Buying a house for commerical grow


What if I buy I house and rent it out to someone for a commercial grow op? If the operation gets busted, will the autorities be able to come after me?
Or will they just go after the person who is renting?


Well-Known Member
If they can prove you knew about the illegal activity then you are at risk as well - also the property would be taken.


Active Member
only if they can prove u new. so i would cut all contact with this person and only speak about matters concerning the lease.


Active Member

This is the kind of post you don t want to post when that kind of stuff is under procedure. This is exactly what LEO aim online. I am not saying they watching you at the moment but you should take precautions with that kind of things :)

If you wonder about if they can get to you, yes they can but if they dont catch you on the spot they cant put a charge on you for that. They will surely ask you questions but avoid snitching. You know nothing. Guy Paid the bill for the rent end of story.

Have a nice day!


Well-Known Member
Even if they can't prove you knew they can try to declare the home a nuisance and move for forfeiture.
They may or may-not win, but you will have to pay to defend the case.

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
Are you going to be getting rent and then some? It would be kinda silly to let someone have an illegal commercial grow in a house you own and not get paid for it. People growing in rented houses fuck shit up a lot of the times. And even if they don't fuck your house all up, like people said already there is a chance of you having to deal with some headaches, regardless if you're getting paid or not. But if you're getting paid from criminal enterprise you are part of the criminal enterprise. Now there's a chance of jail and a higher chance of losing your property. But as far as criminal activity goes the risk would be pretty low. Even if the tenant snitches on you, it's still he said she said. Get paid in cash. If the DA really filed charges on you, which I highly doubt would happen, any good lawyer could get you off.

So either don't rent it to the dude you know is growing, which is probably the best advice. Or get rent and then some for looking the other way and ignoring his illegal activities. Personally I do not condone any illegal activities. I think you should just pack it up and move somewhere it's legal :) There are better countries or states where you don't have to be a criminal.


Well-Known Member
What if I buy I house and rent it out to someone for a commercial grow op? If the operation gets busted, will the autorities be able to come after me?
Or will they just go after the person who is renting?
They already broke the number one rule of growing by bringing you in. Jesus Christ, you are talking about it here. :| This isn't an episode of Weeds.

When growers get busted, they take everyone down because they want to kill the entire production line. Last year we had a bust in my area and they took 48 people out and it was just a 1500 plant operation. They look for everybody and everybody fucks each other.

To answer your question: YES! You will get busted if you personally rent to growers and you are aware of it.


Well-Known Member
how would you convince someone to move into a house where there is a grow room w/o the person caring. basically you are saying "hey take care of my weed, and if the dea finds out, its YOUR fault" kinda hard to find someone that dumb haha. but good luck


Well-Known Member
ahh ok i guess i read the post wrong. you want to rent it out to someone who will be growing in the house?