Home depot menu, what's worth getting???

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and i thought you said that co owned them...they dont, they sell it is all,.not a knock against that but make up their mind what they want to do...looks like a wally world of items was all.
why dont u go to home depot and buy some i dont use MG so i dont have a sample to send but it sounds like the only fert i hear u saying is good is yours

i dont care if any of you guys believe or not. i have the science that gets me to believe. like i said...send in samples for testing then. i dont care what you people use, just trying to educate a bit is all. take it or leace it. im not knocking people for using it just most dont know what it is or why they use thing anyways. or even what our plants need
not at all. ive repeatedly said most are the same. buyin that wouldnht be worth the bus fare to me. i grow pot not veggies so i use the right foods for the right applications.
HELLO most companies these days found they had to diversify to stay competitive
because they sell other products unrelated does not mean their products are not good based on that

I cant argue with your ideal of logic
to far out there

and i thought you said that co owned them...they dont, they sell it is all,.not a knock against that but make up their mind what they want to do...looks like a wally world of items was all.
you forgot why i said its no good. 3 of 17 elements. who cares who owns it or what its called. its lacking, plain and simple. ask any experienced grower that has been at it years. dont see them using it do we. go ahead have an opinion...,we are entitled to one. i just go by science and fact not opinions or say so

im done here. getting no where now
and what the hell u think we are growing lmao
dont use this site to plug your company or brand of products that is off topic and didnt make your arguement

not at all. ive repeatedly said most are the same. buyin that wouldnht be worth the bus fare to me. i grow pot not veggies so i use the right foods for the right applications.
some of mine r doing same but it is not revegging as it is putting out fresh flowers
and looks the same as his pic
why you dont like it leave then. i was helpin the thread owner not you and im not tryin to sell shit. you want6 gh go for it fox farms all are way better. dont care whos it is. and who are you to tell me what to do son. fuk me..try n help with some info and get shit tossed at me...lol...
son, im sure i am as old or older then u so keep that son shit to your self and u said not to tell u what to do but your last post u tried to do the same to me lol
as far as helping op i was to but all u offered is all u listed is shit but look at my shit lol
and i said we can shake hands as friends and walk away but u are not letting it go and are not posting facts and thats where i argued with your statements and if that bothers u u r going to need a thicker skin to make it here

why you dont like it leave then. i was helpin the thread owner not you and im not tryin to sell shit. you want6 gh go for it fox farms all are way better. dont care whos it is. and who are you to tell me what to do son. fuk me..try n help with some info and get shit tossed at me...lol...
all i seen u offer is the products op mentioned r shit and 2 links to your company that is considered spamming
u put it out there so dont get al pissy when asked to back up your claims
but i got to go check my tomatoes maybe if i have a good crop i can buy some smoke lol
fair enough. i even apologize for the son thing. just not so used to an experienced person say this is good products. most know by then is all. then start to tell me what to say here makes you seem like a ki9d that thinks he owns it here. carry one then. not sure why you get so bent about me hating mg..does it realy matter to you that much...lol. like i said the info was for thread owner, not you. and you dont even use mg but get bent over it.
because u keep twisting my post and making them say stuff they dont i never said MG is good never said i endorse using it i just dont like people advising newbies here without putting up facts and when asked to get defensive i proved my statements have u
but i guess there is always room for one moore SIRSMOKER/LUDACRIS on this site
if i cant prove and back my statements i post i dont post it
and im not bent i posted calmly my facts u seem to be a little bent

fair enough. i even apologize for the son thing. just not so used to an experienced person say this is good products. most know by then is all. then start to tell me what to say here makes you seem like a ki9d that thinks he owns it here. carry one then. not sure why you get so bent about me hating mg..does it realy matter to you that much...lol. like i said the info was for thread owner, not you. and you dont even use mg but get bent over it.
Getting back on track; if you have a tainted water supply, Home Depot sells Reverse Osmosis filtration systems that are moderately priced and name brand.
nah i hate that lud guy./ was on other site of mine and chased off it. ya i got bent when you told me to stop posting our infio was all. when the owner of the thread wants that the3n fine. its not your call to say was all.
want the proof...look on labels on mg..,.n/p/k. thats all it is. thats was the whole point here. and im not at wpork right now to access our data. it is sunday and i do need a day off now n then.
npot sure what info of yours i twisted around...the company in link???..it says right there a seller not the owners or main co. nothing was twisted just read more clearly. is like sayin home depot owns it. they are a major seller...as lots of profist in it is why. and why we dont see reg nutes in these types of stores. reg nutes dont have much of a mark up to be honest...most..not all.
actually home depot is in partnership with them lol i didnt tell u go stop posting i offered that we shake hands and if nothing else agree to disagree so why dont we just let it go buddy and i dont feel u were really spamming or plugging you company u were just make a comparrison.Its sunday lets relax and go read someother post and maybe help someone or learn something new

nah i hate that lud guy./ was on other site of mine and chased off it. ya i got bent when you told me to stop posting our infio was all. when the owner of the thread wants that the3n fine. its not your call to say was all.
want the proof...look on labels on mg..,.n/p/k. thats all it is. thats was the whole point here. and im not at wpork right now to access our data. it is sunday and i do need a day off now n then.
npot sure what info of yours i twisted around...the company in link???..it says right there a seller not the owners or main co. nothing was twisted just read more clearly. is like sayin home depot owns it. they are a major seller...as lots of profist in it is why. and why we dont see reg nutes in these types of stores. reg nutes dont have much of a mark up to be honest...most..not all.
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