need advice on a very serious issue


Well-Known Member
my 14 yr old lil bro wants to be just like me, he wants to be a drug dealing scumbag who is currently doing a 4 month suspended sentence for 2 possession charges, he, just a few days after me got nicked for possession IN MY MUMS HOME, hes had 4 exclusions in the past 5 weeks and now has another for 5 days for smoking(almost permanent coz he had no weed on him and wasnt visibly stoned) my mum called me and said he is using my old drawer to grow weed(how the fuck did he learn to grow weed) and my parents are saying they might hand him over to social services, hes threatening to kill my mum and beat the shit out of my dad, i keep trying to call him but he keeps sayin "mana badman now" and hanging up, ive done everything to keep him away from dealing and the more criminal side of weed, ive given him free weed, bought him chains clothes games gadgets and all types of shit, he used to be a very good kid, i must admit that my past may have had an influence but i dont want him going to a young offenders coz i know from experience he wont survive, hes fucking some 13(almost 14) yr old lil slag and is going out at day and night and doing fuck knows what, im trying to get away from criminality, we only have 1 grow house left(we closed down 2 and one got raided) and were gonna do 2 more harvests then move on with our lives, what the fuck do i do, he could be in a care home next week and i know what happens if u go there, u become a drug addict or drug dealer, ive pretty much fucked up my life coz i know ive left a trace of myself at atleast one grow house which will inevitably end up with me in pen(the last guy i know with a house got 5 years) i dont wanna be in pen and one day see my lil bro for some crime coz i cant protect him in there, what the fuck do i do?

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
Do your parents know you've tried to tell him not to do this shit? If not, make that clear. Tell him one more time that he's on a bad route, after that it's up to him. He's old enough to know which actions bring which consequences, and unfortunately some people don't get it (i.e., that they're not 'invincible' or untouchable) before it's too late. Social Services might not be such a bad idea, they might be able to straighten him up a little bit. IDK how it works wherever you are.


Well-Known Member
Your little bro wants to grow up to be like you and tell lies on the internet? (Like in 99% of the threads you've started)

I would tell him to stop playing grand theft auto, stop watching Ali G and stop smoking banana skins.


Well-Known Member
i just called him, hes coming up with bullshit, i think i might have spoiled him, everytime a new game or console comes out hes got it, he was wearin ralphys b4 evry1 else, i just told him str8, if he hurts my mum or dad i will show him true pain, my mum is shit scared of him and the way he speaks about her is disgusting, as an example "that dumb bitch cant tell me shit", i think maybe i kud set him up but tell them not to be too harsh just take his phone and give him a light few punches, he has no idea what its like to be in care, to watch ur back 24/7, i could be really harsh and take away all his stuff and stop giving him cash and weed everyweek, but then again he might think everyone has given up and decide to be a "badman" which he has no idea of how shit that life really is, on the other hand i could rent a flat for him and tell him hell be on the street if his grades arent high and he gets on with life in the proper way, he doesnt understand that yeah ive got all this shit, ive got the cash the cars and pussy any time i want i will inevitably pay for it inside, he doesnt understand what its like to anticipate the day i get nicked for conspiracy to cultivate, ima make up my mind and tell him tonight, he needs to get his priorities straight and stop thinking that the way to live life is to shot rocks and wraps on a block, why the fuck cant life be simple.


Well-Known Member
Your little bro wants to grow up to be like you and tell lies on the internet? (Like in 99% of the threads you've started)

I would tell him to stop playing grand theft auto, stop watching Ali G and stop smoking banana skins.
love you too babes


Well-Known Member
Your mom needs to man the fuck up. If I would have tried any of that shit my mom would have broken my nose in a heartbeat.


Well-Known Member
Your mom needs to man the fuck up. If I would have tried any of that shit my mom would have broken my nose in a heartbeat.
shes just come out of a serious stomach surgery and is struggling to walk, she can bearly eat and doesnt even have the strength to walk upstairs, hes been smashing up the house not cleaning refusing to do things for her, eating her food, smoking weed all over the house, threatening her, hes out of fucking control and i dont know what the fuck to do.


Well-Known Member
shes just come out of a serious stomach surgery and is struggling to walk, she can bearly eat and doesnt even have the strength to walk upstairs, hes been smashing up the house not cleaning refusing to do things for her, eating her food, smoking weed all over the house, threatening her, hes out of fucking control and i dont know what the fuck to do.
Fair enough, then your dad needs to kick his ass. Or you, either way, he's not going to be talked out of anything.

Call the cops on him, it's shitty I know, but would you rather have you kid brother have a small rap, or a huge dealing or even worse murder rap.


Active Member
^^ what he said plus whats the crack with your dad letting this go on?
sounds like he lacks hardcore discipline,
when you get the chance talk to him explain where he is heading,
even a true beating isnt forced to bring him to your way of thinking,


Well-Known Member
thats it, ive figured out the solution, im gonna call him over for a talk, when he gets here im gonna beat the shit out of him and tell him if i hear hes fucking around im gonna fuck him up over nd over again until he learns, im calling him now. ill tell u guys when hes here then a bit later ill tellu the outcome.

purple stanky

New Member
send that little fuck my way ill take care of him!
no person sould EVER disrespect thier mama like that!!!
this shit makes me sick


Well-Known Member
^^ what he said plus whats the crack with your dad letting this go on?
sounds like he lacks hardcore discipline,
when you get the chance talk to him explain where he is heading,
even a true beating isnt forced to bring him to your way of thinking,
my dad has a very long hour job so is bearly around but has tried taking away his stuff and grounding him etc, its just not working with the lil shit so now i have to teach him a lesson, ill buy him some bandages and plasters for his bday next month lol


Active Member
i really dont think giving him a kicking is the answer your looking for,
all he'll do is keep shit from you like if he's in trouble,
wouldnt you rather know?
make his life a lil harder. stop buying him things for a start.
treat him like a lil brother not a pal.


Well-Known Member
thats it, ive figured out the solution, im gonna call him over for a talk, when he gets here im gonna beat the shit out of him and tell him if i hear hes fucking around im gonna fuck him up over nd over again until he learns, im calling him now. ill tell u guys when hes here then a bit later ill tellu the outcome.
video or it didnt happen!


Active Member
I say he needs a shitkickin for diss'n mom. And tell him... "thats for all the shit youve caused mom" Then start askin about everything else "so whats it gonna be ?" If he wants to be cool and tough, feed it to him again. He's just a punk and coming of age. I doubt he's had a real shit kickin yet. You need to 'nip it in the bud' dude.


Well-Known Member
I say he needs a shitkickin for diss'n mom. And tell him... "thats for all the shit youve caused mom" Then start askin about everything else "so whats it gonna be ?" If he wants to be cool and tough, feed it to him again. He's just a punk and coming of age. I doubt he's had a real shit kickin yet. You need to 'nip it in the bud' dude.
hes had a very easy life, how many kids do u know that simply has to say they want something and get it, well now hell get what hes asking for, hes on his way and should be here soon, he thinks im gonna be friendly and have a session with him, and to brandon, the last thing i need is a gbh charge and hell have me by the balls if hes got a vid of me beating the shiit out of him, hell have to learn the hard way to stay on the right path.


Well-Known Member
use a phone book so theres no evidence and dont hit the face i dont know how shit works in the uk but in the US he could prolly sue you lol