My First Grow: Journal


Active Member
Day 63. Plant are still growing and stretching. Tallest is 37 inches and the other is 26 inches. One plant is more than foot taller than the other one, thats 50% taller. That there is some stable genetics from Nirvana. Plants are starting to develop buds but it still seems kinda slow. I cant wait for these things to just finish so I can get them out of my growroom. See pics below.


Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Day 73. Plant are still growing and stretching. Tallest is 37 inches and the other is 26 inches. One plant is more than foot taller than the other one, thats 50% taller. That there is some stable genetics from Nirvana. Plants are starting to develop buds but it still seems kinda slow. I cant wait for these things to just finish so I can get them out of my growroom. See pics below.
glad they finaly fucking started flowering for ya! Man that was a long ass time. But at least you are getting some bud off those fucking plants.


Active Member
I got my WW and AK48 seeds in today. They sent them priority and they got here in five days. Its good seed day for us Howard lol.


Active Member
Fuck, broke one of my branches today. It was one of the four larger sub colas on one plant. I was bending it to try and get it to grow more back to the center when the it snapped in two. That sucks.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Fuck, broke one of my branches today. It was one of the four larger sub colas on one plant. I was bending it to try and get it to grow more back to the center when the it snapped in two. That sucks.
FUCK sorry to hear about that bro. But as we both know it is better to learn this shit on your first grow so lesson learned. I swear to God I just had a dream last night that I was bending one of my LST'd bubbas down and it broke at the stem! I woke up so deppressed then realiazed it was a dream. Man this is weird that this shit happend to you today!


Active Member
I was stupid, bending it up high near the bud location, which is not the way to do it. Bending closer at the base is stronger and much more pliable. Lesson learned lol. I'm not too tore up about it.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
How many seeds did Nirvana send you? You lucky bastard I was going to order the WW my next seed order but that attitude Kush deal came up so I wont need any seeds anytime soon. If I were you I would grow one of each. Do a side by side kinda thing.


Active Member
How many seeds did Nirvana send you? You lucky bastard I was going to order the WW my next seed order but that attitude Kush deal came up so I wont need any seeds anytime soon. If I were you I would grow one of each. Do a side by side kinda thing.
They sent me two packs of fem seeds, WW and AK. I will be expanding my grow room to four plants on my next grow, and I plan on growing 2 of each. My expansion will cost me about 250 bucks, but after that I should be all set on equipment. This will prob be my last Nirvana grow, since the seeds are sorta free, I might as well use them and spend the extra cash on making my grow room better. But after this grow, it only top notch strains from world class breeders only. Its just too stressful and costly to grow seeds that have phenos all over the place, mutations, low yeilds. Most of the seeds from great breeders are 40 to 60 bucks. So by spending 20 to 40 more dollars on seeds per grow, I am sure I will yeild 25 to 50% more quality bud.


Active Member
Day 70 (End of second week of flowering). Plants are starting to bud up. :weed:Plants are 44 and 31 inches tall. :shock:I ordered some mylar today and some Ona gel. Temps are cooler now and I think its safe to reinstall the mylar, plus I think it will help to finish of the flowering of the plants. I know I bag on my plants alot, but I'm still trying to get the most out of them. :rolleyes:Plants do not smell of dank, but I guess its best if I get my Ona air filter setup just in case. Dont want the neighbors complaining about the stinky hoes I got in my house lol. :hump:I think after I harvest these plants, I will save the main stock off the largest plant. Its growing into a really big stick. Then I will go Holland and beat the owner of Nirvana's ass with it. :evil: Then I'm going to take the left over seeds from this AF grow and shove them up his ass and tell him he cant take them out till the auto flower. :twisted: If complains about how big they get, then I will tell him he should have thought of that before he sold me these mutated pine trees.:fire:


Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Day 70 (End of second week of flowering). Plants are starting to bud up. :weed:Plants are 44 and 31 inches tall. :shock:I ordered some mylar today and some Ona gel. Temps are cooler now and I think its safe to reinstall the mylar, plus I think it will help to finish of the flowering of the plants. I know I bag on my plants alot, but I'm still trying to get the most out of them. :rolleyes:Plants do not smell of dank, but I guess its best if I get my Ona air filter setup just in case. Dont want the neighbors complaining about the stinky hoes I got in my house lol. :hump:I think after I harvest these plants, I will save the main stock off the largest plant. Its growing into a really big stick. Then I will go Holland and beat the owner of Nirvana's ass with it. :evil: Then I'm going to take the left over seeds from this AF grow and shove them up his ass and tell him he cant take them out till the auto flower. :twisted: If complains about how big they get, then I will tell him he should have thought of that before he sold me these mutated pine trees.:fire:
:clap: Good to see some bud in there brotha. Are you giving it any flowering ferts? At least this grow wasn't a total loss. They still look healthy as fuck and a big ass difference from last Sunday. Looking good my friend!


Active Member
I'm using the Jacks Bloom 10/30/20 with micro nutes. Been giving them full strength for the last two weeks. No sign of burn as of yet. If anything, this grow has shown that my grow techniques produce good healthy plants, and that my CFL system can handle some pretty tall bushy plants. So going forward, I'm confident that my grow room can handle growing any seeds regardless of its height or difficulty in growing the plant itself. I cant wait to start my next grow.


Active Member
Added some mylar to the grow room and put my Ona air fresher in there as well. Plants have a slight smell to them, but its not smelling real dank or anything. The mylar works realy well and has improved the lumens in my room greatly.

I also made a new hood. I used the new mylar to cover it. Works much now.



Active Member
Thanks Reg, good to see a new face in here. The grow is going ok all things considered. I got conned into growing these AF I wish I had choosen anyother strain. Plants have gotten very tall, but the CFL's seems to be handling their business lol.


Active Member
Day 77 (Week three flower). Plants are 52 and 35 inches tall. I cant believe this AF is going to outgrow my seven foot tall grow room. I will have to start bending it here soon as I only have about six inches left to raise the lights. Plants are looking good and starting to frost up. Its hard to take pictures because my cfl's seems to flood the camera, and the camera is trying to focus on the larger leaves and not the bud sites. I was able to take one good bud shot with some ice on it. I've been feeding them the jacks bloom once a week at full strength. No sign of nute burn. The taller plant is using water faster than the smaller plant. They are now on different watering and feeding cycles/times.

