NO! On Prop 19


Well-Known Member
Again, your limited reading is not my issue. Polls say what the pollsters need them to say. And again, public opinion is not legislation. You keep responding with this insubstantial crap about public opinions and polls. Doesn't change the fact that, despite your assertions and your statistics, 13 out of 49 is not 60% or a majority in any respect. No one has said it isn't progress except in your inferences. I'm arguing for people to vote no on Prop. 19. Only you and your fellow proponents are the ones who think Prop. 19 is progress. I'm not the one trying to compare opinions or their validity here or change facts. I leave that to you and the proponents.
Right, you're not comparing the validity of other peoples opinions. You just keep telling us that we're wrong and pretend like we have no basis for an argument. You just keep making slight handed comments regarding our methods of debate.

But you're not comparing the validity of peoples opinions ... oh no.

If you don't think sending less people (21+ adults)to jail for responsible marijuana use isn't progress ... I don't know what is.


Well-Known Member
Again, your limited reading is not my issue. Polls say what the pollsters need them to say. And again, public opinion is not legislation. You keep responding with this insubstantial crap about public opinions and polls. Doesn't change the fact that, despite your assertions and your statistics, 13 out of 49 is not 60% or a majority in any respect. No one has said it isn't progress except in your inferences. I'm arguing for people to vote no on Prop. 19. Only you and your fellow proponents are the ones who think Prop. 19 is progress. I'm not the one trying to compare opinions or their validity here or change facts. I leave that to you and the proponents.
You are arguing for people to vote no on 19..... WHY? Be specific please because I will be.


Well-Known Member
And back to personal attacks. Excellent. You object against my alleged discounting of your opinion and then turn around to do the same. This hypocrisy of yours is getting to be a habit.

Oh boohoo... you've made plenty of slight handed comments towards me in multiple threads, most of which I ignored.
I state you're delusional (And you ARE) and you want to deflect it back towards me. "But mommmmm ... he hit me first".

If you're going to make smirk comments to others ... be prepared to hear it yourself.


Well-Known Member
Right, you're not comparing the validity of other peoples opinions.
Very good. See, telling the truth and sticking to facts doesn't hurt.

You just keep telling us that we're wrong and pretend like we have no basis for an argument.
Personal opinions don't have any place in a factual argumentation. They belong in the realm of moral or ethical argumentation. Morality and ethics should never be legislated. So since we're discussing legislation, personal opinions aren't really valid, especially where legal repercussions are concerned.

You just keep making slight handed comments regarding our methods of debate.
But you're not comparing the validity of peoples opinions ... oh no.
Inept argumentation is ofttimes annoying to anyone with a forensics background and makes it easy to spot flimsy argumentation. Like complaining about tangents and irrelevant details to detract from bad or failing argumentation.

If you don't think sending less people (21+ adults)to jail for responsible marijuana use isn't progress ... I don't know what is.
Senate Bill 1449 accomplished that, includes all adults 18 and over and didn't even come with a tax. Your inability to accurately identify "progress" has been a central focus of the arguments against you.


Well-Known Member
Senate Bill 1449 accomplished that, includes all adults 18 and over and didn't even come with a tax. Your inability to accurately identify "progress" has been a central focus of the arguments against you.
1449 is progress. But it doesn't LEGALIZE marijuana.

Gives an even bigger reason to vote YES on Prop 19 though .... Adds more protection that Prop 19 won't override.


Well-Known Member
Oh boohoo... you've made plenty of slight handed comments towards me in multiple threads, most of which I ignored.
I state you're delusional (And you ARE) and you want to deflect it back towards me. "But mommmmm ... he hit me first".

If you're going to make smirk comments to others ... be prepared to hear it yourself.
As with most other points, this one escapes you as well. If name-calling makes you feel better, then whatever, man. But at least make a valid on-topic argument. This whining of yours is derailing the thread.


Well-Known Member
As with most other points, this one escapes you as well. If name-calling makes you feel better, then whatever, man. But at least make a valid on-topic argument. This whining of yours is derailing the thread.

Right after you stop being a hypocrite ....


Well-Known Member
Can't wait for you to call someone else stupid ... then complain about name calling yet again.
Excellent. Back to lying. I never called anyone stupid or called anyone a name. I leave that for those with lackluster argumentation ability.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
lets keep it sival people it will all be over soon enough..

just al soon as we all agree to vote no!! haha


Well-Known Member
More lies ... surprise surprise.

Normally, I try not to be derogatory, but this post is prime example of why our nation ranks 11th in the world in education. It's quite obvious you don't get it, vradd.
Excellent fail. No name calling in there. There's a comment on the deplorable state of the public education system that teaches public policy propaganda instead of factual historical accounts which results in short-sighted and erroneous interpretation of proposed law. I thought you might actually find something with some bite, but alas not. Never mind it's still deflection from the issue at hand which is Prop. 19.


Well-Known Member
Excellent fail. No name calling in there. There's a comment on the deplorable state of the public education system that teaches public policy propaganda instead of factual historical accounts which results in short-sighted and erroneous interpretation of proposed law. I thought you might actually find something with some bite, but alas not. Never mind it's still deflection from the issue at hand which is Prop. 19.

Anyone with a 5th grade education can see you called him stupid. YOU even said you were making a derogatory comment.

Let's see some other hypocritical comments shall we?

"And just because you're willing to throw people under the bus so you don't have to grow a backbone, doesn't mean the rest of us would."

Telling someone they don't have a backbone ... sounds like a personal attack to me.

"These are amusing delusions. I'm not the one saying there's nothing anyone can do. I'm the one that has been telling people to stand up for their rights. I'm not paranoid, nor is my head full of scary pictures. If painting me so makes you feel better, then whatever floats your boat. Personal attacks are a common response when one can't argue reason. "

"Since the point has flown so far over your head as to be in high orbit, let me explain the delusion part."

Telling someone else they're delusional .... then complaining that I did the same tonight. Hypocrite.

"I certainly do try not to succumb to the pettiness that intense debates can incur."

You failed.

You've been exposed on multiple occasions. Your continued backstroke on this subject is hilarious. Please, keep telling us how you don't do name calling, personal attacks, and succumb to pettiness.

I've got more examples ...


Well-Known Member
Seriously ... this guy admitted he was being derogatory before suggesting the poster was stupid.

But he doesn't name call ... oh no. What an ignorant grasp on reality.


Well-Known Member
I bet you do. Seems I have myself a fan or stalker of sorts. Neat. Again, I have been derogatory, which means showing a critical or disrespectful attitude, but none of that involves name-calling. I suppose I could sit here and debate the finer points of semantics and rhetoric, but that would most likely be an exercise in futility. But please continue to blather on about how evil I am... I haven't been vilified in a long while. :fire: