• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

To any Rhode Island Medicinal Marijuana Patients

To evo... You are exactly what's wrong with the program we have here in RI. I am a patient and have been screwed over by "caregivers" at least three times now. You are NOT allowed BY LAW to profit ANYTHING. You are doing the same thing that all these caregivers do. Do you realize that if you charge 125 an ounce and you are allowed to grow 12 plants mature and 12 immature that when you crop one set of twelve plants and then charge 125 an ounce you could make 4500 assuming you get only 3 ounces a plant!!!!! Please don't tell me it costs that much to grow 12 plants. I have started growing my own and 4500 doesn't even come close. You are not suppose to charge sick patients because it takes time and energy. It is suppose to be charity. The only thing you CAN recoup is your actual cost of growing. Even then you can't expect the cost of lights ect... to be paid off in one grow. Any caregiver that charges more than 30-50 an ounce is trying to make money. Hey I have no problem with people that make money just don;t do it here in a state that is NON-PROFIT. A little piece of advice...watch your back because the rumor is there are State police posing as patients to stop this kind of thing.....

This is why I was warning people earlier


Active Member
I am sorry. I have been trying to follow these laws in RI as being from New York the bill we are trying to pass is very close to the one you already did. I was under the imression that you guys had "compassion center" were people could go to het the MMJ they needed. Now I understand that some people cant get there so you have caregivers that can get it for you. I never rememebr anything saying caregiver were legal dealers. On top of that I am truely not sure why there is this seemingly shady group of "caregivers" peopel use. With all due respect I would not now or ever get my MMJ from some random person. I would want my care giver to be someone I know and trust. Or beable to go to one of these centers myself.


Well-Known Member
I grow my own as a patient . Ive Had my card a few years now . mostly I make wing nut cookies and eat my medicine .


Hmm I have been reading the laws I by no means am trying to make money just offset the cost of growing. I have printed out all RI med laws and have been going through them. My plan I have gone over with my patient is so much for free each month then after that is where I would have to charge.

Im not selling it illegally either who ever is thinking that. I am only in contact with licensed med patients.

I have started anything yet so I will be sure I am fair and not doing anything illegal.

I totally agree with what your doing to off set your costs. I really don't think some of these people are buying their own nutes, paying electricity Or buying equipment to grow. I'm a patient in R.I. with mobility issues and live on a fixed income, If my care giver asks for a little input financially I am more than happy to help him out. So before you start getting your panties in a twist people, Think about how much you would be paying for your meds without people like Evo.


i totally agree with what your doing to off set your costs. I really don't think some of these people are buying their own nutes, paying electricity or buying equipment to grow. I'm a patient in r.i. With mobility issues and live on a fixed income, if my care giver asks for a little input financially i am more than happy to help him out. So before you start getting your panties in a twist people, think about how much you would be paying for your meds without people like evo.
really bro really??????


Active Member
I didn't rad all the posts since I'm using my shitty blackberry. But if the stuff is competition award winning good I say 300 - 350 that's a 10 out of 10. If its just good and not man handled I'd say 200 - 250 a o. Realisticly in paying around 350 a month on electricity and dumped in 4 grand on my equipment. People gotta understand it cost money to grow and it cost a lot more money and a lot of knowledge to be a master grower. I'm an apprentice who has his caed and met a master grower who was nice enough to help me out. This isn't growimg a tomato plant in the sun this is a science and I'm just a apprentice. Best part about it I get high as hell enjoy myself and can dismiss my back pain legally and non addictivly. I'm 1.5 months in and got another 10 weeks but this sativa dominant stand is way worth the effort. Do yourself a favor spend the money better equipment better buds. I got a 452 watt sunblaze for veg wish I got something more pewerful to speed up the veg cycle.


Active Member
Im starting a grow room for myself and have seen for about 1000 you can have a 1000watt hps and a 8 bulb t5 hood and most random lil things..If u have 12 plants each getting 3OZ that would be ablot of BUDS.ALOT.


Active Member
To Evo: yah I agree with dli324 I dont think its a good idea to falsify some of the information that your giving out on here..1st off its wrong, second people do see what you type so just be carefull. Another thing I'm a caregiver in RI and I honestly dont even know what the word sell is because really in all honesty this license is a privelage to help people with debilitating diseases, so therefore we should NOT under any circumstance be making any money whatsoever..I mean I think I charge my patient from 60-100 an OZ..but thats for all my time, nutrients,soil,pots,etc...This is a movement man!! If you believe in the truth behind cannabis and the wonders it can do as a medicine then I'm with you..But if all you wanna do is make money and get high..your missing the point of the movement!!



Do you guys have store fronts out there that people can go to? That solves all of the problems that you guys are taking about. Plus if you guys think that 350 is to much for some bomb dank then you guys are tripping. Im in socal and i own a clinic so i know prices.


Active Member
350 is street prices..Most patients cant afford that.If you grow then you know 350 is high priced and if i give you a caregiver card to grow for me you will make out no matter what


Active Member
350 is standard from for that bomb ass stuff, but hes right alot of patients are broke so they dont have the couple thousand it cost to invest in a awesome grow room like myself. I havent really thought about it before but my girl friend has her caregiver card and im the only patient on it. I fanyone with there card is looking for a caregiver Ill talk to her about. Since shes not working at the moment maybe its time she does something. any hoot Im not advertising but if anyones really in a pinch and having issues finding let me know, Im pretty sure her b.c.i. is still ok for another couple months. Oh and general hydroponics just came out with a organic line for soiless growing im super excited


Active Member
all due respect tony, but i am a patient in ri and i can not afford 350/oz regardless of what the price is in socal, this is ri and you don't know prices here.


Active Member
Im working hard at getting prices down to 200 a ounce but i honestly cant do shit.for anyone unless they sign me or someone i work with up.90% of the people i talk to here want meds. But dont want to sign us up as caregivers. Well to be honest i work hard at what i do and make sure i dont run out inbetween harvest for our patients. I feel sry for u guys who have bad or no connections but ill give u a sac but theres no way im risking my freedom cause people want to hang on to their caregiver options. Alls i know is our patients our happy and thats all i care about. Just wait till the dispensories open they will be controling the price then u will have something to complain about prices. This isnt cali the state will not be giving u very sick people free meds. Its just buissness to them , so with that said if u got a good caregiver, thats a privleg to u not to the caregiver trust me.
To evo... You are exactly what's wrong with the program we have here in RI. I am a patient and have been screwed over by "caregivers" at least three times now. You are NOT allowed BY LAW to profit ANYTHING. You are doing the same thing that all these caregivers do. Do you realize that if you charge 125 an ounce and you are allowed to grow 12 plants mature and 12 immature that when you crop one set of twelve plants and then charge 125 an ounce you could make 4500 assuming you get only 3 ounces a plant!!!!! Please don't tell me it costs that much to grow 12 plants. I have started growing my own and 4500 doesn't even come close. You are not suppose to charge sick patients because it takes time and energy. It is suppose to be charity. The only thing you CAN recoup is your actual cost of growing. Even then you can't expect the cost of lights ect... to be paid off in one grow. Any caregiver that charges more than 30-50 an ounce is trying to make money. Hey I have no problem with people that make money just don;t do it here in a state that is NON-PROFIT. A little piece of advice...watch your back because the rumor is there are State police posing as patients to stop this kind of thing.....
For one, Evo, there are no restriction on what you can request for facilitating the transfer of an OZ.

Two, I need to know where the guy who posted this thread gets there meds because they sure are potent. Sorry guy, you basic stomped all over yourself.
You cannot profit, you can only cover expenses and there are no guidlines for what these are so you misinterpreted the guidlines. Beside the guidlines make it near impossinle for a CG to sell MM for $30 to $50 an OZ indoors unless they were gifted all the seeds and equipment. The law cleary allows you to recoup your cost which means supplies, time spent, cost associtated with getting MM to CG, that's it though. Yet, again, very loose guidlines because whose to say my time isn't worth $1000/hr...lol

Two, I've been patient for a year, someone attempted to rob me which was kinda funny if you know me, but $125 is an awsome price to pay. You need to wake up and realize that it is not going to just happen and pouting about it doesn't help.

Most CG's charge a sliding scale to offer some meds to those who cannot afford for free to $50. So, yes, some people should not be charge so much in the same respect that other should not pay so little. Most patients and CG's are off their rocker and should not even be allowed to procreate, let alone have access to MM. The average rate a CG charges is around $300 so this guy is actually pretty good as long as his strains are quality...

Third, your argument unfortunately carries very little weight because technically CG's are only allowed to have 5 oz. per 15 days, max....which means your math is useless because you based it on the fact that they are breaking the law, so they should go to jail no matter what your point is...lmfao

Also, if your rumor is true and they come knockin at my door, to try and get me to show them my crop, like most CG's it's just not gonna happen. It's also called entrapment and is illegal, not to mention using information that is protected by HIPPA. So, unless they got a warrent to find out my MM status, my patient information was procured illegally and since the illegally obtained informtion was the grounds in which they obviouosly used to get the illegal warrent. The case wouldn't even make it trial.

The only two things that will weed out these kinda problems is a series of collaberatives that can dump a bunch of legal mm and drive the market prices down or two the right CC's get the approval and are compassionate enough to do the same thing... So, don't hold you breath!!! And, please, I know your pissed, but this price gouging is very common and takes tim to bring it down.

After all, we live in a society that has promoted the very same attitude toward medical products and service that the CG's are applying towards MM and we'v been letting them get away with it forever...so whose the bad guy???

The people who do it, or the one's who let it happen in the first place.
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Active Member
I feel ya dude that guy got ran off this site along time ago. He made his one comment,everyoned smoked his ass and he never came back. Probley went back to thcfarmer.com. That website can like my nutz. They banned me from sweafing at some dude lol, he deserved it. I hear ya and i feel setting some guidlines dont hurt. Personally i feel alot of rhode islanders dont use the site enough.


Well-Known Member
I didn't go anywhere I'm still here. No one smoked my ass out either.

I am a CG to one person as of right now. That one person gets there free oz a month for giving me the opportunitie and priviledge to be their CG. After that oz I charge. If I had two ppl they would both get a free oz a month. But anyone else needs to be charge. We are only allowed 12 mature plants with one person and 24 max no matter how many people you grow for. Then on top of that only allowed to keep 2.5ozs dried to keep.

So I'm running a perpetual cycle now. Still have some shitty genes I'm not interested in keeping. Its some skunk I got from a friend but the high and yield is shit.

I run a aero/rdwc set up with 4-5 plants per cycle. Cutting every three to four weeks.

Once I get some new genetics and actually come up with some decent weight per plant ill have a better idea of what I give away for free and what I keep.

My first post had nothing to do with making money or profiting in anyway. I had plenty of people contact me happy and waiting just don't like my own product still but it does the job for my one patient and me for now.

Nevermind this post was like the first one in this forum and for my state so I figured id see if there was anyone out there but ended up like I said not liking my product.