TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?

It will be fine as soon as you get a couple sets of 3 part leaves cut those 2 shriveled up lower leaves off they look like you either over watered or burnt the plant at some point so be careful with that stuff too.



Weed Modifier
It will be fine as soon as you get a couple sets of 3 part leaves cut those 2 shriveled up lower leaves off they look like you either over watered or burnt the plant at some point so be careful with that stuff too.

lol I know I know... but I left them on so people can see it still the original seedling.
Did you see the first picture? Those are still there in that one. It was a toothpick...
This seedling is about 8 weeks now? :confused:Was majorly stunted but I still would like to see how she is going to turn out.
Major lesson learned here lol.:mrgreen:


Weed Modifier
Congrats on the save. Good thing you didnt take my advice. Ive said it before, it aint called weed for nothin.
lol no problem...Alot of people have told me to get rid of it, but I could not just kill it! Figured if it was done it would not grow! Proved me wrong. But learned something.
Yes I'm sure it is no prize! Being an 8 week seedling...
But I'm curious to see how this one will finish, couldn't hurt to see for myself.

They sure can take a lickin
and keep on tickin! lol.


Weed Modifier
lol no problem...Alot of people have told me to get rid of it, but I could not just kill it! Figured if it was done it would not grow! Proved me wrong. But learned something.
Yes I'm sure it is no prize! Being an 8 week seedling...
But I'm curious to see how this one will finish, couldn't hurt to see for myself.

They sure can take a lickin
and keep on tickin! lol.

I can see the next set growing 3 finger leaves this is a good sign that it will start to grow healthier now... also one of the side shoots appears to have 3 leaves coming out of one shoot:confused:??? instead of the usual 2. Will take a pic in a few days when it gets bigger to take a pic...too small to see right yet! Very interesting though!:blsmoke:


Weed Modifier
Few more pics from today...


Really filling out she is going to be a bush! Hope it will be a she!
Has bright purple stems...very pretty!
3 Tops...3 leaf fingers growing... good sign she will grow now!


Weed Modifier
nice, kinda quirky looking, eh? i am glad that shes recovered.
Thanks!:mrgreen: Who would have thought from the first pic...still laugh my ass off when I look back! lmao...
Yes Very interesting indeed!!! She did have a Variegated leaf earlier....before the Trama!:roll: lol.
So I'm kinda hoping this characteristic will come out again.
Does look different though
Can't wait to see how she will look as she gets bigger!
It's a PurpleKush Cross.


Weed Modifier
Nice save!!!!!!!!!!!!

Am having the exact same issue except I accidentally over fed my baby and was left with crazy nute burn.
It looks like a few areas have leaves coming back. Here's my question what light schedule should I have this sick little girl on?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks and it is doing awesome now! It actually has more tops on it now. The main shoot has split into two main tops? Topped itself???
So now there is like 4 main tops on it now and it is only 3" will probably show its sex soon. lmao.

So this is going to be a beauty when she gets bigger.

What kind of nutes and how much(NPK) Probably a 18/6...but everyone has their own preference.
Nice save:clap:

I made a similar mistake:dunce:. I burned the crap out of my little baby and have been left with something kin to a toothpick. So, I flushed the res and am crossing my fingers!
What light schedule should this poor little girl be on? Any other tips would be appreciated.


Weed Modifier
Nice save:clap:

I made a similar mistake:dunce:. I burned the crap out of my little baby and have been left with something kin to a toothpick. So, I flushed the res and am crossing my fingers!
What light schedule should this poor little girl be on? Any other tips would be appreciated.
18/6 IMO. Each to their own but seeing how you burned them give them a break...

Do you have a pic? How old is it?

What nutes are you using And NPK value eg.20-20-20.
@#%$&*! Aerogarden nutes!

Started with starter (2) pack and tap water. Flushed res and let it sit for 3 days in plain water then, changed res with 1/2 small nute and distilled water.
Now what do I do?