hello everyone


Active Member
Just wanted to say a huge hello and thank you for such an informative fourm. I've been floating around the site for quite some time and will be creating my own grow journal soon. I'm currently growing some white widow and full moon under a 400w mh and will post pics up tonight.


Big Hello & Welcome, Would love to see how ya white widow is doing, currently got sum growin myself only seedlings at the min though.


Well-Known Member
Welcome! Hope you stick around. Growing is just a matter of following directions, but sometimes we need someone to direct us. Hope you find that here and in turn direct others.

Time spent researching will pay off ten fold, but be careful taking advice from someone unless you are certain the advice is for your particular growing method.


Well-Known Member
Welcome! Hope you stick around. Growing is just a matter of following directions, but sometimes we need someone to direct us. Hope you find that here and in turn direct others.

Time spent researching will pay off ten fold, but be careful taking advice from someone unless you are certain the advice is for your particular growing method.
Hell it's be a family.. A weird Family but still a kind of family.


Well-Known Member
hi guys

I am new guy please advise me best trusting web sites to ordor seeds that are not scammers

Seeds? Wow.. Take your pick and take your chances. The Seed Game is a serious play. Lots of places are prompt but we all have to take chances to order through the mail.
If you are wanting to be safe I suggest not ordering seeds. It is that simple. But we have not gotten to this day as a people by submitting to Prohibition.
But your post makes me think I should caution you against. It's stupid this plant is so feared by Governments but the wrath of Law is even worse than the hypocrisy from my point of view.