Grow Tent Size???


Active Member
ya id stay with 1 or 2 moms and alternate what ones i cut from to allow them to heal between cuts.

ok bloom you already own the 1k light. id suggest if not use a 600. way cooler so we can get them closer and use the light in a more efficient way and produce betetr end result
I haven't bought the flowering light yet, I won't need it until around 1/Nov anyway and I hadn't decided which light to use for just a couple of plants but you think a 600 HPS would work okay?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
600 is the most used light. like i said we get them closer to tops as its cooler and has less lumens loss this way. and is cheeper to run. on average a 1k hps has about 150k lumens a 600 is about 90k. but with a 1k needing to be so far away cause of heat we loose that extra 50k. roughly. with a 600 you get on average depending on hood style or size will give a 4x4 to 5x5 footprint of good light. so most go on a 1 square foot per plant. but if you flip sooner to flower can close this up a bit and fit more in there.
i suggest run clones at 3 weeks veg then flip them, makes for a faster turn over and will still produce good weights as ive shown with 2 foot tall plants inc pots of 2 gal size. i think with that one i ran seed at 5 to 6 week veg under T-12 only. so with a T-5 will need less time.
yessir if you are only going to take four clones for flowering then having four mother plants is a waste of space.
four plants in a 4' footprint can produce more then you require...but why limit your success? having excess dried usable
product is not a bad thing! Think of all the friends you can make happy faces on.


Active Member
600 is the most used light. like i said we get them closer to tops as its cooler and has less lumens loss this way. and is cheeper to run. on average a 1k hps has about 150k lumens a 600 is about 90k. but with a 1k needing to be so far away cause of heat we loose that extra 50k. roughly. with a 600 you get on average depending on hood style or size will give a 4x4 to 5x5 footprint of good light. so most go on a 1 square foot per plant. but if you flip sooner to flower can close this up a bit and fit more in there.
i suggest run clones at 3 weeks veg then flip them, makes for a faster turn over and will still produce good weights as ive shown with 2 foot tall plants inc pots of 2 gal size. i think with that one i ran seed at 5 to 6 week veg under T-12 only. so with a T-5 will need less time.
That sounds pretty smart, 600 doesn't give off as much heat so I definitely like that - so I think the 600 it will be. Thanks...

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
its all i use in my grows. check the journals in my sig. ask away anything if waneted. im also rebuilding those rooms right now so its sorta along what your doing. im goin bigger with more light and equipment and adding another med grower here. so im doing my math and calculations also to what i need for new gear. as i go im adding 1000 bucks worth of new gear each month till i cant add anymore for my location. will be as automated as i can make it. im testing out a few new products as well to see if they are worth having ion stock or not


Active Member
How many plants can I put in a tent that measures 31.446 inches by 31.445 inches by 62.992 inches or (80cm x 80 cm x 160 cm)? I have one of these and want to use it for flowering and I will pick up another one for Vegging. It's gotta be better than the hot assed closet that I am using now. LOL

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
all depends on pot size and how long a veg to get plant size. if you havent grown them before you wont know till you do. you going to top or not and so on. lots effect the counts. 1 style can be 20 plant another 4


Active Member
all depends on pot size and how long a veg to get plant size. if you havent grown them before you wont know till you do. you going to top or not and so on. lots effect the counts. 1 style can be 20 plant another 4
OIC, I was just reading your older posts. I really only want to do 4 plants because it is just me. I just moved here and literally don't know anyone (no one at all) so I don't need a large yield. So I figure 4 plants in flowering and (from our and the other posts earlier) 2 in Veg. I already bought the tent that I was just telling you about so I would just have to get the other one for the Veg phase.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member guys n inches and this is a 3x3x6 tent?? will fit a 600 just nicely. if you do this 3 week veg id run 6 then in bloom. dont top them. want more side room for air flow or movement. 4 if you wish to as werll. even better light penetration as less crowding and better air movement


Active Member guys n inches and this is a 3x3x6 tent?? will fit a 600 just nicely. if you do this 3 week veg id run 6 then in bloom. dont top them. want more side room for air flow or movement. 4 if you wish to as werll. even better light penetration as less crowding and better air movement
Yea, that is kind of funny but the reason I did that is because the directions that came with the tent are in cm and the T5 light fixture is 4 ft long and about 3 ft wide so I know there is no way that could fit in the small of a tent so I will use this small one for flowering and buy another on for veg. That's why I was asking what you thought the amount of plants I could put into it.

But you know I had that damn 'stall' phase that lasted about 2 weeks that I had no growth what-so-ever except for one plant. That was in miracle grow 'potting mix', which reminds me, Is there a difference in potting soil or potting mix? Because it jacked my stuff up. As a matter of fact it may have killed most of my plants, I'm not sure yet. 4 days ago I did a transplant out of the miracle grow into FF seed starter and the one plant that always did well no matter what is growing decently, I'm still waiting on the other ones to see what happens but like I said it has only been 4 days.

I do leave the door open to the closet and run the lights 24 hours a day but for the 1st two weeks only ran them 18 hours a day on some bs ebay LED lights. That was before I bought the 8 T5 bulbs. Do you think that could be whats fucking them up now even though they have a good light and good ff mix?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
just sounds like they been through to much and are havin a hissy fit. leave em be. they know best. if they need something they`ll tell you. getting out of that mg was good. leave light at 24, more light, more growth


Well-Known Member
How many plants can I put in a tent that measures 31.446 inches by 31.445 inches by 62.992 inches or (80cm x 80 cm x 160 cm)? I have one of these and want to use it for flowering and I will pick up another one for Vegging. It's gotta be better than the hot assed closet that I am using now. LOL
I'd say 4 plants in a tent thats (80cm x 80 cm x 160 cm) or 6 plants in a tent thats (100cm x 100 xm x 200 cm).


Active Member
just sounds like they been through to much and are havin a hissy fit. leave em be. they know best. if they need something they`ll tell you. getting out of that mg was good. leave light at 24, more light, more growth
Thanks man I do appreciate the info, I think without your advice this would have gone very bad for me and my first grow. Last question - I promise (I hate bothering you), Is the idea to get the plants as close to the lights as possible so as long as they don't touch it or get burnt, correct?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
yup. there is to close but not very often we can. watch temps at tip of plants and run it more than 85. 82 is better but sometimes for temporary can handle the higher heat. run co2 and needs higher heat to open stomata and make co2 work right.,high temps will slow them and cant transpire correctly.

dont mind the q and a. its why im here. kinda part of what my job is.


Active Member
yup. there is to close but not very often we can. watch temps at tip of plants and run it more than 85. 82 is better but sometimes for temporary can handle the higher heat. run co2 and needs higher heat to open stomata and make co2 work right.,high temps will slow them and cant transpire correctly.

dont mind the q and a. its why im here. kinda part of what my job is.
If you really dont mind I'd like to learn how important Co2 is and exactly what equip I will need and the best places to buy them. I am way out of the net, I just retired from the Army and I told myself exactly what I was going to do with my first paycheck and well, now we are here, LOL.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
Co2 does what it claims of up to 30% increase yields and faster growth.
need a tank...obviously me i pay a 200 buck dep on that and 20 per refill. about every 10 days. small tank that is. need a regulator for top of tank to let it go as the meter tells it to. those arent to cheep for good ones. could skimp out and use timers....but like i said. needs to be run right to get the full bennefit.

this is what i use for mine. im not running it right now cause this grow is a waste of time to me so not worth the cost of the gas. next round will be..