Need Some Trip Tools for this Week


Well-Known Member
Trip tool # 1: Know thy self and one's surroundings!

Trip tool # 2: Have a responsible trip sitter who can manage situations.

Trip tool # 3: Lay out your tongue and enjoy ;)


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Active Member
Yeaah, bought em just before Secret Garden Party (UK festi) and yeah have whipped em out so many times when ive been tripping :) good times


Active Member
yeah man its such a nice set up aswel... so much trippy lights in the forrest and shiit, really good festival


Well-Known Member
For some reason I cant be around people who arent tripping it freaks me out.
Then those my friend are not experienced trip sitters, a trip sitter is basically someone who is far more experienced in psychedelics then you are... and can manage and guide you out of bad situations if they do arise. But I totally get what you're saying... you have those wild devil eyes... and it makes you think that the sober person looking back at you is your worst enemy ;)


Active Member
I like dosing, then attending a "normal" party and pretending I'm "normal"

It's really the only way to attend a "normal" party

The fly glasses are crazy - I don't like them much =(

I DO like the glasses that make it look sunny outside. No link to them though =(


Well-Known Member
I like dosing, then attending a "normal" party and pretending I'm "normal"

It's really the only way to attend a "normal" party

The fly glasses are crazy - I don't like them much =(

I DO like the glasses that make it look sunny outside. No link to them though =(
Exactly! A normal party for an abnormal person just ain't fun :lol:


Well-Known Member
I like dosing, then attending a "normal" party and pretending I'm "normal"

It's really the only way to attend a "normal" party

The fly glasses are crazy - I don't like them much =(

I DO like the glasses that make it look sunny outside. No link to them though =(
You talking about the "hd visions?" I got those, it makes everything look bright and alive.


Well-Known Member
I gotta invest in some tripping toys, but hell when I'm tripping... I'm fucking tripping I tell ya.... and no need for toys when the drug naturally does that for ya ;)


Well-Known Member
Best trip 'toys' are your brain and a dark room...If that isnt good enough, then you probably didnt take enough!


Well-Known Member
Best trip 'toys' are your brain and a dark room...If that isnt good enough, then you probably didnt take enough!
Although the darkness is cool while tripping, I really preffer being outside during a bright day while tripping. I fucking love all the vibrant colors, it just puts me in aw..


Well-Known Member
Although the darkness is cool while tripping, I really preffer being outside during a bright day while tripping. I fucking love all the vibrant colors, it just puts me in aw..
Agreed! Light equals visuals for me. Although, ketamine is one of the only dissociative psychedelics that welcomes darkness ;)


Well-Known Member
I enjoy tripping during the day as well, ive noticed dxm is best suited for the night, also ive heard dmt is best in the dark, so that open, and cev are smoothly blended.