i only said that for claritys sake. some people are still confused on that point. but why are you worried about that? all that is gonna do is provide competition between the mass produced/quality market make prices cheaper to the consumer on both spectrums. my point of view, thats a good thing.im not worried about any kind of tax. im more worried about sumone taking over the market and having unfair advantages.
cultivation is indeed exempt, go read section 2b-8 of 19. 2b-7 indeed does not mention cultivation, but 2b-7 is the situation in which 19 is not enacted in the county. while 2b-8 is, and what it does is assure exemption from cultivation, limits, and restrictions. basically everything. how do you not get that? also, richard lee has a fucking broken spinal cord... he needs this medicine more than any of you. i can guartee ruining his well being is not his plan here.Prop 19 will drive prices UP.
It reduces the area for most MMJ growers, radically. 92% in my case, and I sell NOTHING. If I can only grow in 25 square feet, that will leave a huge shortfall in our meds. If I had to pay a club for that, I would be paying about $40,000 a year.
Do you think the clubs will give me a break?
NO ON 19.
If you think MMJ caregivers are exempt, you haven't read enough.
Cultivation was NOT exempted because the authors consider us "competition".
May all the children who die in gang violence from Mexican drug cartels who make money off marijuana be illegal be only children of people who vote No. Just so the world is fair and in balance.vote no on this absurd prop, it wuld put people who have been in the buis mom and pop growers in the mountains generations of familys that have grown and lived of the land and gave back to it took care of it. this would be the event horizin if it passes for mj cultivation, meaning the point in wich nothing can exist where it will be ripped molecule from molecule. vote no
Hey, you know what? After reading your clear, concise argument, I'm almost ready to change my vote. The thought of uprooting the lives of a bunch of "cannabis hillbillys" is just too sad! And the "event horizon" with molecules being torn asunder sounds very "black hole" like and most frightening for sure, let me think on this for a while....................BBvote no on this absurd prop, it wuld put people who have been in the buis mom and pop growers in the mountains generations of familys that have grown and lived of the land and gave back to it took care of it. this would be the event horizin if it passes for mj cultivation, meaning the point in wich nothing can exist where it will be ripped molecule from molecule. vote no
thats the dumbest thing i have ever heard................May all the children who die in gang violence from Mexican drug cartels who make money off marijuana be illegal be only children of people who vote No. Just so the world is fair and in balance.
hey! I am on of those cannabis hillbillies........LOLHey, you know what? After reading your clear, concise argument, I'm almost ready to change my vote. The thought of uprooting the lives of a bunch of "cannabis hillbillys" is just too sad! And the "event horizon" with molecules being torn asunder sounds very "black hole" like and most frightening for sure, let me think on this for a while....................BB
most of us up here in the mountains of Humboldt County Ca. are campagning Vote No!
Whats your opinion?
you live in San Diego not in these mountains were its allot of people's only means of an income and its been like that allot longer then all this medical stuff.Well then, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Word. There will always be corruption.im not worried about any kind of tax. im more worried about sumone taking over the market and having unfair advantages.
I'm thinking that a lot of the baby boomers smoked back in the day, and still do, believe me, they're not ALL conservatives!I don't think it will pass, not until all the conservative baby boomers die off.
So...everybody is cool with consuming in the presence of a minor being a new felony huh...
Or serve 3 years in the state penitentiaryJust don't smoke in front of minors ...
Driving on the freeway with the windows down posses more of a health risk.risking second hand smoke exposure.
first of all:I smoke very little very good marijuana...it's not like it is tobacco...the amount I smoke a day is ~1-2 cigarette(s)...and besides it is not even an infraction to smoke all the tobacco you want in the presence of minors...but a felony for cannabis??? WTF is that about???
How is a mother supposed to tell her kids that she smokes Cannbis, and it's ok, cuz it totally legal...but you can not be in here right now or mommy will go to prison...be out in a sec! Kids are not stupid.
Where does it mention grow AREA? Until I see language that SPECIFICALLY mentions the area allowed to MMJ growers, I believe you are wrong.cultivation is indeed exempt, go read section 2b-8 of 19. 2b-7 indeed does not mention cultivation, but 2b-7 is the situation in which 19 is not enacted in the county. while 2b-8 is, and what it does is assure exemption from cultivation, limits, and restrictions. basically everything. how do you not get that? also, richard lee has a fucking broken spinal cord... he needs this medicine more than any of you. i can guartee ruining his well being is not his plan here.
proof, notice cultivation is not left out
"8. Ensure that if a city decides it does want to tax and regulate the buying and selling of cannabis (to and from adults only), that a strictly controlled legal system is implemented to oversee and regulate cultivation, distribution, and sales, and that the city will have control over how and how much cannabis can be bought and sold, except as permitted under Health and Safety Sections 11362.5 and 11362.7 through 11362.9.
11362.5 - 215 and 11362.7- sb 420. in a legal doc, everything that comes before the except is simply exempt from the regulations set by 19, why? because its medicine. they have their own regulations. when new regulation occur they cannot effect previous ones unless it explicitly says so. when a new law comes along setting regulations that go along with another. the new law will set some new regulations, but because the legal term "except as permitted" is used, it gives 215 complete exemption from said regulations to follow the ones set by sb 420.