i slightly agree, but also i think that is contorted thinking. I personally think Phillip Morris is doing what they are doing because they knew they were about to
get busted for child labor. sure its in another country, but they know that with the huge changes they are making to tobacco (cant label them lights anymore, no more cloves or flavored cigs, they almost got rid of menthol completely) they cant afford our government getting angrier with them. we raise a huge fuss about anybody using child labor anywhere in the world, whether we can actually do anything about it or not, we put sanctions out, or feed enough bad press out until they change on their own. Doesn't look so good when its an American company in another country doing the things we hate so much. Phillip Morris could very simply be trying to get a bit more favor. with all the regulations that have passed i would say if anything the FDA is NOT happy with cigarette companies, and it shouldn't be seen as them giving more money to them. they are removing the tobacco tricks to get young smokers, they are removing mislabeling tactics to make some cigarettes seem 'safer' than others, and they are raising the tax to unbelievable amounts. does that mean they are getting more money? sure the government is, for now. but smoking WILL decrease due to this, god knows i have cut back (i cant afford 7 bucks a day for my smokes anymore, its absurd).
now it does stand to reason that prices will drop, therefore tax revenue for the state will drop. come to find out it is incredibly hard to find any actual data on how much places like Oakland and Denver have made from taxes on MMJ, but i find it just as hard to find any articles claiming otherwise that actually have any proof. Its easy for some people to say 'show me the numbers' when we offer tax revenue as an idea to pass the law. But how quickly a lot of opinionated blogs and sites forget about that 'data' when they start stating that no money has been made. i assure you money has been made, we just may not know how much for some time. Denver wants to increase this tax by 6%, Oakland is talking about increasing theirs again, Santa Cruz and Long beach are both in talks of introducing the first tax, as are other communities. you start stacking this up, and you are finding plenty of areas that will stand to make some (big or small) money off of this, and in a place like california, every dollar is needed.
That leads to my last thought, which trails off the first thing you said. your absolutely right (i would assume) that the feds havent made ANY money off of these taxes. sounds right to me, they are still opposing it. they cant very well accept money off something they want to continue claiming they dont support. It's why we see the raids in california to begin with. California actually stands to make considerable money if they legalize pot, both through normal use, and through tourism for the 'pot shops' that will undoubtedly open there, not to mention the people like me who will move there (in my case going back to my birth-state) JUST for the legalization. The feds dont like money that they cant take a cut of, and thats exactly what MJ is until they reschedule or federally legalize. Problem is, that is NOT something they want to do. For the time being, MJ prohibition is a stimulus. it creates jail/prison jobs, it provides local police funding, and up until recently, it was still that 'scourge on our streets' that our nation could unite and fight against. it was a war on our own country. Lets not forget the thousand other reasons our government wont get behind it:
Lumber is still a major national Export. Marijuana/Hemp would eliminate much lumber usage, and most other countries are already producing their own MJ, or at the very least are willing and able should the international community accept it as a legitimate crop.
We want to save face; i.e. we don't want to re-neg on something we have been telling every other country in the world is terrible.
Mexico will be PISSED; we have been forcing their hand in fighting marijuana cartels, and they have had literal and metaphorical wars on their streets because of it. we legalize, and its a slap in the face to all the lives lost in this 'war' that we forced them into, due to OUR demand.
Ive drawn this out long enough, i apologize. i hope my thoughts didnt get to jumbled along the way. once again, thanks for the great convo.