens to me, though ive never had weed do it to me all that much (it did at that club though, i felt that for days) so ya i get ya now. i thought you meant like upset stomach, puking, things like that, and in which i would have attributed it to bad butter or too much chlorophyll in it or something.
and ya, that night at the club was pretty intense. ive also been a pretty heavy smoker for about 12 years now give or take, and it was STILL an intense night. When i woke up i could barely walk, my eyes wouldn't stay open, and i don't think i had ever been hungrier! TBH, i think it was the marinol that kicked me over the edge. ive done the brownies and joints in similar amounts before and not had that effect. But it seems EVERY time i do marinol, it knocks me out if i take more than 2 caps.