I need help surviving!!! lol true story


Well-Known Member
Here is what I keep in my Freezer at ALL times.

1-2 lbs ground beef
1 bag chix breasts
usually 2 types of pork
Steak, try top sir loin its cheap and ok.
2 Cornish Game Hens(cook em every week)
Some sort of chicken ie:wings, thighs, whole.....
ice cream

you can also make your own infused butter and freeze them i have quite a few in my freezer, all diff types.

what goes in your fridge is up to you but here are the basics I always have

Fresh Herbs
Oinions red and yellow
bell peppers
salad mix
bag of potatos(not in fridge)

In your dry section I reccomend to always have

Rice (not instant but a bag of rice)
spices(buy a couple everytime you shop so you have a good selection)
vinegar(red or white)
soy sauce
bread crumbs

These are the things that I keep on hand at all times. Try to stay away from cans and shit. I know your on a budget but so are we, I spend a little over 200 a month on groceries and never have to eat out of cans. I do however eat lots of Ramen and Mac&Cheese when I am not in the mood to cook.

Also I reccommend when you buy whole chicken or any meat with bones, save the carcass. you can boil it later with some veggi's and get a good stock which is one thing I forgot to mention, keep stock or bouillon on hand as it is an integral part of cooking.


Well-Known Member
Just want to say: You guys are awsome! Im so sorry it took this long for me to respond. I actually wrote a really nice(and long) thank you awhile back, but when i clicked post quick reply, everything disappeared! So here i go again. There are so many great idea's and also some pretty hilarious one's too. Ive been meaning to make a menu but havent got around to that yet hehe. I made a HUGE pot of gumbo, but then got drunk and my friend burned the shit out of the bottom, i ate it anyways for 4 days then got tired of it. honostly, i think i need to try and take the advice from whoever said grow the fuck up...well dammit its hard, i admit, im a lazy fucker, hell my gf is too, thank god we both have a good motabolism other wise id prob be obese from all the junk food.
I might end up pming a few of you to get a few more good pointers. Im glad i made this thread cause it really did help me lol. Thanks again every1! if i need more help at the store ill let you kno xD

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Just want to say: You guys are awsome! Im so sorry it took this long for me to respond. I actually wrote a really nice(and long) thank you awhile back, but when i clicked post quick reply, everything disappeared! So here i go again. There are so many great idea's and also some pretty hilarious one's too. Ive been meaning to make a menu but havent got around to that yet hehe. I made a HUGE pot of gumbo, but then got drunk and my friend burned the shit out of the bottom, i ate it anyways for 4 days then got tired of it. honostly, i think i need to try and take the advice from whoever said grow the fuck up...well dammit its hard, i admit, im a lazy fucker, hell my gf is too, thank god we both have a good motabolism other wise id prob be obese from all the junk food.
I might end up pming a few of you to get a few more good pointers. Im glad i made this thread cause it really did help me lol. Thanks again every1! if i need more help at the store ill let you kno xD
Chicken & Fish man get different spices and shit, go crazy. You don't get tired of those very quickly when you change up the spices and stuff. It's great food for you, very lean and it fills you up.

This shouldn't be a problem. Your not trying to make like cordon bleu


Well-Known Member
Watch food network. If you have no idea how to cook, thats a good place to start. Some of the hosts are better than others, but they all make good food.