What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
My inventory is almost dead...

.5g MDMA
~10g's JWH-xxx Blend
~1g Marijuana
~70 hits of Phenazepam

grrr.. gettin low :-(


Well-Known Member
i cant wait till i fell the sweet carress of lucy creeping up my spine. anyday now. look for a trip report coming to a thread near you. haha


Well-Known Member
:lol: I know exactly what you mean I had a weekly love affair with you for quite a few weeks... I was smoothering her too much... and soon got a little sick of her ways ;)


Well-Known Member
Fuck homeboy... you must of been sprawled out on the floor like a lazy catepillar :lol:... I too 400mg's in total two days ago... I didn't feel that bad.. just a sore in the jar temples!


Well-Known Member
You're holding back on us mang. What happen to the mixture of sand and 2c-b... I know some totally fly shit happen out of the ocassion... please flatter us ;)
ohh man. ive been eatin bars like candy so i dont remember much, but i dropped i think 100mg last night or the night before. and i dabbed a little bit like an hour into it.

this stuff is amazing! you get a nice roll going first but then that 2c-b hits and everything starts melting and flowing. it was one of the best visual trips ive ever had. perfect dose too. i was tripping all night and into the next day. a had a good 8 hours of staring at anything with a pattern on it. my floor was flowing around my feet, the wood on the door was melting down like it was liquid.

im keepin the rest for a special occasion. if you get the chance definitely grab some of this.


Well-Known Member
hells yea. that mix sounds magical. i would like to trip on that and see a good 3D movie. or i always wanted to go to the museaum of natural science and trip too. thats gotta be awesome


Well-Known Member

Synaptolepis kirkii / uvuma-omhlope, also knows as mother in law's tongue.

Mulliene and banisteriopsis caapi to make some changa with DMT.