Super Lemon Haze Irie Stuff

My lemon haze is about a month and a half into veg. I got two different looking phenos. one go longer skinny leaves and the other with the shorter fatter leaves. i got 9 of them, i'll try to get pics up tomorow. This thread got me excited about putting these into flower!
Yeah I have the same towards the top. Slight curlying at the finger tips. I think she needs water every 3rd feeding. That and she does drink heavy nutes (organics).
never realise u'd met me GG lol.

hope ur good this weekend? i've got a little clawing (seems to be going now) do you find she is a thirsty girl, quite likes the strong nutes rather than weak?
They stretch like mad in 12/12. My advice is too keep the lights as close as possible for the first 2 weeks, then adjust as needed. Yeah 2 different pheno's huh? Hmmm I wonder about the fat leafs, I wonder if it will put out more bud?
My lemon haze is about a month and a half into veg. I got two different looking phenos. one go longer skinny leaves and the other with the shorter fatter leaves. i got 9 of them, i'll try to get pics up tomorow. This thread got me excited about putting these into flower!
This is my one SLH. Got it as a freebie back in may. Put outodoors in begining of June. Streched alot, the runt of my group.

Which pheno type do you think I got?

slh 003.jpgslh 001.jpgslh 002.jpg
Yea im going to take pics of all my super lemon hazes tonight and post to this thread. maybe you all can help me pick a mother since i'll be cloning tomorow.
I have never seen such a huge difference between phenotypes. On the one hand, I have the best plant ever. Not even a close 2nd. Its fast, heavy, so full of resin that I can't even believe my eyes, purple, and just amazing in every regard.

On the other, I have one of the worst. It's taking forever, it has no resin, the buds are pretty much non existent (just hairs, but no buds), and I am this close to just cutting it down so it stops blocking the light.

So anyone who is growing SLH for the 1st time needs to consider this. Don't give up if you get a bad pheno, there is at least one amazing one out there. And you can't go by the way they look in veg. Both of these looked great early on, but this 2nd one has nothing positive to offer beyond that.
I am hoping the tall lanky hairy pheno is the dankest lol. dont think i will get more then 7 grams off a 3ft plant lol
I can't believe how different they are. Like my first was all purple and frosted white, stone comes on fast and giggly. Skinny sativa leafs. Then from another seed, I got something that put on more bud, but no color, and high was good, just not as good as first plant.

I wonder how Horribleherks fat leafed SLH plant is going to do when it buds out?
this is definatly a strain you can pop open a pack of seeds & start a grow with its time & work & im not sure if i got it right but im gonna run with it my stuff started out with really wide indica looking leaves so who knows where this is gonna go??
Picture 039.jpgPicture 040.jpghey gg-13 i have a 3rd pheno i havent cloned yet it has medium leaves & grows pretty aggressive popping open a pac of seeds of this is kinda of like the prize in a cracker-jack box its anybodys guess this is one i passed over for my grow its like one day something kicked in the ass & told it to grow it might be best of the bunch
Hello everyone, I've been lurking these forums for quite a while and decided to create an account to ask if any of you guys have any idea or experience regarding growing this strain outdoors in a tropical climate scenario. I live in central america, so it rains a lot and we have a lot of humidity. The temperature doesn't really fluctuate during the whole year, it's just rainy and not so rainy =P.

I've been researching on which strains to grow and after reading so much on the internet and specially, this thread, I'm super pumped about the SLH, but don't want to make the mistake of ordering the seeds and then failing =(.

I appreciate in any feedback that can be given. =)
Welcome to RIU. Yeah I have no clue how slh would perform in your climate. She does grow like a haze so not bushy at all, so air can travel through plants and keep some moisture down.
Hello everyone, I've been lurking these forums for quite a while and decided to create an account to ask if any of you guys have any idea or experience regarding growing this strain outdoors in a tropical climate scenario. I live in central america, so it rains a lot and we have a lot of humidity. The temperature doesn't really fluctuate during the whole year, it's just rainy and not so rainy =P.

I've been researching on which strains to grow and after reading so much on the internet and specially, this thread, I'm super pumped about the SLH, but don't want to make the mistake of ordering the seeds and then failing =(.

I appreciate in any feedback that can be given. =)
HH That looks great. I love the short node distance. My skinny leafs have LONG node spaces. I must start a new seed soon and see if I can find the wide leaf pheno.
hey gg-13 i wish you lived closer i could hook you up so far i have 3 distinct phenos im really starting to enjoy this grow