Starting to sell, here is my situation...

Sorry if you got me wrong I wasnt at all against the military. Also a great idea but he will need to do something while getting the GED. I have a huge respect for all who serve. I was Navy in the early/mig 80's.
Stay the fuck away from an Army recruiter... Just my two cents. Get on one of those FREE programs that give classes to help you take your GED. Start at a 2 year school and if you liked it and figured shit out go to a 4 year college and finish your 2 years left! Don't attempt getting some BS minor like art (sorry art people), take something worth a crap and you will get a good job with a salary.
This is bullshit advise if you ask me. The guy doesnt have food to eat when his assistance runs out every month and you want him to spend time in college? Just not the real world.This guy needs to make some money. Selling weed is also a bullshit idea. You will just go to jail and with a felony record than you wont get a job worth shit. Go to Home Depot. No HS deploma needed. Not needed for entry level and not needed to advance to management, great benifits and with hard work great pay. There is a wiz quiz but that you can deal with.
Good luck man, dont fuck you life with a felony, someone will rat you out in time, maybe a year maybe a week but its going to happen.

With a Pell Grant you can get up to $5k a school year and there are other scholarships you could get. Community college is cheap... $1,300 a semester. I started out at a community college now I'm going to a top 10 business school. Just because it is a community college doesn't mean it can't help you advance your education.

Don't listen to this guy. School is the best way to a future.
He never said he wanted to be pablo escobar.........he needs money now fuck it buy it flip it do what you got to do...the trick is knowing when to stop.... but like i said in my original post dont make it a career choice and get a job one you got a know what the chances of you making it through college are when your broke slimmmm.... even financial aid dont cover books i had to drop out there are other ways to make money tho and i mean legally oh and fuck the speakers thats just ignorant lol
a half pound of killer weed should cost you around 1400-1600 bucks. if you are getting a half for 600... it's guarateed mids or worse.
step 1. robbery- get on your fucking grind, wait till 3 am and rob open cars, do whatever you can think of to get some money. tape the soles of your shoes and rob a house you are sure is empty get a gun.
step 2- get a job, get your weed and make sure u are hooking people up all day every day. have a crack dealer mentality, nobody is gonna take 1 cent from you. when it comes to drug dealing intimidation is everything. EVERYTHING.
step 3- combine robbery and drug dealing and a job
step 4 - just sell and have a job, make money and get money honestly.

but really no offense but you sound like a bitch ass mark, don't even try it cause your gonna get fucked.
some people just live in a good spot, like ATL
Yeah some people live in a good area, but this is beating Humboldt prices for kill, which I thought were the cheapest prices there were. I dunno how it's gonna be fucking kill in Chicago either. When I was in the weed shipping business (only real way to make money off of bud) I was selling lbs of kill for 5k, minimum. If you could flip it, go ahead. And if it really is kill, then just slang it in Chicago. You'll have to deal with some shady ass people, so be careful, but if all goes well you will be making bank. If it doesn't you'll get arrested or shot (reason I stopped slangin).
i dont care how good your connect is 25 a quarter is regs i know i buy half ounce a week as a head stash....i like it actually i can smoke and still work and be a functioning part of society lol i buy the good shit on the weekends or after a bad day lol
i dont care how good your connect is 25 a quarter is regs i know i buy half ounce a week as a head stash....i like it actually i can smoke and still work and be a functioning part of society lol i buy the good shit on the weekends or after a bad day lol

it's either this, or nothing.

or being poor, or dead.
Man you sound just like me many moons ago. I dropped out of HS too and my parents struggled as well growing up. I used to think the same way and didnt see the big picture. I now own my own small business and have a house, family, ect. If you sell enough quarter and half ounce bags your eventually gonna get caught. People talk. Someone you sell to will get pinched and roll on you to save their self. Its enevitable, I promise you. Instead of selling your computer you need to find a buddy to front you an ounce. Sell that, pay him back and re-up a couple times til you can save up about $600-1000. Then buy you some equiptment and grow your own! Then every couple months you sell all your bud to ONE person. The more people you deal with the better your chances of getting caught. This does take some patience and discipline to accomplish this. Just look at it this way, youve struggled this long and made it, whats another six months? You also need to go get your GED if you want anyone to ever take you seriously. Not just for a job, but if you deal with people in everyday life they will look at you as an uneducated liability and not want to fuck with you. I dropped out of HS too but I had my GED before my graduating class even recieved a diploma. Bite the bullet and spend 2 days of your life and go get that GED. Every state has programs set up for this. If you have any questions or anything just ask. Just be smart man.
Yea i dont care what you say, If your selling 25 bucks a quarter, that means your getting it for at least 20 bucks a quarter or cheaper. Im sorry but thats dirt weed.
wuddup man, im in a similiar situation. i left home and traveled across the usa to live with my bro and his gf which aren't exactly the richest people i know but who are real family. i am currently unemployed, growing in a closet, and have a computer. the next part is important, DO NOT SELL YOUR COMPUTER. almost ALL entry level jobs at this time have been upgraded to only accept online applications. if u hope to get a job easier, you must keep that fucking pc bro. i applied to give or take 20 places in the last 2 weeks and only 3 interviewed me. shit's tough atm, don't limit your options any more than you have to by selling that pc.

if you wanna sell, i suggest growing in a closet with 6x 26w cfls. u can buy this shit at wallmart for like 10 bucks. get a power strip(3-4 bucks) and a piece of card board(free?) with some foil along with some fishing line for like 2.50 and tape. pots cost like 3-5 bucks for 1-2 galloners even if its shitty right now, u need something to help u out thats cheap for now. use mg soil u can get a lot for like 2 bucks. get 3 y splitters at home depot that cost like 2 bucks or so each. get bagseed from whoever your supplier may be and while you sell for now, keep collecting seeds.

for your light setup follow these steps:

1. get a piece of cardboard(2by2 or 3v3 or close to that) and cover one side of it in the foil. tape that shit.
2. make 6 holes in pairs of 2's like so-(each dot is a hole) : : : THEN make another set just like it next to it maybe 3 inches apart from each set of 6.
3. get the power strips and and stick them where the holes are ON THE REFLECTIVE SIDE(foil side)without the lights plugged in obviously
4. get the fishing line and loop the line through the holes so it snugly attached the power strips
5. make sure everything is tied correctly and use tape for strengthening.
6. now on each CORNER of the cardboard, maybe an inch towards the middle or so, make more little holes. 1 hole in each corner.
7. get the fishing line and use the line to form an X through the cardboard and tie each end together. this will make two diagonal triangles on top that will hold the box. tape the 2 tops of the triangles together so u can hold the light fixture by the fishing line on top to simulate a handle.
8. get a new piece of fishing line(12 feet) and "fold" it so that it will be double strength.(6 feet) twist it then knot it at each end until its one piece of line.
9. slip knot it onto the "handle" and hang it up where your growing space is.

that shit just cost u about 20-30 bux. the lights are usually the most expensive part of a grow so hell, you just saved tons.
now use this forum and learn how to grow marijuana.
Stay the fuck away from an Army recruiter... Just my two cents. Get on one of those FREE programs that give classes to help you take your GED. Start at a 2 year school and if you liked it and figured shit out go to a 4 year college and finish your 2 years left! Don't attempt getting some BS minor like art (sorry art people), take something worth a crap and you will get a good job with a salary.

With a Pell Grant you can get up to $5k a school year and there are other scholarships you could get. Community college is cheap... $1,300 a semester. I started out at a community college now I'm going to a top 10 business school. Just because it is a community college doesn't mean it can't help you advance your education.

Don't listen to this guy. School is the best way to a future.


And get this..... if you go to school on a PELL, you'll qualify for subsidized and unsubsidized loans with no credit check! The loans have to be paid back starting at graduation, but they can be used for living expenses, even food. That is an immediate benefit he can take advantage of and help his Mom. If he gets a drug bust on his record though, he can kiss the PELL and student loans goodbye.

I'm in a CC in an IT program and will soon have my A.S. degree and Oracle certs. I'm not working and live off of the loans. No credit check required, everyone can get student loans from the Fed. He needs a GED and there is help for that just about anywhere.
Got an idea GET A JOB!!!!!!! beleive me i was in jail quite a bit in my younger years it really does fuck your life up i always wanted to work for the fish and game dept. well i fucked that up right offf the bat when i turned 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 you see what im sayin if you slang be very very fareful i got indited 9 months after i had been seeling qp's and half p's for that long bummer.............. good luck stay safe
Man you sound just like me many moons ago. I dropped out of HS too and my parents struggled as well growing up. I used to think the same way and didnt see the big picture. I now own my own small business and have a house, family, ect. If you sell enough quarter and half ounce bags your eventually gonna get caught. People talk. Someone you sell to will get pinched and roll on you to save their self. Its enevitable, I promise you. Instead of selling your computer you need to find a buddy to front you an ounce. Sell that, pay him back and re-up a couple times til you can save up about $600-1000. Then buy you some equiptment and grow your own! Then every couple months you sell all your bud to ONE person. The more people you deal with the better your chances of getting caught. This does take some patience and discipline to accomplish this. Just look at it this way, youve struggled this long and made it, whats another six months? You also need to go get your GED if you want anyone to ever take you seriously. Not just for a job, but if you deal with people in everyday life they will look at you as an uneducated liability and not want to fuck with you. I dropped out of HS too but I had my GED before my graduating class even recieved a diploma. Bite the bullet and spend 2 days of your life and go get that GED. Every state has programs set up for this. If you have any questions or anything just ask. Just be smart man.

Thats what im saying.... do what you got to do for now dont make it a career
you know whats funny we have been going back and fourth on this thread and he hasent even cheaked in to say what he thinks about what we are saying...........fuck that nigga
