TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?


Weed Modifier
make good with what you got.. but dont rush man she looks a thousand times beter but stress like that takes time to fully recupe.. keep the nutes low for now just like your doing..
Thanks! Only have given her a 1/4 strength nutes just before I transplanted to a 6" pot(1week prior)....seems it has more roots than most at this size. no nutes since since and won't til she looks like she needs it. Probably not for a week or 2 probably. We will see....she is looking great I should post a few more pics soon!


Well-Known Member
Well i did it! Not on purpose of course! Just wanting to know if anyone has done this to a seedling, and can it survive the trama?:confused:

Any advise on this topic would be greatly appreciated...:joint:
I've had this happen a few times because of a twisted bug infestation in my yard, and some did in fact survive, one thats in flowering now with 4 main cola's...


Well-Known Member
It's very stressed from a very young age. While it could possibly live, I would bet on it coming out as a male.

Actually, been reading studies and it seems that stress a week before flowering can cause male, if its over a week it won't come into play at all...


Weed Modifier
Prolly because you just started your first thread today.
Good one! Why do so many have no patience??? Telling me I did not have a real problem??? And what does he got some Def of some kind? Why did he not answer to me I would have helped, if I can...oh well. Its like people want answers but are not willing to do ANY research at all! wtf...I spent the last month doing nothing but reading everything I can just to ensure success in my garden. And still do...You can never learn too much! Read my Sig.

Just because they do not get an answer right away they feel the need to come on another thread and bitch! That is immaturity at it's finest!

It's almost like...bullshit!:bigjoint: